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  • robotron3k-9

    I knows it's going to be hard to believe for a few, but I'm sick of Trump. I'm done with his chicanery. But I'm still ready to give Washington the finger again by supporting the 2020 election of President Rock!


    • robotroll3K?zaq
    • Because giving politics the finger leads to better results rather than trying to actually engage with it?detritus
    • This coming from a guy who thinks it's okay to elect an actual, professional clown as long as it's not a politician, and who admits to blatant sexism.monospaced
    • Haters downvote me because they jealous of my proper use of the word 'chicanery'robotron3k
    • robotroll fails againmonospaced
    • lol at sourcemoldero
  • dorf4

    behold, the weasel.

    • This is getting tedious beyond measure. And boring and stupid. I'm more interested in the hotties in the front row.dasohr
  • sea_sea4

    What a fkn shit show.

  • BusterBoy4

    Trump must be roaming the corridors of the Whitehouse absolutely seething at the running commentary and his possible impeachment. Oh how I would love to witness that.

    Wonder if he wants his old life back!

    • "Being president is easy, it's so easy."
      - Trump
  • Ramanisky27

    Sneak peek into Comey's Memo.

  • utopian2

    Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

    The president reportedly asked the FBI director to stop investigating Trump’s top national security aide—a bombshell that has an already-beleaguered White House begging for mercy.


  • utopian1

    Betting odds that President Trump will resign or be impeached in his first term.

    The odds Trump will be impeached are 5-to-4 compared to the 7-to-5 odds he will resign in his first term.


  • reanimate1

  • sofakingback4

    You know. There's that tricky thing about history...

    • Lawrence is great.BusterBoy
    • Sucks that his show is being cancelled or at least that's the rumor.Ramanisky2
    • msnbc wants to compete with FOX and CNN so they're canning some leftties for rightiesmoldero
  • monoboy6

    I had a bet on Trump leaving office by the end of March.

    Close, but I'd honestly expected him to get caught by himself or hung out to dry by a Dem/Gop campaign by now.

    This can go two ways...

    1. Conspiracy theories take hold, civil unrest, chaos.

    2. America slaps itself in the face and never goes so low again.

    On the upside, it's exposed the Gop for what they are (in many ways the Dems too) and illustrated how much of a problem the US has with inequality and education.

    On the downside, this groundswell of ignoramus racists won't go away anytime soon.

    I feel sorry for genuine Republicans, this has tarnished you so badly. But you let it happen.

    Drain the swamp.

    • < Truth.sofakingback
    • I'd also brace yourselves for what Trump has to say when he leaves. He'll try and take everyone down with him. Believe me. He's gonna grass biggly.monoboy
    • So sad when folks cannot tell fact from delusions. Opinion from truth. Our education system must have failed.omg
    • ^LOL
      This fucking guy.
    • omg, i just spilled my coffee.zaq
    • I went to Hogwarts omg...
    • omg believes in Devosmonospaced
    • I'd like to think America was smart enough to slap itself, but I think the naivete and ignorance, and the regurgitated propaganda is too strong.formed
    • It feels like the "people" aren't really in a position to do much at this specific point in time. What's too strong is the warped republican hold on governmentmonospaced
  • Continuity3

    @Monoboy, you bring up an interesting point about civil unrest.

    That Trump is a narcissistic man-baby and a lying traitor to his country is obvious, but only part of the whole picture. The other major problem is his supporters. I've brought the comparison up before, and it's worth revisiting:

    Ex-Toronto mayor, the now-dead Rob Ford, was eerily similar to Trump in his disposition, approach to the job and disregard for things like common decency and the rule of law. He made an absolute farce of the office of mayor, was routinely beligerent to entire groups of people, law enforcement agencies, and the to the media.

    His supporters — known colloquially as 'Ford Nation' — were staggering in their unwavering support for Ford, despite all evidence pointing to him needing to be ejected from civilised life and discourse with all possible haste.

    Even after he was stripped of his powers and new antics of his appearing almost daily for week, his supporters propped him up. Had he not finally (and mercifully for the rest of us) shuffled off this mortal coil, they'd have kept it up.

    Obviously, being the mayor of a city of a few million people isn't quite the same as being president of a country of a few hundred million. But the principle is frighteningly similar, in that we're dealing with people whose fan bases are especially rabid, even in the face of the obvious conclusion about their fitness for their respective duties and offices.

    The situation is further exacerbated by two facts: 1) the kind of inbred, racist, right-wing simpletons that Trump appeals to haven't been this close to power at the national level since a long time, and 2) they tend to be armed to the teeth.

    If this group of supporters is robbed of their power, and continue to see Trump as their boy, I shudder to imagine how they would react if Trump were to be somehow removed from office — and maybe even charged with a criminal offence or two.

    I would hope that law enforcement agencies in that country be very mindful of this group of people. It wouldn't take much for them to get triggered to cause significant — and violent — unrest.

    • The GOP might yet go all in and circle the wagons to protect his dismantling of Government. They've never been closer to seizing control of everything, we'll semonoboy
    • yep was saying this to a friend the other day. it makes it v.unlikely impeachment will happen unless something really really big - too risky for the nation.fadein11
    • He certainly won't go quietly. I'd expect him to stoke the fires and incite some sort of direct action. Remember what he said about taking Clinton out.monoboy
    • This is going to escalate, badly, maybe not quickly. There are a lot of fat dad militias out there willing to fight, many in/ex gov, army or law enforcement.monoboy
    • Oh, I think he'll eventually either get impeached or resign, fadein. I've no doubt of that. The problem lies in the aftermath. I hope local police and the FBIContinuity
    • ... are ready for any possible consequences of that from the fanboys, is all.Continuity
    • Getting rid of him would be more trouble than it's worth. Best bet is to sit it out and remove him at the ballot. That means coming up with a credible candidateFax_Benson
    • and some actual policies. Screaming into the void for four years won't work and will drive everybody mental. More mental.Fax_Benson
    • you have to let his (lack of) policies fail. Anything else will be seen as a conspiracy, rightly or wrongly.Fax_Benson
    • You might be right, but I think the only thing that'll shake the beliefs of omg and co is a military disaster pursuing 'national' interests.monoboy
    • why bother trying to change omg's mind. pissing in the wind. no chance.Fax_Benson
    • Go watch the documentary on the Oklahoma City bombing that is on Netflix. You'll see the mentality of the extreme right wing, gun toting "patriots" that luv himmg33
  • CygnusZero47

    I cant even keep up with all of this. This guy wasnt even getting anything done before all this shit was going on. His presidency is completely fucked.

    Even if he doesnt get impeached, there is so much turmoil and mistrust around him, he is getting angrier by the hour, making him more unhinged and more likely to make mistakes. Confidence by the public in his ability to do this difficult job gets lower everyday. I dont think there is any real recovering from this for him as a president.

    Like so many people said before the election, he just does not have the right temperament for the job. You need to have thick skin, you need to stay calm under pressure. Being a hot head tough talking CEO is not going to get you very far in this job.

    If he can even manage to finish his term, I think we all know how this is going to turn out. Hes not really going to accomplish anything, theres always going to be controversies surrounding him, and he'll just be remembered as one of our worst presidents who came in here, flipped over some tables, set the white house on fire and then left. There is just ZERO chance he goes on to be some successful well-liked president. Not happening.

    • Which ironically is all this narcissist wants, to be liked.sea_sea
  • Continuity1

    Well, this should make for a fascinating read!

    (By which, I mean it would be funny to read the likely now-fictionalised account of the goings-on.)

    'Russia claims to have transcript of Trump meeting with Lavrov'


  • Morning_star2

    How long can Trump last as president?

    (Is that a stupid question? Most of the social media and news I come across is filled with mind blowing tales of incompetence, idiocy and dumb-as-fuck behaviour from Trump. However, I am sceptical of the frequency and density of the events and the outrage sparked by his actions due to the inherent ethos of places I visit on the internets.)

    • I'm not without scepticism. Plenty of people want him gone. But when Vlad the lad coes out in his defence? http://www.reuters.c…monoboy
    • Conspiracies aside, he's not fit for the role and is doing more harm than good for narrow self interests. The exact opposite of what was promised.monoboy
    • The system is corrupt. But so is Trump.monoboy
    • The Rock 2020!robotron3k
    • lol.omg
  • yuekit2

    • Fucking thugs .. kicking people square in the head while they're down.
      Thx Trump.
    • This is amazing...Trump invites Erdogan to DC, his bodyguards beat American protesters blocks away from the White Houseyuekit
    • who the fuck are all those dudes in suits? every single one should be charged wiht assault.inteliboy
    • The unedited video is worse: https://twitter.com/… they just keep coming back, weird the police ain't hitting them moreNutter
    • Suited Savages. Not atypical, sadly.detritus
    • those cunts have Diplomatic immunity.
    • Of course Erdogan brings his fucking shitheel bootboys with him. He and Trump, birds of a feather, cunts together.face_melter
    • The Turks beat up a woman last tine Obama invited Erodiganrobotron3k
    • Oba.. who?face_melter
    • but emails, but Benghazi, but Weiner.Ramanisky2
  • utopian3

    Donald Trump 'asked FBI director James Comey to consider imprisoning reporters'


  • since19794

  • Continuity4

    Is it show time yet? Here's a lovely little gem from The Guardian's live feed:

    • Also: wheeeeeeeen is Comey finally going to testify to the congressional investigation? He's indicated he wants to do it publicly, so let's get on with it!Continuity
    • When the investigation actually gets underway and he's called to testify.monospaced
    • Amash probably already got the call to pump his brake.sea_sea
    • Flynn hasn't berm convicted, so is there a crime?robotron3k
  • chukkaphob3

  • CygnusZero42

    Didnt dems have the majority when Nixon was impeached? I thought I heard that. Either way, right now its not going to be very easy to get Trump impeached.

    It would severely damage the republican party for a long time, so they are going to be reluctant to vote on this. And it IS a vote. You need the vast majority of repubs to want him out in order to vote on it.

    Thats why I said before that even if he isnt impeached, it feels like he is going to have a VERY hard time trying to have a successful presidency. Too many people against him, too much damage done so far. Whether any of this is real or fake doesnt even matter. These are controversies tied directly to the president, so hes never going to have the kind of support a president needs to be successful.

    • So far Flynn hasn't commited a crime nor investigated yet. Then Comey needs to testify that Trumps "hopes" was an actual interference. Seems simple enough.robotron3k
    • I suggest all you anti-Trumpers stop opening the champagne and rubbing baby all over each others naked bodies, cause it ain't over till it's over...robotron3k
    • *oilrobotron3k
    • Sad Trump is sad.utopian
    • robo, no one is celebrating this. The whole thing is truly embarrassing for all americans, repubs and dems.capn_ron
    • robo actually thinking Trump is good for this country, GTFO.Ramanisky2
    • All politicians are bad, yes even his mighty holiness Obama, they just are experts at hiding it. Trump is no different, but it's vogue for whites to hate whitesrobotron3k
    • So far he's done nothing impeachable, but he will, like all of them do. But the frenzy is Hillarious...robotron3k
    • whatever makes you feel better roboRamanisky2
    • Obama never did anything impeachable.monospaced
    • He was better than Trump in every way also.monospaced
    • but mono, Fast & Furious, umm and umm ahh IRS scandal ohhh wait and not saying Islamic terrorists.Ramanisky2
    • yes yes... i Know ... sharia law and ms-13 took all the jobs and obama is on their side, after founding isis and backing a communist party from kenyamonospaced
    • Looks like Comey opened the floodgates, he's got to ning forward all his notes for the last year on everyone, yes even O, Hill, and others. *makes popcornrobotron3k
    • And Lolz mono, like Obama is the paragon of virtue... Is that what you believe, really?robotron3k
    • I didn't say that.monospaced
    • But he sure as hell isn't all of the idiotic things the alt-right accused him of being. Plus, he's better than Trump in every conceivable way. A great leader.monospaced