Brad Pitt Rocks!

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  • 7point340

    why are we as a people so concerned with the opinions of others?

  • MarleyMarl0

    gramme: do you have any friends who aren't raving loonie god lovers?

  • Mimio0

    It's not the law's responsibility to respect religious ideals. This is isn't Iran.

  • ceiling_cat0

    wen i created teh urth, i sed let me luk like bred pit

  • BRNK0

    The commonly accepted definition of a religious moderate in the atheist community is on the other end of the spectrum from a fundamentalist... a person who ignores large parts of their so-called holy text in order to rectify their religious beliefs and their modern lifestyle.

    When someone says "Everyone can believe what they want to." They are giving intellectual shelter to religious extremists who act out some of the loonier, more violent things written in the world's various "holy texts". I believe this is an amoral idea to postulate.

    We've decided as a society that certain types of beliefs and behavior are simply harmful to the world (since by definition a true belief necessarily dictates action), like believing that children are suitable sexual partners or that a certain race of person is inferior and needs to be eradicated. Why then can you hold other, possibly equally harmful beliefs, if you do so under the banner of religion? As an institution throughout history religion has done much harm and should not enjoy the untouchable status it currently has in our society. Certainly no other equally valuable and helpful social institution, such as politics, enjoys such a status.

    I'm pretty sure that you'd have a hard time finding atheists that are against gay marriage because the corner stone of atheism is rational thought and science has proven that homosexuality is a natural state (there is a gay gene), not a choice. Therefore opposing gay marriage is a restriction of civil rights.

    Sorry for being inflammatory in my original post. I enjoy level headed discussions of this sort.

    • not to mention the cornerstone levied against gay rights is a religious objection.7point34
    • Exactly.7.34Mimio
    • A gay gene? A serial killer gene? a rapist gene? so on... faulty?numero1
  • sea_sea0

    i should have known.. i really don't have time for this do i?
    *holds palm to head. (nothing against you gramme.)

  • gramme0

    MarleyMarl: yes, I do have non-Christian friends. I'm a graphic designer after all. Christians are in the minority in my circle of colleagues. I've always been a theological/religious outsider when working for other people. I'm fine with that. I actually get along pretty well with people of all sorts. I even have friends with whom I can have heated debates and never agree, but we somehow still manage to clink pint glasses at the end of it all.

  • Coffeemaker0

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ornare nulla quis dui commodo bibendum. Aenean quis sem at nunc venenatis dapibus. Curabitur sit amet tincidunt felis. Maecenas lacinia eleifend lorem sit amet pharetra. Aenean vitae libero eget diam venenatis lacinia. Donec sit amet quam eget ante pretium imperdiet elementum a libero. Donec tempus egestas dolor et malesuada. Sed ac mauris id quam fermentum ullamcorper. Vivamus elit turpis, bibendum ac cursus sit amet, auctor ut diam. Fusce id neque quis leo porta lobortis. Aliquam semper blandit porta. Aenean elementum lectus at nisl venenatis a pulvinar arcu semper. Nulla velit nunc, consequat at hendrerit interdum, bibendum quis orci. Vivamus mattis, dolor venenatis auctor semper, purus est scelerisque dui, ut pretium dui ipsum a metus.

    Nulla varius felis eget neque iaculis porttitor. Cras rutrum faucibus ornare. Sed vitae metus ipsum. In quis augue aliquet lectus tincidunt auctor a a lacus. Phasellus felis enim, facilisis in ornare id, volutpat non turpis. Donec non felis massa, id eleifend metus. Sed turpis libero, scelerisque nec egestas ac, lobortis sit amet odio. Suspendisse sodales faucibus tortor sed vestibulum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut porttitor accumsan urna, eget interdum felis scelerisque in. Fusce quis augue ut enim dignissim volutpat.

    Sed ultricies ornare neque eget consectetur. Donec venenatis convallis dolor dictum dictum. Aliquam magna elit, porta nec scelerisque vel, viverra vitae arcu. Integer ornare nisi sed tellus blandit laoreet. Fusce non luctus diam. Vestibulum nec purus vel libero consequat volutpat vel vitae orci. Fusce egestas suscipit risus, ornare aliquam velit accumsan a. Quisque sit amet sem magna, vitae vulputate dolor. Donec tincidunt quam ac nunc tincidunt sit amet hendrerit diam fermentum. Nunc tortor tellus, pulvinar et sodales sed, dictum nec erat. Donec quis diam nisl, eu blandit purus. Aenean tincidunt ornare consectetur. Donec mattis venenatis pretium. Duis tellus magna, suscipit vel laoreet id, vestibulum eget ante.

    Nullam vehicula turpis congue neque consequat auctor. Sed rutrum justo non ligula dictum non pellentesque risus blandit. Nunc iaculis varius mi sollicitudin rutrum. Vivamus eleifend, eros sit amet cursus hendrerit, diam erat gravida erat, vel bibendum urna libero ac tortor. Mauris nisl lorem, mattis at luctus in, porttitor at nibh. Fusce convallis, sapien eget consequat imperdiet, neque neque tempus elit, non aliquet eros quam non erat. Mauris mattis condimentum porta. Aenean tellus metus, rutrum iaculis feugiat vel, elementum nec felis. Vestibulum vitae est lectus. Phasellus quis dolor ac risus fermentum consectetur. Vestibulum interdum tortor vel mi vulputate sit amet bibendum nunc sagittis.

    Nunc sed ligula mi. Aenean non quam arcu, eget elementum massa. Ut ut pretium augue. Sed vehicula, leo quis porta pulvinar, leo augue condimentum justo, ut ultricies risus lacus quis ipsum. Vivamus id nisl ut neque mattis dignissim. Nullam sed odio nibh, et faucibus lacus. Etiam interdum tempus lectus, id condimentum velit tempor sit amet. Nunc vitae massa quis metus imperdiet luctus. Curabitur nibh velit, consectetur a aliquam id, tincidunt sed metus. Nullam sollicitudin laoreet massa non pharetra. Vivamus lobortis hendrerit nibh, in rhoncus lectus tempor quis. Aliquam sodales ornare neque, nec vehicula tortor laoreet id. Praesent egestas faucibus urna at ornare. Nullam eu malesuada nisl. Sed sed quam ut velit tempor aliquet in a nunc. Vivamus placerat tincidunt enim, sit amet ullamcorper mi placerat at. Fusce vitae scelerisque urna. Duis ultricies, mi vel bibendum vehicula, ipsum urna pulvinar ipsum, et ornare ligula enim hendrerit lacus. Proin dui metus, vestibulum sit amet laoreet quis, semper nec risus. Pellentesque cursus porttitor dolor, nec consectetur ipsum dignissim sit amet.

    • ooops, sorry, wrong window/application...Coffeemaker
    • Nice raggramme
    • i just scratched my ass on that rag. what a relief..Coffeemaker
    • itchiness abounds in the great outdoors.gramme
    • old school catholic! The latin gave you away :)TheBlueOne
    • yeah i always tend to write latin when i didn't get my meds in time...Coffeemaker
  • utopian0

  • fooler20

    No Religion
    Pro Pot
    Pro gay marriage

    he has my vote!

  • mg330

    Great interview; I do like seeing him talk with people and read interviews about him. He's really one of those stars that is 110% genuine and always seems to mean well.

  • __TM0

    good to know that Brad roles the best joints in Hollywood

  • Tungsten0

    He seems like a cool dude,
    I would still never trust him to be alone with my girlfriend though, my apartment would be full of socially conscious babies with chiseled jawlines before I knew it.

  • locustsloth0

    "it's not my way or any other Christian's way; it's God's way. That's neither pretentious nor close-minded; it merely implies a source of faith which some possess and others do not."

    That's a nice neat little sentence, that last one. Kinda reaches around and starts gobbling it's tail until *POP*.. it's as if it were never there

    • It's not like it's an exclusive club man. The possession of faith is a matter of revelation, not intelligence or performance.gramme
    • —Nor is the reasoning circular; you just don't like the fact that faith can't be empirically disected.gramme
    • And that it can provide answers.gramme
    • my point was that you begin by saying it's not pretentious and then end the sentence sounding pretentiouslocustsloth
    • Ah, well that's what we call a matter of opinion.gramme
    • ...and misunderstanding.gramme
  • version30

    he was on the floor.... not drunk mind you, but busy rolling the most beautiful joint i've ever seen.

    -Maher on Pitt

  • ukit0

    Let's face it, it's easy to be handsome, nonchalant, socially conscious, and smoke weed all the time when you're rich.

    • exactly, when I do it 'm considered a loser. minus the handsome partTungsten
    • handsome maybe not so muchversion3
    • he said, he didn't smoke anymore.akrokdesign
  • version30

    he owns these

  • Coffeemaker0

    some say religion is a genetical issue, you know, like albino's only less rare.

    think of it of a disease. religious people have it, in the way gay people are sick, and negro's, jews etc.

    • i didn't type that. evil demons take over after an aggressive wasp injected poison in me today..Coffeemaker
    • Nobody says that.gramme
    • i just wanted to end this thread with a comment that just doesn't make sense..Coffeemaker