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  • jaylarson2

  • inteliboy6

    how's that swamp going omg?

    billionaires and a surgeon representing the middle class!

  • kona8

    Trump plan hikes taxes for some in middle class.
    Nearly 8 million American families, including a majority of single-parent households, would pay more under Donald Trump's proposals.
    Windfalls for the 1 percent.

    Middle class as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent.
    Meanwhile, windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.



    We're all laughing at you omg. All of us.

    • lolmonospaced
    • hilarious...if it weren't real and people were still chanting "tax cuts!!" It's insane people try to justify this.formed
    • yupmoldero
    • The middle class...or what is left of it...
      pays for the rich, poor and all wars.
    • Let me spell this out for you: Oh My fucking God!!!!zaq
    • If you make less than $127K, you are in the green.omg
    • It's fucking insane. It really makes me wonder if people are a lot less intelligent than I thought.formed
  • utopian4

  • utopian2
    • I see more green tax savings here for the working class.omg
    • Huge giveaways to the rich made possible by giving middle class a few hundred in savings...sounds like Bushyuekit
    • Do rich people even need incomes? Donald Trump isn't even taking a paycheck.omg
    • I guarantee you that Trump will some how find a way...to force himself to take the presidents' salary. He isn't called "Don the Con" for no reason!utopian
    • His hellspawn will set up some kind of shell company/trust to pay the money into then give it back when he's done. Family of thieving cunts.face_melter
    • This is all about ensuring rich people keep their incomes. Has nothing to do with the pres salary in any way.monospaced
    • The Pres salary is pennies. With these tax "cuts" he'll be giving himself an exponential raise. It's criminal.formed
    • Nice how he slaps the upper middle class with a massive increase.formed
    • Why are the last 3 graphics different for the same data sets?mg33
    • The income brackets are different. The bottom two charts display in $ and the top charts are displaying in %.omg
    • How can anyone think this is ok? It's robbery and makes American's look like naive morons.formed
    • Meanwhile, Putin's net worth is 200 billion. Even Trump taking a $1 salary, i'm sure he'll make profits in many other places.pinkfloyd
    • He was advertising his book during his campaignpinkfloyd
  • Gardener0
  • nb3

    Not fake. This is your next president speaking.

    • oh boy. someone really needs to teach him how to cyber.Gnash
    • How many world leaders are just going to openly fucking facepalm every time he talks. I can't wait for the 'leaked' minutes from the meetings.face_melter
    • Bet your last dollar that it won't be Wikileaks who publish them either.face_melter
    • ^ in-fucking-deedfadein11
    • James Brown is dead...since1979
  • nb1

    Ugh, Americans.

    This morning Trump is going on a twitter rant about Hillary's recount. He's quoting all her remarks about how horrible she said it would be if Trump didn't accept the results. And Trump is not wrong in that Hillary's people are being hypocritical. However, during the campaign Trump said that he would accept the results IF he wins. And now he's demanding that she do something that he wouldn't do.

    So, to summarize: we have one candidate accusing his opponent of doing something that he said he would do himself, while the other candidate is doing something that she accused her opponent of wanting to do.

    It's all so predictable and ridiculous. American politics has become a joke. I'm not sure Trump and Hillary realize how stupid they both look. Trump is clearly thinking that his tweets make him look better than her, but Americans are not as dumb as they appear on TV. If this is what we get for the next four years, I expect apathy and mistrust of the system to get to an all time high.

    • It's all a joke. It's hilarious how people drool at the chance to have minimum wage physical labor jobs and turn a blind eye to the robbery at the top.formed
    • I doubt "Americans are not as dumb...", just look at how many try to defend giving handouts and redistributing wealth to the top.formed
  • bliznutty0

    isn't it ironic that the founding fathers, the writers of the constitution, were unanimously rich, white, statist (pro-government) men - yet the first words of the constitution are 'We the people'. what bullshit.. total trickery. I mean if it were hard-working Joe Blow and Mary Jane that had written the constitution and it started as 'We the state..' - it would make more sense that it were the people's. Only thing is, Joe and Mary were working hard to feed their children and raise their families and they didn't have time to sit around all day writing a piece of paper that ultimately declares (in some god-like way) what rights everyone around them can or can't have. this whole 'we the people' shit is only for sheep to buy into their own slavery and control..

    • interesting thoughts and insights!utopian
    • The people helped these men fight a war, and these men fought with the people to build this country and gain independence.monospaced
    • In that regard yes the words were genuine.monospaced
    • How was writing the constitution by hard-working people played out in Russia?zaq
    • Meg.since1979
  • bliznutty0

    the underlying problem of a modern-day human forming his/her worldview around a justification for the state by rationalizing it's existence which is the continuation of society being dominated by its class of rich and powerful - justifying it as if it were the will of the people, such like the constitution states 'We the people' - the problem with this is trying to find, throughout history, the line between force on society - forcing them to be controlled by something such as government - versus the people voluntarily enabling it. you see, when i look at history i see it totally being forced upon the people without any voluntary will of the people whatsoever - in fact history is being written the same way now b/c the IRS forcibly takes from us to pay for endless war. The real truth is that throughout the history of the world the state was never of voluntary free will of the people - it was always shoved down our throats by the rich and powerful whether we agreed or not. thus, how can we wake up everyday and perpetuate a lie - that all of this is FUBU (for us by us.. lol i thought that was funny).

    • seems like a grim determinist way to look at democracy. what do you suggest as an alternativeterry_cloth
    • my utopian world would be where each person lives under such basic philosophy as namaste - in respect/harmony with everything rather than fear/controlbliznutty
    • keep dreaming pal, when it comes right down to it might has always and always will be right. we are just violent animals with a delusion of sophistication thatterry_cloth
    • crumbles away all too quicklyterry_cloth
    • i'd give you the benefit of the doubt but here lies the underlying problem in which i'm referring to.. its a chicken & egg discussion. perhaps state/militarybliznutty
    • dominance are the violent animals and its order over society a delusion of sophistication. i'm basing my perception off of today's reality and historical.bliznutty
    • agreed but we know which came first, human nature came first before the social construct and still does when it comes right down to itterry_cloth
    • i guess the namaste approach is undermined by the sheer volume of people on this earth. i forget where i heard the analogy but it's a case of 'too many monkeysterry_cloth
    • in the cage"terry_cloth
    • technology is innovative! i don't find democracy very innovative at all. democracy (both intentions and results) is very anti-liberty and anti-namastebliznutty
    • think so? tell me, what better alternative is there without delving into silly shit about holding hands and wearing flipflops hunter gatheringterry_cloth
    • lolmonospaced
    • Based on the technology comment i thought he was going to respond with something about a global benevolent artificial intelligence or somethingterry_cloth
    • terry, your conjectural perceptions of 'human nature' vs. 'social construct' don't impress me. https://en.wikipedia…bliznutty
    • and your modern notions of 'human rights' don't impress me. It's not conjecture bliznutty, it's how humanity operates without a governing body to enforce theseterry_cloth
    • 'rights'. namaste doesn't mean shit when people are in competition for limited resourcesterry_cloth
    • google 'state of nature' and click on the inevitable wikipedia entry. in other words, if people think they can get away with it, they will reliably choose to viterry_cloth
    • -olate your flimsy notions of 'rights'. practically speaking, you have no rights that aren't granted to you by social construct. but then again, people who talkterry_cloth
    • about namaste and such tend to be really uncomfortable with anything resembling pragmatismterry_cloth
    • terry you think you know it all. trust me you don't. the government is not FUBU https://www.youtube.…bliznutty
    • the state is a predator on its citizens and has nothing to do with 'limited resources' as you speak. there is NO social contract -otherwise show me my signaturebliznutty
    • terry you are an absolute professor of bullshitbliznutty
    • i googled 'state of nature' and it is exactly what i'm telling you. it's hypothetical (conjectural) and used as philosophy by religion/statists to..bliznutty
    • ..justify their power over society. why are you telling me to google such ridiculous bullshit?!bliznutty
    • Why are you so upset, I never said the government is 'FUBU'. I asked you what your proposed alternative is to democracy. My flip flop comment must have reallyterry_cloth
    • Bothered you for you to start personally attacking me. Let's get back to the rational conversation we were having before you became disgruntledterry_cloth
    • And I told you to Google the state of nature because you posted a wiki page about human rights which seemed to me a non sequiturterry_cloth
    • If you pay taxes you have signed into the social contract, it's not some philosophical conundrum. As far as whether or not the 'state of nature' is conjecturalterry_cloth
    • , all you have to do is take a look at areas of the world where there is both poverty and a lack of law enforcement, not a lot of namaste going on, but sure, abterry_cloth
    • -solve humanities responsibility for its constant brutality and blame it on 'the man'. It's not 'the man' bliznutty, it's just 'man'terry_cloth
  • whatthefunk1

    Crazy how many states have different voter ID laws and how many people manning those polls were unaware of the laws and denied people the right to vote. Eager to see how this whole recount goes...


    • lol, this guysince1979
    • If he thinks millions of people voted illegally then clearly we should have a national recount. He's not the brightest tool, is he?monkeyshine
    • forever counterpunchingsince1979
    • lolmoldero
    • It is a big mess. The sheer number that don't vote is pretty staggering too.formed
    • Imagine Hillary coming back from dead...robotron3k
    • Your future president just blatantly lying...and the crowd goes wildyuekit
  • sted2

  • chukkaphob8

  • CygnusZero43
    • a lot of snowflakes complaining about a white christmas.omg
    • Made in China...go figure!utopian
  • GeorgesII-7

    Hey Guys,
    306 > 232
    it's over,

    TRUMP2K16 :)

    • just to note, you brought it up.capn_ron
    • But it's rigged.BusterBoy
    • I hate to admit it, but Georges was right. *cheers*nb
    • I mean, *tipped hat*nb
    • We all miss the "TRUMP2K16" trolling.utopian
    • He can't help but stir the pot.

      He just can't help it.

      He can't handle not getting attention.
    • Georgestradamusyuekit
    • wow kona, have you read this thread, the hypocrisy of the left. I left this cesspool 4 months ago and it's still 99% against Trump.. omg one person who disagreeGeorgesII
    • with me, he must be wrong, and I AM RIGHT, then you wonder why you guys lost and will keep on losing untill you do a serious reality checkGeorgesII
    • They're blinded by hate.ORAZAL
  • whatthefunk0

    A Yale history professor’s powerful, 20-point guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency

    1. Do not obey in advance.
    2. Defend an institution.
    3. Recall professional ethics.
    4. When listening to politicians, distinguish certain words.
    5. Be calm when the unthinkable arrives.
    6. Be kind to our language.
    7. Stand out.
    8. Believe in truth.
    9. Investigate.
    10. Practice corporeal politics.



    • apply this to every last fucking politician... yes?PonyBoy
    • Lol. They don't give a crap until they lose and now it's about morals and truth.Hayoth
    • the virtue signalling and melodrama. is strong in this one. and suddenly 'terrorist' attacks are authoritarian conspiracies?Gnash
    • I love how all this political warriors act like they're taking some kind of risk by 'speaking out'Gnash
  • nb2

    Americans, how are you not embarrassed by this???

    • I love it when a future president retweets a random 16 year old and a Certified RV tech - completely presidential...whatthefunk
    • we didn't vote for himscarabin
    • Not only are we embarrassed by him but we're twice as embarrassed by those who aren't embarrassed - it's embarrassing.whatthefunk
    • I too am embarrassed for CNN. #DNCvoterfraudomg
    • by his logic, there's a spaghetti monster between the earth and moon because you don't have proof that it doesn't exist.dorf
    • Again, omg, blames everyone else.inteliboy
    • how much of a child does trump have to act like for you to even raise an eyebrow?inteliboy
    • inteliblind, Trump acting like a child does not create voter fraud. Can you say the same about CNN after Ms. Brazile contributing efforts?omg
    • omg - who cares if it's CNN or his opposition or who ever the fuck that is the topic of his outbursts. What kind of world leaders takes to twitter like this??inteliboy
    • it's his conduct that is embarrassing here. Funny, wooosh, that completely went over your head.inteliboy
    • Exposing media for misleading the public with their hard leans against the facts? I say his self-defense is justified.omg
    • omg, every time I read your response I play this as intro http://www.youtube.c…zaq
    • So, where are the facts that support trump's claims of voter fraud?dorf
    • Trump taking someone to task for misleading information? Fuck me. But hey, get one the little reddit cunts to put some text on an image and we're golden.face_melter
  • kona4

    Let's Think about the millions of illegal voter tweet the President Elect sent out earlier. Two problems:

    First, it's an abject lie. There is no evidence that "millions" of votes were made illegally. The future president is making wild, conspiratorial claims without the slightest concern about whether those claims have any relation to the truth whatsoever. I imagine him employing this same tactic as president when it comes to matters of national security, where lives are at stake, and it gives me a very queasy feeling.

    Second, the Clinton camp is trying to get a recount in several states. The man who WON has now JUSTIFIED those recounts by claiming that millions of votes were illegitimate. By his own words, a national recount of every vote must be conducted. That's according to Trump himself. The guy who won. The guy who won just questioned the legitimacy of his own win.

    And why? Because of his pride. Even though he won, he can't stomach the idea that fewer people voted for him than Clinton. So, just to service his damned vanity, he undermined his own win and called into question the authenticity of a voting process that just resulted in him becoming president.

    We are in for four years of this crap, folks. And I'm not going to play along. I refuse. Trump is wrong here. He's lying. He's being a prideful, reckless idiot and he deserves to be raked over the coals for it. And those who defend him on this deserve to be criticized right along with him.

    • Isn't he basically calling out illegal immigrants when he says votes were made illegally? I believe that's what's between the lines...whatthefunk
    • Team Trump Offers Evidence http://www.redstate.…omg
    • redstate.com fucking lol.inteliboy
    • It is funny when 90% of mainstream media are Democrats, and truth has to come from other sources.omg
    • Evidence?
      1. 2014 Washington Post study
      2. Pew Research Center study
      Is that evidence?
    • that article points out voter fraud, who they voted for is the big question. So far, the ones I know that got caught were voting for Trump.formed
    • 90%? Huh? sad and bizzare that you'd think USA mainstream media is democrat left leaning. USA is very right leaning country if you haven't noticed.inteliboy
    • How a study on 2008 and 2010 elections has any bearing on this election is delusional and just another con, jesus christ....whatthefunk
    • "A mere 7 percent of journalists identify as Republicans"
    • http://www.politifac…whatthefunk
    • Good to see Jill Stein is cutting through voter fraud allegations with a recount.omg
    • Be ready for Trump to improve his margin of victory.omg
    • Again, omg, your sources are from an extremely conservative leaning source.inteliboy
    • inteliboy, how exactly are you justifying your fiction against the facts? Washington Post is liberal and Pew Research Center is a "fact tank"omg
    • 7% of journalists identifying as Republican might suggest that repeated exposure to facts and truthful information has a liberalising effectBuddhaHat
  • whatthefunk3

    I love this one too...

    Trump gives Petraeus a pass
    The candidate who threatened to lock up Clinton for mishandling classified information considers a retired genera who pleaded guilty to knowingly leaking secret government files — and lying to the feds about it — for secretary of state.

    “So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information,” FBI Director James Comey told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee of Petraeus’ actions. “He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted.”


  • Bluejam2