i've just wasted 4 hours on Omegle

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  • 72 Responses
  • mg330

    You: Hello.
    Stranger: hi
    You: I have no idea what stinks in my fridge
    Stranger: from?
    You: There's no fresh food of any kind in there
    You: it's all in jars, sealed tightly, and something smells rotten
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • mg330


    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Kate?
    You: Jack?
    Stranger: Kate Minscro?
    You: Jack Wagner?
    Stranger: I've finnally found you
    You: You have no idea what this means to me.
    Stranger: I've been searching for so long
    You: Let's run away and die together
    You: not now, of course, but later in life
    Stranger: never tell anyone
    You: not a word
    Stranger: it can be our little secret
    You: I'll sew my lips shut
    Stranger: but then we can't kiss
    You: Speaking figuratively of course
    Stranger: I'm over you
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • boobs0

    I had a beautiful experience over there

  • bjm0

    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Stranger: hello
    You: hello
    Stranger: how are you?
    You: the name of the typeface used for the Omegle is hobo
    You: fyi

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • mg330

    3887 users online
    the Funadvice Traffic Exchange
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hii
    You: You're not going to believe this but I just fainted for nearly a minute
    Stranger: why
    You: there has been an awful odor in my fridge for a few weeks
    You: and I finally decided to discover the source
    Stranger: what was it
    You: unscrewed jar after jar after jar until I found it: rotten prunes
    You: didn't even know I had any
    You: the smell knocked me out
    Stranger: haha wow
    You: what a friday
    Stranger: good story
    You: thanks
    Stranger: can you tell it again
    You: with more gusto?
    Stranger: sure
    You: you're not going to believe this, but I just fainted for nearly a minute
    Stranger: WHHYYY
    You: and I caaan baarerly tyype bcuz i am hopdlding gauze to my forehead
    You: fellld and hit my headd on kitchenn sink
    Stranger: WHY
    Stranger: WHATTTT
    You: not sure to call 911 or notd
    You: i hadd thiss smell in refridgearator
    You: neededz to find it so opened all theseea jars
    You: and when found it the smell heiit me like an atom bomb
    You: and must haave fainted
    You: cat woke me up
    Stranger: oh shitttttttt
    You: yea
    You: not good
    You: it wass old prunes!
    Stranger: are you ok now
    You: don't have an idea of how they gott there. maybe when my mom visited?
    You: blood all over. my poor wireless mac keyboard. :(
    You: real woozy here
    Stranger: OHHHHHH
    Stranger: guess what
    You: yeah?
    Stranger: i was being sarcastic about the good story tell it again thing
    Stranger: sawwyy
    You: what a dick/bitch you are! here I am in pain and you have to pull some shit like this. worthless fuck!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • gabe0

    fun times...

    You: you better not lie to me this time, stranger...
    Stranger: BUT THE URGE
    Stranger: YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE.
    You: you say that EVERY TIME
    Stranger: please cant we just WORK THROUGH THIS?
    You: i caught you in bed with my MOTHER
    You: how can you even begin to explain that?
    Stranger: It was dark
    Stranger: You look alike
    You: she's 97 !!!!
    Stranger: IM BLIND
    Stranger: YOU KNOW THIS
    Stranger: YOU COW
    You: you're right, i'm sorry
    Stranger: get back in the kitchen.
    You: do you still like your omelettes with 3 eggs?
    Stranger: your sister makes them better.
    You: you said we'd never bring that up again.
    Stranger: i say a lot of things, stranger

  • armsbottomer0

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Fornarina!
    You: sorry, i don't speak hobbit
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • DrBombay0

    I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face I hate ur face

  • inhaler970

    you know what would be even better, is to just read current conversations.

  • kodap0

    this reminds me irc chatrooms 12 years ago

  • irrelevant0

    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: peace
    Stranger: are you lonesome?
    You: not really.. you?
    Stranger: not right now
    You: cool, what did you have for dinner
    Stranger: toast. you?
    You: toast, for dinner.. damn recession has you bro

  • neferiu0

    Stranger: u listen to protest the hero?
    You: who the hell is this?
    You: why are you here?
    Stranger: u listen to protest the hero?
    Stranger: u listen to protest the hero?
    Stranger: u listen to protest the hero?
    Stranger: do you?
    You: i listen to spam
    Stranger: u listen to protest the hero?
    You: recordings of spam
    You: performances of recordings of spam
    You: recordings of performances of interpretive dances based on spam
    Stranger: eric?
    You: protest the hero can suck my dick
    You: ys i am eric

  • neferiu0

    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: what?
    You: what do you want?
    You: answer me!
    You: what do you want from me?
    You: for christs sake, answer me.
    You: for the love of god, what do you want?
    You: billy?
    You: is that you billy?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • Point50

    I was messing around with this on Thursday. I kept getting death threats D:

  • iCanHazQBN0

    Stranger: hi
    You: ey
    Stranger: nice to meet you
    You: it is nice to meet me, isnt it
    You: pretty nice to meet you
    You: i am honored
    Stranger: yeah
    You: do you wanna take a nap with me
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • pencilpants0

    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: De acordo com os Termos de Serviço você aceitou a usar este chat cliente, esta conversa tem sido monitorado e gravado pela Internet Serviço de Protecção da Criança, como licenciada pela Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Você está recebendo este aviso, devido a uma potencial violação do direito E.U.. Seu endereço de IP foi gravado e enviado para o Federal Bureau of Investigation, que irá rever o chat log e solicitar todas as informações de contato de seu Internet Service Provider, e prosseguirá com uma investigação criminal, se necessário. Se você acha que esta sessão foi registrada no erro, entre em contato com o escritório local do FBI no prazo de 24 horas e citar o número de referência # 2334531-0.343.
    If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.

  • _me_0

    Stranger: hi
    You: wibble
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • _me_0

    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: ¿
    Stranger: What the fuck kind of symbol is that you muppet?
    You: its a fuckin question mark innit
    You: upside down like
    You: woah
    Stranger: It's upside down you tosspot.
    You: duh
    Stranger: Wait. Hold on a minute. Don't tell me you're fucking English?
    You: haha
    You: eyoop nobhead
    Stranger: Good on ya, as am I.
    You: north of england born n bred, strong int arm , thick int head
    Stranger: Basically, the reason I'm here is to recruit pure bloods like yourself into the National Front.
    You: hahahahaaaaaa
    Stranger: We, much like yourself, are fed up of all the fucking pakis and coons.
    You: gimme youre best shot - convince me
    Stranger: Convince? Piss off mate, as if you need any convincing
    Stranger: Look at the state of our country
    You: its more the state of the minds that are in it
    Stranger: Every seconds person's called Ding Dong Patel, all the coons are swarming in from their shit-infested countries out in Africa, getting free medical care/government grants, robbing US TAXPAYERS out of fucking coin, during a recession when EVERY LAST PENNY COUNTS
    You: do you vote?
    You: do you know your local MP?
    Stranger: Our aim is to round 'em all up and flick them on the next boat back to Africa, via India. One way ticket.
    Stranger: Of course I do.
    Stranger: Am I getting through to you?
    You: thats a long boat trip. it'd save taxpayers money if you just shot them all down an empty coal mine
    Stranger: Well come on mate, we've got to be realistic here.
    Stranger: We can't just go around shooting black folk.
    Stranger: I mean, by all means do it
    Stranger: I won't say shit
    You: good.
    You: coz it already happens
    Stranger: But it'd be much more 'humane' for us to just give them a nudge in the right direction innit.
    You: a nudge down a mile deep pit - theres hundreds of empty pits in yorkshirte y'know
    Stranger: just give 'em a few kicks in the head, let 'em know they're not wanted 'round these ways, go to the docks to see 'em off, might even wave goodbye if I'm feeling chirpy..
    You: i cant believe you've never heard about it - wave them off on a boat????? are you really part of the fight???? you sound like a fuckin pansy liberal cunt
    Stranger: Heard about what? The pits in Yorkshit?
    Stranger: Fuck Yorkshire, best thing that came outta that shithole were Leed United. 'Nuff said.
    You: yeah, chuckin the fuckin paki coonts down 'em...
    Stranger: Of course I'm part of the 'flight' you tosspot.
    You: then whats this about puttin em on a boat??? whos payin for that?????????????
    Stranger: We're just looking out for our countries best interests.
    Stranger: They're paying for it.
    You: oh right. sure they are
    You: we'll get the polish to build it for free too right?
    Stranger: Already underway my friend. Can you keep a secret?
    You: and like throwing pakis down coal mines isn't one?
    Stranger: Down at the docks in Dover, we've got about 20 members working on one
    You: a boat?
    Stranger: The fuckers going to be big enough to fit 5,000 of the scum fucks.
    Stranger: Yes a boat.
    You: thats a ship then, not a boat
    Stranger: Boat, ship, who the fuck cares. Point is they're all going to be heading back home, where they belong.
    Stranger: Obviously it's going to take several years to get rid of them all
    You: would it be like a cruise ship?
    Stranger: No. It'll have the bare essentials.
    You: coz thered be lots of places to drop em off
    Stranger: One toilet, and plenty of deck space for them to sleep on.
    You: not just one place... i mean they could go to france or sommat
    Stranger: France? Are you out of your fucking mind?
    You: but...
    Stranger: Not that I give a fuck about France.
    Stranger: Frog tossers
    Stranger: But they've got enough coons as it is
    You: no i mean if they all have to go back to where they came from - thats a lot of places...
    You: so it'd be like a cruise ship boat
    You: P&O
    You: pakis and others
    Stranger: We're just dropping them in Africa
    Stranger: Probably Lagos, Nigeria
    Stranger: They can all make there way home from there
    Stranger: The biggset disgrace is, when I set off to Wembley to watch my fucking country, ENGLAND, play a game of footy, I see fucking coons wearing our WHITE strip.
    You: haha... what about all the foreign premiership footballers?
    You: would thay all go too?
    Stranger: No. They're staying
    Stranger: But they won't be getting paid, and they'll be caged up.
    You: until they play?
    Stranger: Yes
    You: then back in a cage
    Stranger: Yes
    You: awesomeism
    Stranger: They'll be allowed to train, under close guard
    You: maybe put them all in one big cage and chuck a football in and put it on setanta
    Stranger: If they try anything, even if they crack a joke, knife to the throat my friend.
    You: what about the queen being german?
    You: what do we do about that?
    You: gas chamber?
    Stranger: Funny you mention that, we were thinking of chucking them all on a farm up north.
    Stranger: Making a reality TV show out of it
    Stranger: No food, no drink
    You: should be lancashire
    Stranger: Just niggers squabbling on a farm
    Stranger: Now that's what I call a comedy
    Stranger: Imagine it..
    You: i bet she has a great pair of wellies
    Stranger: it'd be like a prison
    You: what about gays?
    Stranger: The Queen? Mate, there wont be no 'queen' when we take over that'd for sure.
    You: what to do wi them?
    Stranger: Gay's will be shot on sight.
    Stranger: *that's
    Stranger: Dubstep.
    Stranger: Views?
    You: so, lemme get this straight, no blacks, coons, pakis, gays, polish any otyher ethnic origin whatsoever, just engliash loud and proud watching the royal family on a farm in lancashire will do you right , right?
    Stranger: Yes mate
    Stranger: Anyways im off
    You: good luck on your council estate dickhead
    Stranger: a niggers throwing watermelons at my mansion
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    brilliant, mental, but brilliant!

  • lowimpakt0

    ^ that is/was mental.

    recruiting for the national front on that.. too funny.

    what does this mean??

    "Stranger: Gay's will be shot on sight.
    Stranger: *that's
    Stranger: Dubstep.
    Stranger: Views?"

  • liveforever0

    like speed-dating