Web Design Company Website

  • Started
  • Last post
  • 58 Responses
  • utopian0

    • can't we fucking replace this? I HATE THIS GIF!!! Seen it too much here...Coffeemaker
  • schjetne0

    Love how this is listed as their most recent project:


    Good work guys :P

  • schjetne0

    By the way, can I get a show of hands on this one:

    How many of you think a client gives a flying fuck if you use "Joomla" or "Dong Machine" or "Cumspider" or whatever the fuck the name is of what you use to build the site's backend?

    • PS This is a fucking AWESOME Joomla article right here:
    • Clients who self manage their own content might care about a CMS. If its called something inane like Joomla best keep that fact to yourself.comicsans
    • that fact to yourself.comicsans
  • vaxorcist0

    A bit of a sidetrack... but a good question....

    Q: Do clients care about Joomla or whatever backend/CMS package you're using, or if you invent your own?

    A: Depends on client... attitude, politics of the situation, etc...
    (most clients don't care as long as it does what you and they want)

    1. An IT dept person I once knew banned Joomla, as he had heard of a security hole in it in 2004..... uh, yes, but.. whatever....

    2. Some clients feel like you're reselling an almost free commodity.. the "why should I pay your rate for something I can get in a template" mindset may take over......

    3. Some clients LOVE the idea of using commonly found open source packages, as they can replace your agency more easily than if you develop your own system....

    4. Some clients can't previsualize so you have to design screenshots and/or actually make it work before they get it... this works with some CMS's better than others....

    I've used various CMS systems... and built my own, and customized some alot... the issues I actually had were square peg/round hole issues, where people made fixed technical decisions before they'd understood and made clear business choices.... tends to happen to the best of them ....

  • boobs0

    So this fucker comes in, shits in our site, we all chime in with dishing the horrible site he's presented, and it turns out the fucker has left the building?

    The guy should seriously have to face his ridicule like a man, goddammit! Nobody should be able to post such a shitty site, and escape utter derision!

  • kronikmedia0

    First of all, my sincerest apologies for the delayed response. I had to go out of town on a project and have only just returned.

    I would also like to thank everyone for taking the time to response and for all the advice received. I have tried my best to respond to everyone individually. I have included the screen name before each response so you can relate accordingly:

    comicsans, You are right, English isn't your first language. As far asking someone to proofread the site, it is a good suggestion but not very practicle nevertheless. We are in the process of editing content so in due course it will improve.

    Leigh - I had to stay with stock photography for now. I do have plans to replace with originals sometime soon. London offers amazing opportunities to take pictures for the site. It's just a matter of finding some time to go out with my digital camera and take some original shots. In between 10 hour working days, it can be difficult. It is my list of things to do.

    ceiling_cat- I agree there is way too much text. This is one of the top most items in my 'To do' List. In two years of starting the site, the site has grown so fast in terms of new business enquiries and leads that it has become difficult to deal with even project proposals in time.

    ceiling_cat- Thank you for being constructive with your advice as opposed to some .

    With regards to links, I agree there are too many links currently. But 90% are internal links. We want to do away with the left links completely, however are being cautious as we literally rely on our organic ranking on Google for new customers and surprisingly our internal pages currently rank very well.

    However, I know we need to get rid of some links and I have added it to the list of changes to be implemented next.

    ceiling_cat - With regards to getting a book on web standards, I get your point, however I am too busy at the moment working on multiple projects so it will have to wait for some time.

    Coffeemaker - As you can see it has become exciting! .. More than I thought.

    airey - You are right in many ways. The site was actually build by a developer. However on a positive note I would like to add that there are many parameters to judge how good or bad a website is . Design is one factor. However if commercial success is considered as a parameter then the site has proved more successful than I had initially imagined.

    I started the site 2 years or so ago when I left my job at a reputed IT firm. At first it was simply to get freelance projects. However in this time, it grew and we now have 10 full time colleagues/employees.

    I agree, there are a lot of negatives about the site, just like with other sites or applications.

    In spite of all the negatives the site is a very valuable asset and has resulted in full time career for 10 of us within 2 years. Its not Google but nevertheless provides all of us with full time employment.

    Believe it or not, inspite of the poor coding and design, the site actually generates reasonably good quality traffic. One of the blogs in particular has many active followers and subscribers who regularly email or comment positively on the articles.

    I am sure you will agree that even the less experienced and poor developers like us have a right to earn a living and learn as we go.

    The other 2 blogs are maintained and edited by editors with relatively less experience but it is a blog and represents the editor's views.

    From a business point of view, the site generates a lot of business in terms of new projects as well as new users on the blog side. There is a very high conversion rate for new projects.

    At the same time other sites are there which claim to be compliant and perfect, may look beautiful but have no real value for anyone.

    Yes there are issues to fix on the site and opportunities to improve.

    xcreonx - In response to strange, Random capitalization on the site, We are in the process of editing the content across the site. This should be addressed alongside. Thank you once again for offering constructive advice.

    BusterBoy - No, we don't have lots of people manning the phones. But we are not as un-successful as you think. Most of us have successful careers in this field. But of course you know so much more so I am assuming you are really successful yourself.

    I am sure you will agree that even the less experienced and poor designers and developers like us have a right to set up a business and learn from the more successful and experienced like others on this site.

    airey - Regarding the source code, I cannot agree more. It is not a div based design. It was built by developer and is still table based, which is outdated. The code needs thorough cleaning and is being made into a fully div based site. However once again, as the site generates so many enquiries it has been difficult to plan a full revamp yet.

    schjetne -- Sorry for sonding dumb, but I still don't know if you are taking the piss (If you are not in UK, this means you are kidding) or being genuine when you say you like the site and the 3 blogs.

    Incase you are kidding, then the 3 blogs exist because they are on different topics, one is on SEO, other in web-design and Joomla.

    More importantly, however the 3 editors have completely different backgrounds. One is a consultant with IBM with 10 years experience, another is programmer with 2 years experience and another is a Newbie designer with 5 months experience. It wouldn’t be OK to combine articles from such diversity on to one blog.

    schjetne -- In response to your question, 'how many clients care about Joomla or not', I can only share my experience.

    I have been working with Joomla for the past 4 to 5 years since it was only Mambo. In my experience, until last year clients did not care what CMS was used. However in the last year, I have seen an increase in the number of clients who know about Joomla. From the last year onwards at least 2 of my projects per month are where clients have themselves requested Joomla. That’s 24 projects last years where customers specifically requested Joomla.

    A long response but there were a lot of comments that needed to be answered.

    • out of town = been writing that response for 4 daysneue75_bold
    • can you repost the answers with corresponding questions/comments?ceiling_cat
    • This reply is as transparent as grandma's underpants.ETM
  • dMullins0


  • ceiling_cat0


  • kronikmedia0

    Well first everyone complains that there is no response. Finally when I do respond, its too long. All i have done is answered to every comment made to me.

  • detritus0

    I need some kind of hyperstrobing Picard facepalm uber gif to insert here.

  • era4O40

    you should consider adding some design to that site.

  • kronikmedia0

    True. I definitely agree. I did not list the site here as a design example because I know it needs serious work. The site just kind of grew over last 2- 3 years. It's too wordy and still table based design which is not valid any more. I will be changing the design very soon. I had only put the site here as a way to introduce myself here.

  • rodzilla0

  • kult0

    Just a general thought.. when you take the piss, where do you then put the piss?

  • fiesta0

    utterly horrible site, just screams SEO snake oil

  • kronikmedia0

    It does generate a lot of business via organic listings though.

    • and it's a tragedy that you're stopping more competent designers doing the work.jamble
  • schjetne0

    Delusion is a comfortable state.

  • ETM0

    Kronik - Bottom line, you saw a popular, high traffic site and wanted your links posted for SEO reasons. More obvious by direct linking each of the 3 blogs.

    Its fairly pointless to try to advertise a 'web design site' to like professionals who are not going to be clients. Its sort of borderline spam and so deal with the responses.

    If you were an actual contributor to the community rather than just sign up to post your links, you would have known what response you would have gotten.