Low Testosterone

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  • 51 Responses
  • utopian0

  • scarabin0

    don't forget tiger balls

    i eat those shits like popcorn, make me strong like bull

  • yurimon0

    I was given advice on the future health as a dude so just to pass it on.

    Exercise/ cardio and weight training, chi gong n martial arts, Look into vitamins, preferably food based for men no synthetic. note there is alot of chemical synthetic vitamins so research is key.


    Maca is good. not sure this is the best form.

    L-arginine, amino acids, or a good whey protein shake with amino acids included, I make sure it doesnt have sugar in it and its all natural. not synthetic is key.

    Fish oils, find the best freshest cold press.

    If you are balding. there maybe your good testosterone turned to bad.
    If you research the contents of these formulas.

    this is worth looking at. good quality product.

    I find Juicing is good, no centrifuge juicers. possible to put some vitamin formulas into it. figure out what you need as nutrition. be careful what you mix together, organic only.

    Most neglected part: WATER! do not drink anything from tap if you water has fluoride and chlorine and other shit is in water undermines you health. also shower and bath needs a filter also. look into http://www.bigberkeywaterfilters…
    and recommend find a good shower filter also. unless you are in a area where you are getting well water and its clean then its ok.

    Key is you need to figure out your health issues by getting a complete check out by a doc, blood work etc and research because everyone has different responses to diff things.

    If you find a good Japanese style acupuncturist. or any good well seasoned master who knows Chinese herbs, nutrition etc. if you prefer the natural route. its alot of work so your determination will determine your health

    wish you well. good luck.

    • if you go the self route research or get pro advice on what to mix together so you dont over do it.yurimon
    • Thanks so much for this, do appreciate it.mikotondria3
    • Maca +1arne
    • Actually really good advice Yuri...utopian
    • I take Maca powder. Take it every day. Make sure to get the gelatinized kind.mg33
  • mikotondria30

    Hey Yuri, normally we bicker about stuff - which I enjoy and I believe you do too - but thanks so much for your time and your considered post. Of course, thanks to all the other folks, too. I don't really do any of the thing you're supposed to not do, like drink beer or weed it up, although I don't get as much exercize as I should and I do probably eat too much soy. Haven't really had to money to eat anything other than starch and veg at the moment, so no juices or supplements or anything. Should start back up having the jabs soon, or there are a few alternatives that I hadn't tried, like Clomid etc. The gels just had no effect. Just to say my lowest ever reading was 76, normally hovers around 120 with no treatment. Doctors aren't that aware that comfortable useful levels are at least 500 and they'll often only prescribe enough to get it to 250 or so - still very low.

  • i_monk0

    Testosterone Week: How I Doubled My Testosterone Levels Naturally and You Can Too


    • That all sounds great, but I seriously can't afford to eat like that, jesus - who can ?mikotondria3
  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Sorry to hear things have gotten shitty again.
    Cant you get to your GP for Anti depressants, you don't need insurance for those do you?

    There's lots of great advice here though, solid advice with scientific backing.

    I'd start a completely new routine if i were you, sack all non work commitments off and plan out your days to best benefit you.

    What shade said on the last page is all great stuff. People have known about the effects of these for years, but Tim Ferris had the sense to put in a book.

    One thing no one has yet mentioned is sleep. Be sure to get lots of it, it greatly increases your testosterone (and helps fat loss too).

    Like shade has, ill give a list of the ones i think are most important -

    1) Multivitamin
    - particularly iron + vitamin b. These will help your energy levels and
    help fight off depression.
    2) Cold Showers/Ice Baths
    -great for growth hormone production, muscle growth, muscle recovery and immune system
    3) Brazil Nuts
    -i eat brazil nuts everyday, just put a bag in your desk draw. proven to increase testosterone and great for immune system
    4) Eggs
    -every vitamin you need apart form vit C,
    -highest quality protein

    5) Sleep
    - gets lots of, and get good sleep.
    -it increases testosterone and fat loss.
    - shower / bath before bed to relax, just get a good routine

    6) Mental health / relaxation
    - Try yoga or meditation, clear your head and improve your focus.
    - I'd recommend Yoga, you'll be more likely to do it regularly in a class. its easy to sack of meditating at home :P

    7) Exercise
    -for testosterone and growth hormone production, you want to stick to compound weight training and intense exercises.
    things like - Sprinting / Interval training.
    The change in pace from jogging lightly to sprinting and back again is incredible for testosterone. Forget long steady marathon running, you need to sprint, put your body under loads of pressure to get the hormone gains. You ever see a skinny sprinter? :P

    and for weight training whats known as 'The big 4' -
    Flat Bench press
    Dead lifts
    Chin ups

    These will work loads of muscles at once,

    Start light on all exercises to get ligament and tendon strength up to avoid injury. 3 sets of 20 repetitions should be a nice start.
    Then after a month start increasing the weight and reducing the reps to about 10 reps per set.

    Remember isolation exercises are ok, but sitting down doing a curl is only going to stress your body about 20% as much as big movement listed above would. less stress - less gains.

    8) Avoid that shitty junk food
    -I mean ready meals, crisps, chocolate bars etc
    -its full of crap that mess with everyone's internal chemical balance.
    -Im not saying dont eat sugary things, fuck i love homemade flapjack and gorge myself on it regularly, but its made of (mostly) natural stuff. Stuff you know about, not random chemicals and crap.

    Also if you struggle with energy in the morning, you probably have low blood sugar, so eat a handful/ half a handful of almonds before bed. Its proven to work. I've recommended it to about 6 people who couldn't believe how well it worked.

    I'd take note from all this advice and start a whole new plan. You might be deficient in a chemical, but you can easily change that with lifestyle changes.

    long bloody post :s
    Hope any of this helps!

  • mikotondria30

    Thanks, Hombre, do appreciate it..
    I have no idea how to do any weight training - I've never been to a gym - I've been inside to like get some pamphlets on stuff, or meet someone to go somewhere, but never as a patron. Honestly, the places stink and the endless rows of mean-faced 30-something women trying to fend off soccer-momism on those machines was such a turn off.. Then there's the weight room, which was entirely populated by just pricks. Gristly orange men looking at their arms while rock music played on shitty little speakers. More stink in there, too. I just can't go to a gym, I'm sorry. Sorry, body - sorry, future self - that place was just a pit of despair and mindlessness...
    Thanks again, though - for the suggestion.
    I don't struggle for energy in the morning, I've got my habit and like to get up before dawn, I do eat crap like choc and crisps sometimes, but not excessively and I do like eggs, very much.
    As I say, I've got insurance now so I can go to a doctor - I should probably see an endocrinologist to try to find out the cause of my low numbers - it's quite a complex system in the body that produced T, so any number of things could be wrong.

    • Wife's patience and tolerance for my change in personality is wearing very thin. I don't blame her. More fuckuppery = /mikotondria3
    • You're very welcome mate, pleased to hear you got insur now. Also gyms are tiresome, but u could get a kettle bell at home!Hombre_Lobo
    • Or get weights, or do body weight stuff! If you fancy it that is.Hombre_Lobo
    • if you hate the gym, go to the park and do some classic military style PT.monNom
    • ie: jog, pushups, situps, chinups, burpees, lunges etc. Say hoo-ah to people you pass.monNom
  • inteliboy0

    This thread is a goldmine of useful health advice.

  • oey0

    i was attacked by three girls one night.
    didn't had an erection for an entire week...

    that freaked me out.
    only after one month i was back to normal.
    by normal i mean erections all the time.

    i was on a diet for three months too recover it fully.
    no smokes, drugs, coffee, alcohol...
    good sleep, exercise, not masturbating for entire weeks.

    there are some great advices here that one should really take seriously.

    it seems hombre knows a lot about this issue.
    good for you that he went through the same.

    that's why he's lobo now.
    i guess.

  • Pupsipu0

    mikotondria3 some of your responses about orange men at the gym sound like me when I was out of shape, crazy depressed and unwilling to do much about it.

    I got a weight set though. One of those cheapshit spinlock 110 lb ones. It shocked me how out of shape I was. I could always curl 40 lb even after not working out for years. And here I was barely able to hold a 40 lb dumbbell! No fucking wonder I was totally fucked.

    Sitting on your ass all day staring at screen, going to grocery, work, and sleeping is like living as a sick patient in a hospital for YEARS. The real disease is lethargy.

    So if you don't want to go to a gym, which is understandable in your fragile mental state, get some weight equipment at home. You can actually buy everything you should need for looking like a fitness model if you have 6x10 ft of space. Refer to http://forum.bodybuilding.com/fo… for equipment, http://startingstrength.com/ for how to work out effectively. For a full body workout you need a power rack, 3-400 lb of weight, and bench.

    But with just a weight set you can get pretty far. Jefferson squats/deadlifts can hit legs well. You can bench on floor. You can throw down some 4" thick boards under you and the 17" diameter 45lb plates to get full bench range of motion on floor. You can get a trap bar, build a 4" platform for that and do a type of squat/deadlift.

    The key to lifting depression with exercise is intensity. You need to put in an hour a day, work out so hard you pant for a few minutes. Work the whole body, don't just do what seems fun.

    I wish I didn't buy a cheap spinlock set though. Wish I at least bought this http://www.ivankobarbell.com/pro… that company is like the Apple of weights.

  • Pupsipu0

    btw I did bodyweight pushups, crunches, bunch of shit with a 25 lb dumbbell before I got the weight set. It didn't do much. I couldn't or wouldn't work out with enough intensity. Doing high reps got old and I wanted to look noticeably better, which is motivating. Wasn't doing pushups all the way down. it would seem feel like forever to do a workout. Pull up bar would have helped.

    Just 100 lb of weights did the trick at first. A month later I added another 100. With a strength program it's pretty fun, you do 5-10 reps for a minute then rest for three. No burn, no pain, just a good feeling afterwards.

    With kettlebells it's harder to build muscle and see results because you need to keep adding weight and a kettlebell is fixed. Ironmaster makes an adjustable though.

    btw don't get any bowflex or quick switch dumbbells except Ironmasters or Powerblocks.

    • Yes, yes and yes - this all sounds great, thank you...We have a large garage, could easy fit some equip in there.Cheers :)mikotondria3