Ecuador. Not doing so hot

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    Ecuador troops take over Quito airport

    About 150 members of the security forces in Ecuador have taken over the runway at the airport in the capital, Quito, forcing it to shut down.

  • flashbender0

    Thank god they left the Qoob airport alone

  • plash0

    this airport is nested between two peeks and its absolutely stunning to fly over this city.

    unfortunately the citizens come second in this corrupt government.

    • Fucking scariest airport I've ever had to land in. You're basically diving in just past those mountains.IRNlun6
  • stoplying0

    Ecuador better get themselves in Checkuador or I'm gonna snap their Neckuador.
    Ba doom boom.

  • ernexbcn0

    The military started firing against the police that keeps the president kidnapped, shit has hit the fan 10 minutes ago.

    • (military are trying to rescue the president Correa)ernexbcn
  • boobs0

    Is this going to interfere with banana supplies?

  • sofakingbanned0

    damn thats crazy. Is the president bad over there? why are they doing this?

    • probsbly rough arounfd the edges but U.S. wants to place a president in there to trade with or take over.74LEO
  • Miesfan0

  • 74LEO0

    U.S. involved for sure.

  • 74LEO0

    Anytime there is a government take over. Especially one that American CIA can control we are in favor of it. If this doesn't get American coverage we are not in favor of it but we will put troops over there to take a side that will benefit U.S. Always the case with America. Our C.I.A probably started this. Seems strange so close to elections.

    • the people probably fought back because they are beyond poor while the government gets rich.74LEO
  • 74LEO0…

    Confirmed report: U.S. intelligence has penetrated the Ecuadorian police background


    Google translation.

    The uprising by elements of the Ecuadorian police coup against President Rafael Correa confirms an alarming report on the infiltration of the Ecuadorian police and U.S. intelligence services released in 2008, which was identified as many members of police forces developed a "dependency" to the U.S. Embassy.

    The report stated that police units "maintain an informal economic dependence on the United States for the payment of informants, training, equipment and operations."

    The systematic use of techniques of corruption on the part of the CIA to acquire the "good will" of police officers was described and reported on numerous occasions by former CIA agent Philip Agee who, before leaving the ranks of the agency, was assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Quito.

    In his official report, released in late October 2008, Ecuador's Defense Minister Javier Ponce, revealed as U.S. diplomats were involved in corrupting the police and officers from the Armed Forces.

    Confirming the incident, the headquarters of the Ecuadorian Police then announced that penalize agents who worked with the U.S. while the U.S. Embassy proclaimed the "transparency" of its support to Ecuador.

    "We work with the government of Ecuador, with the military, the police, for purposes very important for safety," said U.S. Ambassador to Quito, Heather Hodges.

    However, the diplomat told reporters she would not comment "on intelligence matters."

    The aggregate of the press, for its part, Marta Youth, flatly refused to refer to the complaints of the Ecuadorian government, including CIA involvement in a deal with Colombia that led to the Colombian military attack against the FARC in Ecuadorian territory on 1 March of that year.

    The Army's intelligence chief, Mario Pazmino, had been dismissed for withholding information related to the attack on the FARC.

    In recent months, U.S. officials appeared in Ecuador, under the pretext of deepening relations between Ecuador and the U.S.. Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Department of State Arturo Valenzuela, visited and re-visited President Correa, given to a visit by Chancellor Hillary Clinton.

    Valenzuela was accompanied by Tedd Stern, "special representative for climate change" is also known for his affinity with the CIA.

    From: Jean-Guy Allard < >
    Subject: Informe confirmado: inteligencia USA penetró a fondo la policÃ&shy;a ecuatoriana
    Date: Sep 30, 2010 3:39 PM
    Informe confirmado: inteligencia USA penetró a fondo la policÃ&shy;a ecuatoriana


    El sublevamiento de elementos golpistas de la policÃ&shy;a ecuatoriana en contra el Presidente Rafael Correa confirma un informe alarmante sobre la infiltración de la policÃ&shy;a ecuatoriana por los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos difundido en el 2008, en el cual se señalaba como muchos miembros de los cuerpos policÃ&shy;acos desarrollaban una “dependenciaâ€� hacia la Embajada de Estados Unidos.

    El informe precisaba que unidades de la PolicÃ&shy;a "mantienen una dependencia económica informal con Estados Unidos, para el pago de informantes, capacitación, equipamiento y operaciones".

    El uso sistemático de técnicas de corrupción de parte de la CIA para adquirirse la â€�buena voluntadâ€� de oficiales de policÃ&shy;a fue descrito y denunciado en numerosas oportunidades por el ex agente de la CIA Philip Agee quién, antes de abandonar las filas de la agencia, estuvo asignado a la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Quito.

    En su informe oficial, difundido a finales de octubre 2008, el ministro ecuatoriano de Defensa, Javier Ponce, reveló como diplomáticos norteamericanos se dedicaban a corromper a la policÃ&shy;a y también a oficiales de la Fuerzas Armadas.

    Confirmando el hecho, la jefatura de la PolicÃ&shy;a ecuatoriana anunció entonces que sancionarÃ&shy;a a sus agentes que colaboraban con Estados Unidos mientras la Embajada estadounidense proclamaba la “transparenciaâ€� de su apoyo a Ecuador.

    "Nosotros trabajamos con el gobierno de Ecuador, con los militares, con la PolicÃ&shy;a, para fines muy importantes para la seguridad", declaró la embajadora estadounidense en Quito, Heather Hodges.

    Sin embargo, la diplomática dijo a periodistas que no harÃ&shy;a comentarios "sobre temas de inteligencia".

    La agregada de prensa, por su parte, Marta Youth, se nego rotundamente a referirse a las denuncias del gobierno ecuatoriano, que incluÃ&shy;an la participación de la CIA en una operación con Colombia que derivó en el ataque militar colombiano contra la guerrilla de las FARC en territorio ecuatoriano del 1 de marzo de aquel año.

    El jefe de Inteligencia del Ejército, Mario Pazmiño, habÃ&shy;a sido destituido por ocultar información relacionada con el ataque contra las FARC.

    En los últimos meses, funcionarios norteamericanos se aparecieron en Ecuador, bajo pretexto de profundizar las relaciones entre Ecuador y EEUU. El secretario adjunto para el hemisferio occidental del Departamento de Estado Arturo Valenzuela, visitó y re-visitó al presidente Correa, en vista a una visita de la canciller Hillary Clinton.

    Valenzuela se hizo acompañar por Tedd Stern, “delegado especial para los cambios climáticos� también conocido por su afinidad con la CIA.

  • 74LEO0

    Condemn the attempted coup in Ecuador!
    The International Action Center protests the criminal attack by the Ecuadoran police against the popularly elected president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. We see in this illegal coup attempt the hand of the U.S. State Department and CIA in attempting to reverse the popular and progressive steps of this government. It is an assault on the sovereignty of Ecuador as well as on the democratic rights of all Ecuadorans, who have voted to elect their president and who have signaled in the most recent polls that 70 percent of them support him.

    We call on all the progressive forces in the United States to oppose in the strongest way this coup attempt that follows the efforts by right wing oligarchies in Latin America aligned with United States’ interests to overturn the gains achieved by left-leaning governments in Latin America, particularly by the countries member of ALBA. This right-wing campaign tried, unsuccessfully, to overturn the government of Evo Morales in 2008; committed the military coup in Honduras on June 2009 against democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya and has tried, again unsuccessfully, to destabilize the Bolivarian government of Venezuelan Hugo Chavez, including a failed coup in 2003.

    • 3rd world workers want better pay, better conditions and a better government but Hillary and the CIA say NO!74LEO
  • kpl0

    conspiracy theories. yay.

    • No true. Hillary Clinton and CIA are working to instill a president sympathetic to american capitalism74LEO
  • ernexbcn0

    Two doctors from the hospital Correa was supposedly being held captive said he was given attention and was asked to leave, and did not want to.

    I believe this was an orchestrated maneuver from Correa to gain popular support. I don't think there was any coup attempt at all.

    • There were pretty specific demands from the Police force as well. No organized political movement trying to overthrow his government.IRNlun6
    • ... his government.IRNlun6
    • I think he's just using the police officers demonstration to consolidate power. Kill two birds with one stone.IRNlun6
    • @IRN
      I hope you are right and the CIA is not involved but I think you are wrong. we will see.
    • If the CIA is involved, I think there's more economic incentive to be on Correa and the military's side.IRNlun6
    • ... and greater incentive undermine local law enforcement and prop up the military in public opinion.IRNlun6
    • Look for any major weapons sales in the next coming months as proof of foreign involvement.IRNlun6