Piyush Says

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  • 7 Responses
  • SkyPoo

    This guy seems to know his stuff. I'm going to suggest hooking him up with Luis and from now on whatever Piyush says is what I'm going to believe...


    # Piyush Says:
    September 13th, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    Microscopic Black hole:
    If LHC will generate microscopic black hole then there are three possibilities.
    1. Scientist will able to trap it.
    2. Scientist will not be able to trap it but they can see it.
    If they can not trap it then it will be penetrating through the earth. If there is microscopic black hole in the center of the earth already present then LHC black hole will merge with that black hole. If presently there is no black hole in the center of the earth then?
    This black hole will straight go to the center of the earth and will start eating mass of the earth to generate light and may take years to transform earth in to a star like the sun.
    They can not see the LHC Black hole then after few years some one will find out that the earth is also producing light like the sun.
    The space is a huge bed sheet of time. If LHC will puncture in this bed sheet using protons as stone then the black hole will be the output as a puncture. Scientist assumed the theory of Hawking radiation otherwise LHC will definitely create primordial black hole. Even though Hawking radiation is not a proven principle of physics, how court had given permission to scientist to do this experiment?
    # Piyush Says:
    September 13th, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    LHC will not generate a Black hole:

    If suppose we assume that output of the LHC is not a black hole then. Even science don't know the output that means 33.33% chance of steady black hole, 33.33% chance of unsteady black hole and 33.33% chances of something else.
    Why court have permitted this experiment even though for 33.33%?
    # Piyush Says:
    September 13th, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    Output of LHC is unsteady manhole:

    How they will prove that it was unsteady manhole?
    # Piyush Says:
    September 13th, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    zero output of LHC:

    If they find out nothing then:

    1)It will prove that there was a unsteady black hole which already penetrate thorough the earth, that science was not able to trap. It will create micro hole in the earth, nobody will be able to notice. It will generate more earthquakes and hurricanes on the earth, no stable weather on the earth. It will increase the gravity of earth. All airplanes need to be redesign. The gravity will increase day by day. We will feel heavy. We will not be able to bare our own weight.
    2) Second chance is : The proton had made a puncture and jumped into another world and Hawking radiation will seal the puncture. (black hole)
    # Piyush Says:
    September 13th, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    manhole = black hole in above. I said it manhole intentionally because it may becomes tomorrow's manhole to enter to another world.
    # Piyush Says:
    September 13th, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    Something elase:

    If there are 33.33% chances of producing something else. then what is that?
    If you brake proton then it will brake in to two small element of proton or it will move to the another world or it will convert in to energy.

    Possibility :

    1) Those two element of proton will be electrons
    2) It will convert into energy like e = m* square of C
    m = mass, c = velocity of light, e = energy.
    3) It may convert in to unbearable sound which as exactly the same was generated at the time of Big Bang
    4) Proton will convert in to invisible mass
    5) Proton will drop in to another world from this world. We will not able to see anything
    6) Proton will drop in to another world from this world. We will able to see unsteady blackhole
    7) Proton will drop in to another world from this world. We will able to see steady black hole
    8) Proton will drop in to another world from this world. We will not able to notice steady / unsteady black hole even though it is generated.
    9) Proton will merge in each other and generate big proton.

    Posted by on September 14, 2008 2:57 AM
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    Its all good scients... So PANIC. HARD.

  • SkyPoo0

    Above: The Proton Impian four door executive saloon (flagship model).

  • GeorgesII0

    I love the

    "The Doomsday Donut"

  • neverblink0

    the LHC might create a small black hole, but because of it's small size it will 'evaporate' quickly. BTW. you can't "see" a black hole, nor "trap" it.. I stopped reading after that.

  • neverblink0

    read this to get up to speed on black hole evaporation; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haw…

    You can't see a black hole, you can only see it's effect on it's surroundings. The same goes for trapping.. you can not contain a black hole 'cause the mass of it's container will just be sucked into the black hole.

  • SkyPoo0

    Wouter... its... I think you've... its ... its....

    Everything is okay dude. I don't need to read about black holes. I don't even know where to start trying to explain. Some threads are .... sometimes its, ah, I don't know.

    Maybe this thread is not for you lol.

    I think I've woken up in a slightly modified reality today. I think I'll go for a walk now my girl is awake.

    : )

  • neverblink0

    haha, don't worry Tim.. I'm not 100% serious, it's just that I'm a bit fed up with all these threads about the LHC with people not knowing what they are talking about ;)

    It's nice weather for a walk.. say hi to your girl for me ;)

  • SkyPoo0


    Thats what I'm struggling to say. OBVIOUSLY Piyush is talking complete arse, obviously!... that's why I posted it. Its here as part of the ever growing ironic, dumbstertalk, goofist LHC lexicon here on QBN. Its just adding more sauce to the ingredients list in order to stop Luis the Spaniard, and the 'Hardon' jokes, and the LHC Rap, and the security video footage stuff from coagulating and drying up.

    Its just a stupid thing. Just for fun.

    By the way, if you see some security camera footage that claims to be showing live footage of the LHC and a giant black hole suddenly engulfs the screen... its just someone's idea of a practical joke!

    • Didn't see your post above before posting this. Okay, I'm out of here.SkyPoo