same design different cms

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  • iamjustoneman

    hi all,

    I company has approached me to quote for implementing a new CMS for their website. They only recently had their site designed, therefore, they would like to keep it.

    The company has a contract in place with the original designers, but this comes to an end at the end of the year, no doubt they would be pissed off if there site design was still in place, but no contract.

    But legally, is the site design the property of the company, or the original designer?

  • erikjonsson0

    stated in the contract. if its not and the designers received pay for delivering designs they gave up the rights to it.

  • erikjonsson0

    on the same topic i received a question from a client the other day asking for how long Im selling them the design (website) im doing for them. They saw it as the type of stock you buy a license to use for a limited time. Made me dream of reselling the same designs every year. Sick profit hah

    • hehe, funny.iamjustoneman
    • crazy goats - so you said your licence is almost up, yeah?! hahajimzy
    • shut down the site, i got another client waiting to use it!erikjonsson
  • voiceof0

    "client the other day asking for how long Im selling them the design"
    That's licensing, and as far as I knew that is how design is supposed to work (though I admit from my experience it hardly ever does).

    "stated in the contract. if its not and the designers received pay for delivering designs they gave up the rights to it. "
    In the USA, if it's not stated in the contract that you have given the client all rights to the design you've created than the copyright falls back to the designer. The client only pays for the right to use the image(s) the designer has created.

    • ofcorse but unless its very highy conceptual or objectified like a logo or identity... its not really workingerikjonsson