pickle 2.0

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  • 9 Responses
  • sigg

    new dilemma, same sorry s.o.b.

    i was laid off almost two months ago now. i contacted a creative agency i used to work for and they got me in front of a pretty well known design agency as a freelance art director. the only problem is that the only thing i've been art directing is jack and squat. so far i've been the production guy on banner ads ("hey, here's a banner ad, we need it in 10 different sizes. go") and production artist tweaking pages that have already been designed ("hey dummy, we need the copy changed on these pages, and make another page based off of this one")

    work is work, and in this economy i'm lucky to be working, but as i sit here basking in a fart that i just laid, i can't help but wonder: this isn't helping my career. i feel like i should stop working here, collect unemployment and really focus on re-designing my site. once that's done really focus on getting THE RIGHT job, not just a job. in the meantime i can do a lot of updates to the house that i've been wanting to do but didn't have the time.

    1) keep working here for a minimal wage per hour as a banner ad production artist
    2) quit, update my site and resume to the caliber it should be at, collect unemployment and finally paint my damn bathroom cause right now it's pink. i have a pink bathroom people.


    ps. i haven't heard back from the company i interviewed at last week. :(

    this sucks.

  • cirquemedia0

    What part of the country/states are you in?

  • MHDC0

    -Get a night gig pulling taps. Follow through with option two.


    Every piece of downtime/lunch hour/ smoke break at shit-gig, work on your portfolio. At least it would be on their dime.

    • i'd hate to get caught and have them complain to my recruiter. but i have been doing that little by little.sigg
  • Bluejam0

    why can't you update your website, paint the bathroom and collect a paycheck? you ain't at work 24 hours a day and i'm sure whilst work is a bore at the moment, it's money so take it. another option is to impress your current employer that you are more than just production.

    • word.MHDC
    • Good points here!boobs
    • sound advice. i should probably have mentioned my 2 hour commute, and that by the time i get home...sigg
    • i'm so f*cking wiped all i want to do is go to bed.sigg
    • also, the trouble is this agency is so big they have a reputation for treating their freelancers like crap.sigg
    • the freelancer next to me has been freelancing a 2 month contract for 9 months now. so...sigg
  • cirquemedia0

    Dude, I feel your pain... I got laid off last year after almost three years at a local ad agency. I was unemployed for 6 long months (the longest I have ever been unemployed in my life, used to working up to three jobs, kid you not)... Took unemployment for 3 months, freelanced for my usual clients and connections, than took a temp job with a marketing department. That ended and a week later I got a call from an ad agency I had interviewed with a year ago. I needed the job and needed the money. Took the job out of necessity and making more money than I have ever made in this super sh*t economy and HATE IT. I've come to find, finding the right job, the right people and chemistry is all that matters. Soooo, my suggestion for you is to take the time to do it right and just "survive". Things work out. When I lost my job, I thought I was f*cked. Bust your ass and be both patient and persistent. Companies are always looking for talent and things will turn around. I not only say this, but plan on doing it. Me and my girlfriend are moving in May (most likely to Portland) with no jobs waiting for us, in hopes of finding happiness and a future. It is a leap of faith and could be potentially suicide for both our careers and our savings, but we are both looking for change and willing to take a chance.

    • thanks for you insight, honesty and advice. good luck to you too cirque. sounds like good advice right there.sigg
    • No problem. I was just about to post that pickle pic (below), but he beat me to the punch.cirquemedia
  • TheBlueOne0

    • omg... LOL. thanks for the laugh TheBlueOne. haha.sigg
  • babaganush0

    Raymond K.Hessel

  • GetRefresh0

    do #2 by night (sans quitting your day gig), then do #1 once #2 is completed.

  • BattleAxe0

    you only live twice, so just get up and GTFO, save up maybe 1 months salary and hit the scene with you new site, Im gonna go with a 99% chance that you will not be seriously injured or have a near death experience so it wont hurt, and you will feel better about doing what you want to do, not what other want you to do,

  • chuparosa0

    Have you considered discussing the situation with your agent at the creative placement agency? If the fit is not right you should let them know. Personally, I feel like it is more professional to move along at the official end of the assignment. There's no need for your assignment to drag on longer than the official end especially if it is not working out but at least your agent will know and he/she can find another candidate. That way in the end, no one is upset.

    • there is no official end of the assignment. they said 2 months, but the lady next to me has been on a 9 monthsigg
    • "2 month" contract. so there is no real end in sight.sigg