Fixed Nav iPhone Sites

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  • Stugoo0

    I understand you looking for a position:fixed solution for a mobile website?
    there is a way of using position absolute, and javascript to emulate this but can be clunky and can dominate the processor. (so I have read)

    otherwise postition:fixed is not supported on mobile... I've been looking for this too.

  • must_dash

    Ok, so the way the iPhone renders a site is interesting in that your nav flies off somewhere when you scroll around... are there any sites whereby this doesn't happen... e.g. there is a nav and a scrollable content area?

    Almost like a frameset type get-up... I'm sure facebook did something like that? or am I going mad...

    Also anyone know whether the iPad is going to do the exact same thing? as otherwise the browser pretty much steps on anything other than a big page you can move around.