IA Diagram? Please help!

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  • 14 Responses
  • dMullins

    I am working with a developer remotely on an eCommerce site.

    I have asked numerous times for more information on how he is building the backend and how it will function.

    Here is his last message:
    "The backed system that generates content for the site is now in place. This system is based around a database that contains all of the text, stylesheets, and images for the site. All requests for internal pages are redirected through a PHP script that combines layouts and database entries to create the final pages. Ecommerce results are tracked for each dynamic page. Simple database changes then allow us to tweak the design. Any design you create will work with the system as long as the following conditions are met.

    All HTML must be valid (4.01 Transitional).
    Layouts should be CSS based. All CSS in separate file.
    All text should be pulled from the database. Text in HTML comments that match entries in the database will be replaced with dynamic text without additional work on your end. Example: <!--main_text-->. For now, you should not even need to worry about this. After the layouts are create, changing the static text should be trivial."

    Here is my response:

    "Also, in regards to the eCommerce framework you've proposed, is the back-end architecture you are setting up able to handle, evaluate, interpret and react to cognitive and behavioral activities of the user? Standard to most eCommerce web presences, this is a very important aspect for marketing strategy. This is doubly important for evaluating user-centered information handling–for instance, recommendation engines, or serving up user-driven/user-defined content settings."

    I just spoke with him by phone, and he says, "I don't know what you're asking for from me."

    Honestly, all I'm asking for, sir, is a simple write-up or diagram. I need to know how things like user-driven content will be addressed. Very loose example: User likes the color red, so the special offer box will always be filled with red products.

    Am I asking the wrong question? Please help.

  • dropdown0

    Why didn't you just use this paragraph:

    "Honestly, all I'm asking for, sir, is a simple write-up or diagram. I need to know how things like user-driven content will be addressed. Very loose example: User likes the color red, so the special offer box will always be filled with red products."

    instead of pulling out the old thesaurus like you did in the original response email?

  • schjetne0

    Wow, must be hard to work when every piece of correspondence is worded like en excerpt from an academic thesis.

  • lukus_W0

    I think what you're asking is a bit vague. I think I'd have given you a similar reply.

    Is your developer using an off the shelf system?
    * If so, is there a default template already in place?
    * Can you demo the functionality of the application this way?

    If the system is bespoke...
    * Who defined the specification the developer is working against?
    * Can you get hold of this specification?

    In both cases, (imo) there should really be some kind of specification or design document. Who's managing the project?

  • dMullins0

    No one is managing the project actually.

    You have a designer and a developer working remotely, who have never met one another and have never worked together before.

    To add to that confusion, I don't think he understands what I'm asking for, and I know I don't understand his response.

  • lukus_W0

    I think you've found your problem then :)

  • dMullins0

    Project workflows like this are exactly why I am http://www.qbn.com/topics/602374… soon-ish

  • dMullins0

    Project workflows like this are exactly why I am http://www.qbn.com/topics/602374… soon-ish

  • lukus_W0

    Who's yr client dMullins .. if it's an agency job -> maybe you should speak to them about this?

  • kelpie0

    did you ask him to build in that functionality when you specified the job? that sounds like a hell of thing to assume will be there

    • I mean it sounds to me like he's been working on a simple (but powerful) cms system and you're after something a bit next genkelpie
    • Mmmm... sounds like stuff I'd expect from amazon.comlukus_W
  • Shaney0

    ^^ what kelpie said, and of course you need it cleared up but surely they are asking for a straight HTML/CSS front end to the website with the dynamic code replacing the static.

    or just ask
    "So you are asking for a straight HTML/CSS front end to the website with the your dynamic code replacing the static?"

  • kelpie0

    basically, you want the system to have a concept of different product attributes, then a memory of what each user has bought/looked at etc and for it to serve data from the attributes based on that knowledge. That in itself might be quite tricky (though obviously very do-able), especially if he didn't know you were wanting it. To then take that to its logical conclusion and have a full on personalised offering, possibly with wishlists and suggestions and account pages sounds like he's going to have to have the job re-speced and do a fuck load more work, from the sounds of things.

    Always have a well defined functional specification before anyone lifts a finger on a job like this. good luck

  • dMullins0

    The problem is the agency I work for has never done any real interactive work before. Therefore, when they hired me, they assumed I would somehow magically transform into a development/interactive project manager. What they fail to understand is that you don't just learn to do this quickly, and thus the situation that is cropping up with this project.

    As far as Kelpie's question, no I did not, and here's why. Company X realizes they need to fix their store. So Company X hires Employee X's son to do some work on the store. Agency X (where I work) is engaging with Company X to do a full-scale rebranding, marketing strategy, inclusive of the website. Employee X's son is told to keep doing what he's doing and at some point he and Agency X will align and finish the eCommerce site together.

    What no one involved seems to understand (even though I've tried to explain this numerous times) is that when Employee X's son has already built the backend for the eCommerce site, it can (and likely WILL) limit the capabilities of what can be accomplished by Agency X.

    Sorry, NDA.

  • kelpie0

    sounds like a nightmare mate. what you really need is this:


    I'm not sure how it would integrate with teh existing CMS, but it might save your bacon

    • magneto is a nightmare too though, watch out ;)lukus_W
    • *magentolukus_W
    • arg, really? I have a very good friend about to build a massive music download store with it! better tell himkelpie
    • actually, if you have 5 minutes could you possibly mail me why it is, so I can pass that on? I'm going out very soon but will reply in much gratitude soon as posskelpie
    • gratitude as soon as possible matekelpie
    • tis sent :)lukus_W
  • lukus_W0

    It does sound like a nightmare.

    First of all, I'd get in contact with the developer to find out what the backend system can do.

    If he's been employed to produce an e-commerce system, he must have been told what needs to be produced? If it turns out he's been making up the functionality as he goes along - politely tell the agency that you can't complete this job.

    If you're given useful information - use your discussion with the dev. to draft up a quick list of functionality that you think the site will be able to offer the client -> state to your agency that you need to be know what you'll be designing for, that you've been in contact with the developer and have produced a draft specification.

    Then get them to liaise with the client to start sorting out requirements.

    You will have been proactive (and will be seen in a positive light -> nice reference etc.) the agency will have a lead to work on and they can start to build up a specification to complete the project.