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  • robotron3k-4

    lol @1:48

    • a work of geniusinteliboy
    • am i the only who thinks her face looks really weird?pango
    • I like the fist bump from corn row dude, then hajab woman offended Allah by committing haarram hugging the sane corn row dude. crazy Pepsi.robotron3k
    • 0:57 she's been sent some revenge porn?fruitsalad
    • despite trying to fill it with every race type on earth, they just conform to stereotypes: White model, black guy dancing, moody arabic, studious oriental...fruitsalad
    • no shit fruitsalad - it's a soft drink commercial hahafadein11
    • this whole video is a massive faceplant. who the fuck made the kardashians any fucking thing?_niko
    • HAHA. FN AYEsince1979
    • LOL! is this an SNL skit?chukkaphob
  • omg-8

    WARNING: This video is very NSFW. There is foul language throughout.


    • less government for rich white dudes, more for everyone else with an extra dose of government in every woman's vaginamoldero
    • except ivanka. shes a 10.BonSeff
    • lolz, the liberal meltdown continues. #magarobotron3k
    • America continues to melt down...the GOP's efficiency to nuke anything that is good for actual people continues to astoundformed
    • Sup set.utopian
  • face_melter1

    Donald wants a wall between the US and Mexico? Ok. Small beans. Hows about a...



  • R_Kercz2

    The part with Tavis Smiley is especially good.


  • monoboy0

    I had a bet on impeachment by the end of March. Damn. A month too early...

  • omg-9


    • Sorry, who is actual president again?
      Like, right now?
    • so much stupid all in one imagekona
    • maaaah skin cooolor... maaah vaaaggiiinnaaa..!!!robotron3k
    • yes, Trumps team wasn't talking to Russia, because if they were, how come Susan Rice caught Trump's team talking to Russia?kona
    • to say there's no evidence is pretty naivemonospaced
    • Did these cunts all go to the same Trump School of Comic Drawing?face_melter
    • Lol face - Trump University / BA in Cartooningery. Now all suing Trump.fadein11
    • lol @ Trump University actually offering a degree, let alone a BA ... it's not even a real schoolmonospaced
    • What degrees would they offer at The Clinton University?
    • real degrees you stupid piece of shit, which is not something Trump's bullshit thing ever came close tomonospaced
  • kona5

    Look At This Fucking Asshole

    Behold idiot son-in-law Jared Kushner. The man who has been put in charge of beating ISIS. Yes, ISIS!

    It’s a sharp look, one that says, “I’d like to make a war, but I’d also like a mint julep.”

    Why, I’d just be quaking in my sandals if I were the Islamic State. This Harvard Freshman Orientation Leader will wipe them out in the morning and still have time to attend your nephew’s rehearsal dinner later that afternoon.

    What a piece of shit.

    Thanks Deadspin.

    • omg search history as of 5 min ago...
      "hillary in flack jacket" "obama in flack jacket" "hillary in bullet proof vest" "dick picks" "obama in bullet..."
    • ^lolmoldero
    • Ha! Well put: It’s a sharp look, one that says, “I’d like to make a war, but I’d also like a mint julep.”instrmntl
    • finest post of the day right there. haha.fadein11
    • That's a pissy-looking flak jacket anyway. I wonder if they were secretly hoping..?detritus
    • "thankyou, good sir. i shall hence forth retire to my yacht and ruminate upon your babbling"detritus
    • What do you wear when you are in charge of being ISIS? Kona probably has a bunch of left over diapers somewhere in the house.omg
    • he should have gone sleeveless flannel, that would have fired up omg.BonSeff
    • I would actually find it worse if he was in battle fatigues. Kudos to him for not pretending to be a warriorGnash
    • Wearing a jacket like that says, "you've got money!" Typical Trump supporter.omg
  • BonSeff2

    Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back


  • BonSeff2

    Re: OMG's search history, dick pics:

    • lolContinuity
    • That's not entirely fair BonSeff. Most of the white in Trumps pic are just people wearing KKK hoods n robes crowded all together.kona
    • let's not also forget that Obama supporters weren't too internet savvy way back in 2009 to attend with live video streams.omg
    • oh oh ... so the attendance Trump was referring to was online? that's a good one ... fuckin' Amonospaced
    • what a broken record. fuck off omg you donkeykona
    • did omg just say that trump supporters are internet savvy?
    • Those savvy folks who don't know that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing?BonSeff
    • he said Obama supporters aren't internet savvy, and I would love for him to explain whatever the fuck that dumb fuck shit actually meansmonospaced
    • Reminds me of the EDL (English Defense League) - similar fake news, low IQ, right-wing numpties - claimed to have 3000 on a march here in UK at wknd. In realityfadein11
    • around 150. PMSL.fadein11
    • lol. Trump supporters wearing KKK hoods needs no explanation, but Hillbots needs explanation on how the internet wasn't as savvy 8 years ago as it is today.omg
    • and you need to get over the intense pain in your asshole caused by this laughably small crowd, because everyone knows your net savvy excuse is bullshitmonospaced
    • I guess it's good you're finally admitting the crowd was actually small and that trump is a self centered, pathetic liar though. Progress you dumbfuck troll.monospaced
    • Dont confuse firing up the dsl with a willingness to travel and support a president.BonSeff
    • Hillbots didn't even know what a touchscreen iPad was back then.omg
    • you're still 100% wrong omg, do you like being wrong about everything?monospaced
    • it was colder on Trumps inaugurationdrgs
    • no it wasn't ... it was over 20 degrees (F) warmer, as a matter of fact ... but nice trymonospaced
    • lol mono. drgs was making a shrinkage joke.kona
  • BonSeff0
  • allthethings2

    Hilarious, especially if you've been reading these types of stories over the past few weeks. From the Washington Post.

    Every story I have read about Trump supporters in the past week

    By Alexandra Petri April 4 at 8:13 PM

    Each morning he arrives at the Blue Plate Diner and tries to make sense of it all. The regulars are already there. Lydia Borkle lives in an old shoe in the tiny town of Tempe Work Only, Ariz., where the factory has just rusted away into a pile of gears and dust. The jobs were replaced by robots, not shipped overseas, but try telling Lydia that. (I did, very slowly and patiently, I thought, but she still became quite brusque.) Her one lifeline was an Obama-era jobs training program, but she says that she does not regret her vote for Trump and likes what he says about business. She makes a point of telling me that she is not racist, but I think she probably is, a little.

    Next to her sits Linda Blarnik. Like the rusty hubcaps hanging on the wall behind her, she was made in America 50 years ago, back when this town made things, a time she still remembers fondly. She says she has had just enough of the “coastal elitist media who keep showing up to write mean things about my town and my life, like that thing just now where you said I was like a hubcap, yes you, stop writing I can see over your shoulder.” Mournfully a whistle blows behind her, the whistle of a train that does not stop in this America any longer.

    Linda’s sister, Carla Blarnik is married to an undocumented immigrant yet voted for Trump, who has vowed an increase in deportations. Asked to explain this contradiction, she shrugs. “Do not tell Bert this,” she says, “but I have been trying to find an unobtrusive way to break up the marriage for years and this seemed like just the loophole I was waiting for.” Huh. Okay.

    Their waiter is David Mattress, a sentient robot who will be shut down if Trump’s budget is put into practice. He loves Trump, insofar as love is possible for him. When asked “Don’t you realize the contradiction of this position?” the other regulars leap up and shout at me because the last time this question was posed to him, David short-circuited and emitted large quantities of smoke. “First that magazine writer,” Linda scolds me, gesturing to a table in the corner where six other journalists sit writing versions of this same article, “now you.”

    Mark Hooglats lives inside Obamacare, don’t ask him how. He voted for Trump. He will vote for Trump again, maybe up to 10 times if he does the thing with the economy. He is excited that Trump has said “God” out loud for what he believes is the first time in the past eight years. (It isn’t.)

    In the corner, under a picture of George Washington that is cracked and broken and stained with tobacco juice, lies Herm Slabornik. Herm is encased in a cryogenic tube which will be unplugged if Trump gets his way. According to a note on his cryotube, he knows what Trump said about unplugging tubes but he does not think Trump would unplug him personally. He will vote for Trump again in 2020, provided he is not unplugged. Also, he hates Obamacare.

    Glom Pfeffernitz lives in a rusty kettle. Trump’s plan will definitely repossess his kettle, but he does not believe me when I tell him this. “I just don’t think he’d do that,” Glom repeats. Glom’s priority is filling the lakes with waste because he remembers when he was a kid and the lakes used to glow, and he wants to get back to those great days. He says his No. 1 priority is keeping telephones away from the undeserving poor. Is everyone here messing with me?

    Claudia Barknappen, the owner of the diner, wipes her hands on her faded God Bless America Apron. She is taken aback to see that Trump’s budget would replace her home with a sinkhole, but she says that she is reserving judgment and likes how much he hates immigrants. “We’ve got to give him a chance,” she observes. She says that one time Trump showed up at her home and hit her dog with a broom, but in her mind this amounts to no more than one strike. She knows that she can change Trump with love, not that he needs to change at all. Behind her, an eagle falls out of a tree and dies.

    • lol! Or Pat Bell of River Bend who voted for Trump and his wall even though her home and property would wind up on the Mexico side of the border.kona
  • allthethings1

    Nuts. It got garbled. Fixed.

    Every story I have read about Trump supporters in the past week

    By Alexandra Petri April 4 at 8:13 PM

    (Since Donald Trump’s approval rating now looks like something that got stuck to the bottom of my shoe, I joined the flood of journalists who went to Real America to gloat see how the Trump supporters are getting along.)

    In the shadow of the old flag factory, Craig Slabornik sits whittling away on a rusty nail, his only hobby since the plant shut down. He is an American like millions of Americans, and he has no regrets about pulling the lever for Donald Trump in November — twice, in fact, which Craig says is just more evidence of the voter fraud plaguing the country. Craig is a contradiction, but he does not know it.

    Each morning he arrives at the Blue Plate Diner and tries to make sense of it all. The regulars are already there. Lydia Borkle lives in an old shoe in the tiny town of Tempe Work Only, Ariz., where the factory has just rusted away into a pile of gears and dust. The jobs were replaced by robots, not shipped overseas, but try telling Lydia that. (I did, very slowly and patiently, I thought, but she still became quite brusque.) Her one lifeline was an Obama-era jobs training program, but she says that she does not regret her vote for Trump and likes what he says about business. She makes a point of telling me that she is not racist, but I think she probably is, a little.

    Next to her sits Linda Blarnik. Like the rusty hubcaps hanging on the wall behind her, she was made in America 50 years ago, back when this town made things, a time she still remembers fondly. She says she has had just enough of the “coastal elitist media who keep showing up to write mean things about my town and my life, like that thing just now where you said I was like a hubcap, yes you, stop writing I can see over your shoulder.” Mournfully a whistle blows behind her, the whistle of a train that does not stop in this America any longer.

    Linda’s sister, Carla Blarnik is married to an undocumented immigrant yet voted for Trump, who has vowed an increase in deportations. Asked to explain this contradiction, she shrugs. “Do not tell Bert this,” she says, “but I have been trying to find an unobtrusive way to break up the marriage for years and this seemed like just the loophole I was waiting for.” Huh. Okay.

    Their waiter is David Mattress, a sentient robot who will be shut down if Trump’s budget is put into practice. He loves Trump, insofar as love is possible for him. When asked “Don’t you realize the contradiction of this position?” the other regulars leap up and shout at me because the last time this question was posed to him, David short-circuited and emitted large quantities of smoke. “First that magazine writer,” Linda scolds me, gesturing to a table in the corner where six other journalists sit writing versions of this same article, “now you.”

    Mark Hooglats lives inside Obamacare, don’t ask him how. He voted for Trump. He will vote for Trump again, maybe up to 10 times if he does the thing with the economy. He is excited that Trump has said “God” out loud for what he believes is the first time in the past eight years. (It isn’t.)

    In the corner, under a picture of George Washington that is cracked and broken and stained with tobacco juice, lies Herm Slabornik. Herm is encased in a cryogenic tube which will be unplugged if Trump gets his way. According to a note on his cryotube, he knows what Trump said about unplugging tubes but he does not think Trump would unplug him personally. He will vote for Trump again in 2020, provided he is not unplugged. Also, he hates Obamacare.

    Glom Pfeffernitz lives in a rusty kettle. Trump’s plan will definitely repossess his kettle, but he does not believe me when I tell him this. “I just don’t think he’d do that,” Glom repeats. Glom’s priority is filling the lakes with waste because he remembers when he was a kid and the lakes used to glow, and he wants to get back to those great days. He says his No. 1 priority is keeping telephones away from the undeserving poor. Is everyone here messing with me?

    Claudia Barknappen, the owner of the diner, wipes her hands on her faded God Bless America Apron. She is taken aback to see that Trump’s budget would replace her home with a sinkhole, but she says that she is reserving judgment and likes how much he hates immigrants. “We’ve got to give him a chance,” she observes. She says that one time Trump showed up at her home and hit her dog with a broom, but in her mind this amounts to no more than one strike. She knows that she can change Trump with love, not that he needs to change at all. Behind her, an eagle falls out of a tree and dies.

  • BonSeff5

    • #ShitShowGoesOnutopian
    • LOL! Brilliant!!kona
    • that was fantasticBluejam
    • Sean Spicer's tie changes color. #FAKEomg
  • BonSeff1

    Trump, speaking to reporters on Air Force One, on Assad:

    “He’s there, and I guess he’s running things, so I guess something should happen.”

    *Goes back to bucket of KFC

    • It's nearly the weekend - the fuck does he care, he's been polishing his balls and checking the weather in Florida.face_melter
    • The Commander-In-Chief everyone! Great vote guys... great vote... well done!

      Still glad we dodged those emails though.
    • Golf? Anybody?renderedred
    • Time for some business meetings and to make some deals on the course.monospaced
    • Does Ivanka wash his balls?BusterBoy
  • sofakingback1

    Just had the worst realization that Ivanka Trump will run for president. I'm calling it now.

    • That is without a doubt their goal. I'm certain they fancy themselves a political dynasty. The sooner he's thrown out, the better. They're all complicit.mg33
    • political motivated statement, or you actually have good reasons why Ivanka would make a bad president?omg
    • She's more qualified than her father. I mean, they are some fucking nice handbags she makes.BusterBoy
    • I'm looking forward to her going up against Chelsea Clinton.see_thru
    • 'political motivated statement' from the guy who posts Trump cartoons. Stay out the back by the fucking bins, mate.face_melter
  • BusterBoy4

    So I guess these were just 'joke' tweets then.

    • Let me know when his first 100 days have expired.utopian
    • in fairness there is nothing wrong on changing your mind on a matter, no?inteliboy
    • When you make it a platform for your election it is.BusterBoy
    • The strike was warranted IMO. But you can bet your life Trump will say he was always FOR action against Syria.BusterBoy
    • it just means he never really had a grasp on the situation, just a rampant opinion, which is not good if you're presidentmonospaced
    • No, just tweets from a joke.see_thru
  • utopian0

  • sea_sea3

    So this Ahole is so low on ratings that he feels the need to bomb a country and its people who many are already trying to get the fk out of. For what?! To gain more idiots approval? He doesn't want refugees, so he decides to kill them? I can't even anymore...

    • US bombed Syria's fighter jet and weapons base because Syria isn't supposed to use them but did when they dropped chemical weapons on its civilians Tuesdayvwsung18t
    • unfortunately, he's just doing what any sitting president would have done. I was hoping he was going to stick to his pre-election rhetoric and stay out of it.Gnash
    • What's more concerning is that there were Russians in this airbase, for some reason, and Russia already warned us against this.vwsung18t
    • Apparently we pick and choose where we light the sky.sea_sea
    • Hate to defend the orange turd, but Clinton would have done exactly the same.BusterBoy
    • Yeah no doubt. We all knew he was itching to violate International law. good thing Frump was so against getting involved.sea_sea
    • what gnash said - acting like any other president as a lot of us knew would happen.fadein11
    • Only dumb fuck morons believed trump when he said he would be different. The more intelligent population knew he was and is full of shit the entire time.monospaced
  • Gnash2

    I guess the love affair with russia in done.

    • we called/warned russia first according to CNNmoldero
    • Tillerson is going to Russia to ask to work with us next weekvwsung18t
    • wonder if isis will send thank-you cards to trump, nowGnash
    • in the name of those beautiful babies, sorry, yemenBonSeff
    • When I hear Trump invoke 'God's will' and call for prayer, it make me want to vomit.BusterBoy
    • he has to appeal to the stupids, or i mean his supportersmoldero
    • brilliantly devastating and humane attack against Assad. kids gassed, fuck details, you lost an airbase.IRNlun6
    • @busterboy either vomit or punch a wall. fuckin religious shit coming out of his mouth is pure theatrics. i fn rage at this.bezoar
    • god is kind of a big deal in these warsIRNlun6
    • god is nonexistent in these wars, just a made up excuse and everyone knows itmonospaced
    • I imagine it's more along the lines of 'if we drop a few bombs on Syria then everyone will get off my back about ties to Russia'fadein11
  • omg-1

    Video of tonight's Tomahawk cruise missile strike against Syria from US Navy destroyer USS ROSS DDG 71