monitor profiles & calibration

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  • acescence0

    calibrate to about 2.2 gamma. mac default is 1.8, which is why macs look brighter than pcs, which is 2.5. also note that if you're saving images with ICC profiles, a lot of apps disregard the profile, so the colors change. i think it's best to apply the profile to the image and not save it with the image.

  • section_014

    I have my monitor calibrated for print work but, I do both print and web. When I look at other people's monitors around the office (non designers), their monitors are much brighter then mine. Some people's are so conrasted, the colors look quite different on my monitor than theirs.

    I'm on a pc and have been bringing in my macbook to test sites and it's color is brighter as well. However, I've never calibrated it.

    Basically, I'd like to run 2 profiles. One for print and one for web. The profile I run for print is quite accurate and I'm happy with it. I'm just not sure what to use as a standard or reference for creating a web profile. 99% of people plug in their monitors and never adjust anything. But with so many variations out there, well, it's tough to know what to do.