Verdana 2.0

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  • 1 Response
  • TheBlueOne

    "The Ascender, Carter & Cone and Font Bureau project intends to optimize the Verdana and Georgia fonts for many new applications, including extended text formatting on websites and in print. The Georgia/Verdana project will provide a variety of enhancements to these fonts including:

    New weights and widths beyond the original four fonts in each family
    Extensions to the character sets
    Extensions to the kerning
    OpenType typographic features for enhanced typography
    “Verdana and Georgia were commissioned by Microsoft to provide the basic necessities of type on screen: sanserif and serif, in regular and bold weights with italics, designed for maximum legibility.” said Matthew Carter of Carter & Cone Type Inc. “The new additions to the font families are a natural and timely progression; they offer a wider range of typographic versatility, both on screen and in print, while remaining consistent with the originals.”

    “The expanded and enhanced Georgia and Verdana families will appeal to many who publish in print and online,” said David Berlow, co-founder of The Font Bureau. “This expansion adds breadth for creative professionals who rely on these two workhorse font families,” he added."…

  • Gucci0

    WWID (What will Ikea do)?

    • continue to sell cheap furniture and delicious meatballs to college kids?7point34
    • oh those delicious meatballs.shitehawke