optimize GIF

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  • hiatus

    Whats the best way to optimize a GIF file. I use Ps CS3 and in 'save for web' I play with the lossy-minimize colors, no dither and transparency. But is there a better way to keep the qualilty hi and keep the file really low. such as 256 color- zero lossy and reducing the file size in some other software??


  • ribit0

    In Image Ready I used to choose 256 color but play with the settings for Adaptive, Web etc (I think Adaptive was best?). Can't remember what dither. I think you can see live preview and resulting file size in the Optimized view?

  • fyoucher10

    Get rid of small details and gradients, if possible. Those create more colors, which in turn creates higher file sizes. Clean shit up, sometimes an area will look like a solid color but when you zoom in it's a bunch of similar colors. Textures and shit like that create large file sizes. I usually go back in and delete similar colors in the color palette, one by one. You should use dither, just don't set it to max. The file size jump occurs at 100 and 99 dither threshold. Adding lossiness drops file size significantly but can also make it look like pure shit at the same time. Essentially, you just want to use less colors.

    Fireworks is the best program to use b/c that's what it's for but PS 'Save For Web' isn't bad either, plus it's quick if you're already in PS.

  • hiatus0

    Thats my F**in' problem the design given to me is already made and has lots of F*** gradients. So was wondering if bring the Gif to another program was an option, but which program?? :/

  • acescence0

    gif seems like the wrong file type here. they're good for large areas of solid color, but the way they store pixel info makes them terrible for photos and gradients. jpg or png will yield better results for the size. if it has to be gif, then the designer needs to be in on the optimization process, they need to design for the delivery medium