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  • 3 Responses
  • isakosmo

    anyone on here a member?

    just read the CR opinion piece about designer charter status, kind of interesting concept (using the chartered status to sort the wheat from the chaff) but can't help but still not sure about the whole idea that you can measure creativity, and that need to pay membership to be assessed and practice.

    if anyone here is a member, has it done anything for you?

  • detritus0

    Isn't the American AIGA thing a similar scheme to this? If it is, might we interesting to hear about the experience within that from our friends across the pond when they come online.


    I'd never heard of these guys 'til just now, so God only knows where they've been for the last 15 years of its 80 year history that I've been paying attention to the industry. Never mind the fact that the typography and web design on that site is fucking dire.

    So no - I, for one, would rather not have to suffer a tax to an organisation which offers neither me or my clients any appreciable benefit.

    Britain's creative industry seems to have been chundering along quite nicely for the past decade or so without any intervention from a redundant bureaucratic layer that would, in my mind, only stifle the very creativity it breathes from.

    • oops sorry, tired head was assuming this would be obligatory. Of course it wouldn't. duhrr.detritus
  • ckentish0

    God that is really bad. And same here - been in the industry for 15 years and never heard of them. How bizarre.

  • zr0

    They are trying to make this obligatory, having already applied to the UK gov for CDes status:

    I actually like the idea in principle but CSD give us no idea who they are, and why they are qualified to judge our professionalism and creativity. Also, their website is drab which hardly inspires confidence.