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  • Gucci0

    A good (read: fucking awesome) printer might have mentioned it, but I don't think you can really blame them.

    I'd be inclined to flip out too but they might not have noticed the increase of 4mm of white space.

    Shitty deal. Sorry to hear.

    • I know man, I am not trying to blame anyone really, as it's no-ones fault, it's just a fucking arse ache!!!!.chossy
  • chossy0

    he he, fuck sake :'(

    It's nobody's fault really I mean fuck it but it's just a very annoying item which has almost made me go berserk!!!!!

  • janne760

  • chossy

    Absolutely everything.

    I got some cd's printed up and duplicated etc.

    I got the printers to give me a proof which looked wicked cool, so I went back to the online store I bought the fancy cd's in and sent them off to the printers to get the full run done. Now these cd's have changed ever so slightly, in that the white area for printing in is now wider by 4 more millimeters in radius, therefore my text is now not in the center of the white area for printing, there is an extra 4 millimeters of white on the outside edge of the disc.


    Should the printers have bothered pointing it out to me that the discs I have supplied to them are slightly different or would they give a fuck?. I have fully resigned myself to having to tell the client that there is a difference between the first cds I bought and the new ones but I really want to fucking scream!!!! it's a total cunt, it's stuff like this which turn people into total control freaks and absolute sticklers for detail etc. etc.