I love it when clients...

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  • dMullins0

    I love it when a client...

    ...decides that in order to gain investor interest for their Initial Public Offering (IPO), they should roll out a brand new website as well! Then, they demand that said site must be completed in under three months, strictly designed/developed on their terms.

    By the way...there's no content written yet, and no real idea of what we want (which is fine, it's my team's job to help define that). Instead of INVESTING in a team of developers with expertise in your chosen CMS (.NET-based, by the way), let's instead WASTE MONEY (i.e., expense) on some fly-by-night developer we found online. Then when the project falls to pieces near the final delivery date, we can blame everything on you, the agency, because you didn't make us do something else, even though we forced your hand to do our bidding the whole time.

    In the end, as the client, I will make you feel like shit about the way things moved along and you will try to make me feel better by reducing your hourly rate for several hundred hours worth of work by a variety of people (creative, writers, AE's). Of course, that was my strategy the whole time, because I just wanted you to bang the site out as cheaply as possible, so that I could fire your agency once we finished up the website.

    Also, while working on this website, we're going to need your other teams working on a :30 second TV spot, a variety of print materials and ads, as well as a full redesign of POS/POP materials and in-aisle merchandise displays.

    Yah, that's what I call a client that puts the "F-U" in "fun."

  • moldero0

    I love it when a client...
    knows hes not an art director