Navigation Question

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  • 4 Responses
  • dMullins

    I'm working on a website re-design for a new client at work, and we are tasked with a complete re-design/development of their existing site.

    We're locked in to do some spec-ish creative for a pitch meeting, and my PM keeps pushing back on this navigation.

    I wish I could show the full environment this would live in, but because of NDAs, I cannot. To describe the issue, I will say this -- the PM has insisted on putting almost every item in the site in a box, literally. As a result, I've tried to do a simple navigation, so that it is not lost in the clutter. Previous to this iteration, I had one nav item with the button behind it for active, but he pushed back on that and said the only possible way he could see it working is if the whole navigation was set on the button.

    So, I've tried it, and I know he's going to push back. All I'm trying to do is open up what little space has not been compromised already. Apparently the PM showed the revision to our president/boss/owner, and he said "it doesn't look like a navigation," to which I laughed, and quickly drafted what is below?

    Any suggestions?

  • Josev0

    Why is there this insistence to put everything into a box/container? Was there any explanation? Did you push back? You're the designer.

  • d_rek0

    Navigation becomes type instead of a button?
    If everything else is boxed in why does the nav have to be?

    Out of context it looks fine - unfortunately I think I can visualize how something like this might get immediately lost amidst a sea of similar boxed in items.

    Maybe the nav box is a unique color?

    Or like you said, maybe there is just enough space around it to 'activate' it more.

  • dMullins0

    @Derek: you're right about how it gets lost – it definitely does. Unfortunately, that's the model this agency works under. I design something with no direction, and it gets CD'd down by at least 2-4 other people. The process is so screwed here, as I think I've bitched to you about before :) I shouldn't really even have posted this, I was just angry and needed to get some sign-off from someone with a clue.

    @Josev: See above.

  • sigg0