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  • moldero3



    "Corporatocracy /ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/, is a recent term used to refer to an economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests.[1] It is most often used today as a term to describe the current economic situation in a particular country, especially the United States."


  • mg338

    RE: the crap that omg posted below: See how easy this is?

    • Both my women are tastefully beautiful. I notice both your photos focus on grabbing pussy. At least show your tits mg33 if posting art.omg
    • omg in with his anatomy mansplainingmonospaced
    • ahaha artsted
    • lolmoldero
  • 20025


    Women's March: UK protesters join anti-Donald Trump march

  • 20026

    Women's March on Washington, London and global anti-Trump protests


    • My wife is participating in the DC march. I really look forward to hearing all about it.R_Kercz
    • A women's march on Washington.... in London.omg
    • Are Western women going to finally get voting rights and allowed to go to University? or is the patriarchy still trying to keep them down and wear full burqas?robotron3k
    • robo you already made it clear where you think a woman's place is. You argued that women shouldn't be able to vote because they don't pay taxes like men.monospaced
    • Using your own words, wouldn't you say these women shouldn't worry about anything except how their hair looks, right?monospaced
    • That's what I thought. I hope you never have children, especially a daughter.monospaced
    • I was there! There is plenty to worry about for women. Equal pay, Elimination of Violence Against Women Grants, Planned Parent Hood...err
  • Ramanisky26

    • Embarrassing.monospaced
    • he was actually trying to say "bonered"scarabin
    • Hahaha I'm pretty sure this is the SECOND time he has spelled it with an e.nb
    • It hardly matters. There will always be enough dumb Americans who don't understand the value of things like proper spelling, and will continue to support him.nb
    • Is anyone surprised that many of these same people are the ones who don't understand where their jobs went? Sad, indeed.nb
  • whatthefunk2

    • Zero effort put in to that sign. Lazy. Disapprove.2002
    • hilarious.omg
  • deathboy0

    There's something perverse about an ideology that views the disposing of an unborn child in the third trimester of pregnancy as an indisputable right but the desire of parents to choose a school for their kids as zealotry. Watching President-elect Donald Trump's pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, answer an array of frivolous questions this week was just another reminder of how irrational liberalism has become.

    Democrats often tell us that racism is one of the most pressing problems in America. And yet, few things have hurt African-Americans more over the past 40 years than inner-city public school systems. If President Obama is correct and educational attainment is the key to breaking out of a lower economic stratum, then no institution is driving inequality quite as effectively as public schools.

    Actually, teachers unions are the only organizations in America that openly support segregated schools. In districts across the country—even ones in cities with some form of limited movement for kids—poor parents, typically those who are black or Hispanic, are forced to enroll their kids in underperforming schools when there are good ones nearby, sometimes just blocks away.The National Education Association spent $23 million during the last election cycle alone to elect politicians to keep low-income Americans right where they are. Public service unions use tax dollars to fund politicians who then turn around and vote for more funding. The worse the schools perform, the more money they demand. In the real world, we call this racketeering.

    Yet according to Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, it is people like DeVos who are "a grave threat" to the public schools "that made America great."

    Well, studies consistently show that minority groups in America's largest cities are lagging in proficiency in reading and math. Most of them attend schools that are at the bottom 5 percent of schools in their state. There is only so much an education secretary can accomplish, but the accusation of being a "grave threat" to this system is a magnificent endorsement.

    With what are Democrats on the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions most concerned? Preserving the status quo. Sen. Elizabeth Warren forced DeVos, who's a billionaire, to admit that she'd never filled out financial aid forms. The Daily Caller News Foundation found that 6 of the 10 Democrats on the committee have attended private or parochial schools, or have children and grandchildren who attend. So what?

    Sen. Patty Murray, who has absolutely no understanding or regard for the constitutional limitation on the Department of Education, pushed DeVos to say whether she would personally defund public schools. Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, a tireless adversary of the first five amendments of the Constitution (at least), asked DeVos whether she thinks firearms have any place in or around schools.

    "I think that's best left to locales and states to decide," she replied, before offering a specific concern about a local rural district in Wyoming. Cue mocking left-wing punditry.
    In case you were unaware, Democrats on the committee stressed that DeVos is a Republican who has given money to Republican organizations and was appointed by a Republican president-elect. They further pointed out that DeVos is a Christian whose family has given money to Christian organizations that don't meet their moral approval. Mostly, though, the liberals on the committee attacked DeVos because she has a history of contributing her own money to help private and Christian schools expand their reach. She has also supported school-vouchers proponents and public charter schools that open doors to poor kids. Those dollars have likely done more to help minority students than all the committee members' efforts combined.

    As many Americans surely know, rich and middle-class Americans already have school choice. In most places, the whiter the neighborhood, the better the school system; and the better the school system, the higher the prices of homes, making it impossible for those who aren't wealthy to escape substandard schools. (Rural schools also often suffer.) This is the status quo Warren, Murphy and Murray hope to preserve.

    Yes, school reform is complicated, and challenges vary from place to place. Many reforms have shown improvement. But teachers unions and their allies opposed magnets, charters, home schooling, religious schooling and virtual schools long before data about the effectiveness of these choices was collected. And they do now, long after quality research has indicated the improvement of these options on the union-preferred system.

    But by the parameters we often judge these sort of things, public schools are racist institutions, even if that's unintentional. They have an even more destructive effect on communities than all the dumb words and racist comments (real and imagined) that regularly make headlines. It's not surprising that poll after poll shows minority families support educational choice. Unfortunately, partisanship allows Democrats to take voters for granted and ignore the issue. For millions, this is a tragedy.

    • you forgot to post the source https://thefederalis…whatthefunk
    • Innocent mistake, deathboy? Or has Melania sanctified plagiarism for you now?nb
    • The questions asked were not frivolous. They demonstrated how DeVos may have been given the position as a "reward" for contributions, rather than on merit.nb
    • ha im not claiming credit. actually pulled it from reason. i just thought words might help balance the photos. give this thread some credibility ya know.deathboy
    • many of the questions were frivolous. especially one cited. did they explicitly ask if she thought she was given job as a reward? fair enough question if so.deathboy
    • I can appreciate a well-articulated article. But, it's always better to always give a source.nb
    • always*2, apparently. hahanb
    • Yeah, Bernie Sanders asked her https://www.youtube.…whatthefunk
    • not always in a world of emotion driven headlines, either turns people off instantly or gets knee jerk reactions. i think im going to focus only on the contentdeathboy
    • unless asked, http://reason.com/ar…deathboy
    • or to hide the clearly right leaning source of content me thinks...whatthefunk
    • ha reason leans whatever way you see. but proves my point that you might judge on opinion of source vs content, nice to see bernie being politedeathboy
    • Trump wasn't polite for his whole campaign - where was your outrage then deathboy?BuddhaHat
    • Querying the source is perfectly valid. For example, if this had come from Russian-state funded RT, it would immediately lose credibility, and for good reason.BuddhaHat
    • Federalist and David Harsanyi are Conservative sources as a matter of factwhatthefunk
    • Other users are welcome to make their own opinion, based on the author's other articles & headlines: https://thefederalis…BuddhaHat
    • But I'm with @wtfunk, headlines and article content reads as distinctly right-leaning.BuddhaHat
    • see exactly what i was trying to avoid. you focus on everything but the actual content. from a partisian perspective yes sounds right leaningdeathboy
    • but thats only if you see the world from right or leftdeathboy
    • I'm familiar with this site, the founder also co founded www.redstate.com, the leading conservative, political news blog for right of center activistswhatthefunk
    • Just visit the contributor link to learn about who you're reading https://thefederalis…whatthefunk
    • You would like to avoid that kind of thing in this case, deathboy. But 2 Dem senators question an unqualified, multi-million dollar donor to the GOP who's beenBuddhaHat
    • You can tell the writer is shit by their decision to bring up abortion in the first sentence.nb
    • nominated as Education secretary, and 'Warren's a bitchface', and 'at least Sanders was polite'.
      Pull the other one; it's got bells on.
    • @deathboy, my previous comment is directly about the content of this article. Just saying.nb
    • haha again i dont play the strawman game. im only concerned with status quo of left on educational policies. and ill one up u buddha, we dont need devos or DOEddeathboy
    • but out of curiosity who is a qualifed person to run and why buddha?deathboy
    • would the person be against school choice, comp, would they be for only common core? would they simply have a paper sayign they can do it, making any arbitrarydeathboy
    • decision the right course of action because of it. i really dont understand what you would call good, and id liek to udnerstand thatdeathboy
    • I don't have a list of names, but ideally they would not be from a billionaire family with no experience of public education, with a long history of million-$BuddhaHat
    • donations to the GOP, and also donations to anti-LGBTQ and gay conversion therapy groups.BuddhaHat
    • @nb... the comparison is to highlight the hypocrisy of prochoice vs school choice. how can a party of one freedom be so against another. it mgith be dramaticdeathboy
    • but these guys have to play to the ent aspect some if they want to keep producing. cant work for freedeathboy
    • It's illuminating that you don't think that any of these things would influence policy; furthermore, that there aren't other, more qualified people out there?BuddhaHat
    • but buddha those reasons dont correlate to her ability to do the job? how many people with a public edu background cant do there job?deathboy
    • i can send u lists of school administrators from reno who have all done horrible jobs but have backgrounds, and dotn come from money or donated to causesdeathboy
    • Establishing through questioning that she has no experience in the education sector, or in public education, raises significant questions about her ability.BuddhaHat
    • what influences them in many cases is money, they dont have it, the ladder climbing and political volleying to climb and get it. everyone is influenced why likedeathboy
    • By avoiding the other question, you're perhaps also saying that there aren't other people with experience that makes them better suited for the job.BuddhaHat
    • less gov, less peopel to be influenced, i have yet see a case where devos influneces might be more harm than good, if her influence is more choicedeathboy
    • Sending me a list of who is bad at their job in the Education dept still doesn't answer the question.BuddhaHat
    • And the argument that because she already has money and therefore doesn't need any more, and it won't affect her judgement or policy decisions is deeply flawed.BuddhaHat
    • Nobel Prize Winner in Economics Paul Krugman says it better than me: http://krugman.blogs…BuddhaHat
    • what question? i thougnt i asked the question and help highlight why your criteria doesnt work by showing you how it failsdeathboy
    • ... that there aren't other, more qualified people out there?BuddhaHat
    • oh im sure there is better people for the job, however how they are qualified i have no ideadeathboy
    • a qualifier for me is a person with no partisan baggage. more so than any diploma. a person who has a strong understanding of incentivesdeathboy
    • a free thinker, not one tied to the idea of standarizations. a person who understands that innovation isnt up to them, but allowing it growdeathboy
    • right, well that answers that then. good work deathboy, you have convinced precisely zero people with the strength of your argument.BuddhaHat
    • creating an environment fro ti to grow, knowing there will be up and downs, and winners and losers and balancing, one against teacher unions as standardsdeathboy
    • see buddha you make statements like i have convinced 0 people. how can u make such statements with 0 evidence. its irrationaldeathboy
    • and convince them of what? that your criteria agaisnt devos is easily proven false? or that you have no idea of what youd like in a person of that position?deathboy
    • only thing i ever set out to do was show an alt opinion, highlight some of the hypocrisies and show my support for school choice as good policydeathboy
  • utopian2

    Interior Department banned from Twitter after unflattering President Trump posts


    • 1. Trump appoints a guy who prioritizes oil and gas development over public park environmental concerns.nb
    • 2. Park Service comments on it, and later retweets a couple things.nb
    • 3. Trump orders them to shut the fuck up until they have been properly instructed on what they are allowed to say.nb
    • How's that ol' Constitution holding up, America? Anyone still care about it?nb
    • It is unprofessional for an employee to use a National Park Service twitter account to share partisan opinionswhatthefunk
    • Like it or not it's inappropriate to use the 'company account' to badmouth the boss. Make a parody account and go to town, but leave the work account alone!BuddhaHat
    • It certainly is unprofessional. Would you say it's "professional" of the president to ban a citizen (or department) from speaking their mind?nb
    • Trump didn't direct them to be more professional, by the way. He banned them from tweeting until further notice.nb
    • FWIW, soon enough Trump & cronies will be rolling the construction trucks into national parks, and there won't be a Twitter account to post from. =\BuddhaHat
    • @nb of course not but freedom of speech doesn't follow citizens into the workplace, not w/o consequence of course.whatthefunk
    • Freedom of speech doesn't count at work?nb
    • Can you point me to the part of the constitution that outlines which places freedom of speech is protected and which places it is banned?nb
    • http://www.americanb…whatthefunk
    • “A employee may have a constitutional right to talk politics, but he has no constitutional right to be employed.”whatthefunk
    • Garcetti v. Ceballos, the First Amendment does not protect speech that government employees make as part of their job dutieswhatthefunk
    • My point is that the action taken by the president's office is far worse than what the Park Service employee did.nb
    • http://www.americanb…BuddhaHat
    • Even government employees, who have First Amendment protection, face significant difficulty when challeng­ing speech-based terminations.BuddhaHat
    • First, thanks to the Supreme Court’s 2006 decision in Garcetti v. Ceballos, the First AmendmentBuddhaHat
    • does not protect speech that government employees make as part of their job duties.BuddhaHat
    • I found and pasted that really quick, but I'm pretty sure that covers it?BuddhaHat
    • lol @wtfunk quicker on the trigger! hahahaBuddhaHat
    • I looked into this in depth with the football player taking a knee during the National Anthem.whatthefunk
    • While I agree with him we technically don't possess constitutional protection against dismissal. So, you can say what you want.whatthefunk
    • But that first amendment protection can be used as a defense against terminationwhatthefunk
    • @buddha - one needs to know the rules in order to know how to break them ;)whatthefunk
    • @nb - I completely agree though it's a tricky grey areawhatthefunk
    • *edit* first amendment protection CANNOT be used as a defense against terminationwhatthefunk
  • whatthefunk2

    What a copy cake! Celebrity pastry chef claims Trump 'plagiarized' his Obama inauguration cake

    The Food Network judge posted two photos of the nearly identical cakes and hinted that Trump 'plagiarized' his 2013 work.

    An exact ripoff


    • lelsted
    • looks like R2D2 in a tiaraPonyBoy
    • Trumps cake is much better, why is this guy complaining...robotron3k
    • How is it better?
    • It's robotard's signature move pango, ignore his crap, he'll never respond with an actual answer.BuddhaHat
    • It's the 'say something stupid/racist/sexist /inflammatory/factua... incorrect/hateful and walk away' approach. His signature move.BuddhaHat
    • Donald's cake was a lie. It was made of styrofoam. Fake cake!face_melter
  • sted2

    30 years ago

    we didn't had the right to vote because only one party existed, anyone who wanted something different got convicted on the basis of false accusations.

    we didn't had the right to be on the street when there are more than 3 people present at the same place, otherwise you got jail time for 3+ days.

    we didn't had the right to listen to any kind of music or speech, and the penalty for listening to Western media could lead to confiscation of property and jail and/or labor camp.

    we didn't had the right to get any job we wanted or build our own company because our jobs where preassigned and every invention became the property of the state

    we didn't had the right to criticize our leaders, and sometimes our neighbor was the one who betrayed us because we said something about the authority

    what we had is the total control of the local media, military and economics by a foreign country, and moving forward as an individual was only possible trough along political interests. people we know disappeared one day to the next, and most of the times we just got some lies about how they defected the Soviet Union.

    But according to news of the state TV and Radio everything was fine and we where living in an amazing country and all of us played an important part of the worlds greatest power.

    After three decades of this shit, 30 years ago in this day a handful of people including my grandfather started a secret movement because of a rumor from moscow what lead to the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

    • Source?nb
    • Where was this? Armenia? Estonia? Lithuania? One of the post-soviet states, I'm guessing...BuddhaHat
    • Hungary.sted
    • people in Lithuania led at that time this movementsted
    • @nb: my childhood :)sted
    • You wrote this?nb
    • Thanks for the post, and happy 30th anniversary for... does it have a name?
      Anyways, Happy 30th Secret Soviet Insurrection Movement Day!!
    • They formed a party called MDF in 27 september 1987sted
    • https://www.youtube.…deathboy
    • deathboy that isn't about the retaliation what started after 1956. lots of people got that wrong because before that year it wasn't clear that we are slaves.sted
    • but nice find :)sted
    • the darkest day album is big on it, your post made me think of it, i only know of the situation from their view. more read a post respond with your relationdeathboy
    • i'm listening to that now, fuck I never heard about this band and it reminds me of my teenage years, that album is great :) thanks!%sted
    • :) they're in my favs both in sound and lyrical qualitydeathboy
    • this one u probably dig too. i do
  • robotron3k-4

    Live Woman's March protesting change...

    • LOL, did someone just hack the audio!omg
    • yes, they are putting star wars music on as they march...robotron3k
    • lol I love how they interrupted the live feed for Trump...robotron3k
    • that was historic! hahaomg
    • * Donald Trump live at CIA interrupts woman's march. hehe *omg
    • women hater is women hatingfadein11
  • BuddhaHat0

    ^ Posted by Entertainment News Gaming

    Ⓔntertainment Ⓝews Ⓖaming
    We've got you covered!

    [Open 24/7] Discuss the Presidential Election 2016

    We Endorse Donald J. Trump

    • Psst, nobody else post in the comment above, watch and see how long robo and omg jerk each other off to the Trump-endorsed YouTube feed.BuddhaHat
    • lolomg
    • if you're not watching robo's live feed, you are missing some hilarious shit!omg
    • You shit in your hands and eat it omg, why would I care what you think is funny.BuddhaHat
    • you still mad bro? sounds like you need a pounding.omg
    • What would Khizr Khan holding the constitution think of that, omg? Go eat a big bag of dicks, you fucking imbecile.BuddhaHat
  • yuekit2

    Listening to Trump supporters, it's like the biggest threat is ordinary people protesting for their rights in a democratic country.

    Not the corporate cronies and lobbyists Trump appointed to gut the social safety net. His plans to increase the debt with massive tax cuts for the rich. Or his pandering to authoritarian governments like Russia and the Israeli far right.

    Ignore all of that...focus on the protesters and scary liberals. Bonus points if you can spot a feminist or a "BLM." Oh yeah and Hillary, even though she's completely irrelevant now.

    It's such a classic bait and switch, although you have to wonder how long this will work once things really get bad.

    • You know Obama increased the debt $9,334,590,089,060.5... - which is double that of Bush...robotron3k
    • OR, did the 'Let's block the debt-ceiling limit' GOP in the House and Senate have something to do with it?BuddhaHat
    • Then what kind of sense does it make to give huge tax cuts which will double that increase again?yuekit
    • You realize criticizing Obama doesn't automatically justify whatever bad idea Trump is proposing right?yuekit
    • robotard with the grossly misleading single-post, and then not responding with anything resembling a logical defence. signature move.BuddhaHat
    • I'm stating that if you need to be equal in your criticism, Obama hired corporate cronies/lobbist as well and never dare try to win friends in congress.robotron3k
    • Trump just started and you guy act like it's the end of the world. America's still a great country and at least were not Canada or Sweden right now...robotron3k
    • I did criticize Obama when deserved but there's no comparison with the trainwreck we are looking at with Trumpyuekit
    • That's not what you were stating, you were claiming Obama as singularly guilty of increasing the national debt, which is grossly misleading.BuddhaHat
    • Acting like they are the same makes me think you haven't looked into the details of what Trump and the Republicans are proposing at all.yuekit
    • he's not interested. Trump is a trojan horse for 'other stuff'Fax_Benson
  • whatthefunk1

  • instrmntl1

  • fadein110

    I lol'd
    "Even when silent, you sound loud. You are, in fact, an avalanche of contradictions: real and unreal, scary yet amusing, fact and fiction rolled into one – like a little rubber Mount Rushmore blown up to actual size by the use of helium. You confuse us. We want to laugh at your stumbles, but are petrified by what those stumbles may lead to. You are the worst person ever; and yet not as bad as Mike Pence."


  • drgs2


  • omg-6

    *ding! ding! It's that time again...

    Have a great and happy inauguration weekend.

    • graphite whorested
    • simpleton cartoon is simplefadein11
    • Also inaccurate. He's turning nothing around. Just hitting the gas and taking the shit route through the swamp.monospaced
    • this is the only medium through which omg can grasp concepts... cartoony pictures - even if they happen to be completely wrong.BuddhaHat
  • BuddhaHat3

    Turnout for D.C. march already bigger than inauguration day turnout


    The D.C. metro reported that ridership at 11:00 a.m. was at 275,000, which is eight times what it is on a normal Saturday and even busier than on most weekdays. The transit system said inauguration ridership was the lowest in years ― basically the same as a normal Friday. By 11 a.m. on Inauguration Day, metro ridership was at 193,000.

  • whatthefunk2