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  • PonyBoy-3

    Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

    Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.


    • just one thing: the "Discrediting tactic" what is the base of the trump campaign playbook is exactly what rassa fuels in europe.sted
    • surprised you guys are DVing an article from the NYTPonyBoy
    • I don't think too many people believe Trump is actually a Manchurian candidate for Russia. But the idea that Russia does not have a favorite is hard to buy whenyuekit
    • you have stories like this:
    • Or just watch RT...they clearly favor Trump and spend a lot of time promoting him, for whatever reason.yuekit
    • who gives a shit what their 'favorite' is? They can voice their opinion all day long for all I care as long as they're not actually involved in the processPonyBoy
    • If there is a prob w/Russia voicing their opinion I suppose Mexico (and the like) should shut the fuck up too?PonyBoy
    • What about the Russians hacking Democrats email with the intent to damage them? Doesn't that count as involvement?yuekit
    • Article says aimed only at disrupting the election, but they clearly targeted one side.yuekit
    • That would be an issue except it's not proven (and no, 17 agencies haven't said russia hacked the dems as HRC said—do some research—all speculation—no proof)PonyBoy
    • saying the hack methods “are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts” does not say they're actually responsiblePonyBoy
    • Again... if Mexico can have an opinion and even a 'favorite'... why can't Russia?PonyBoy
    • (and please PLEASE don't think I'm advocating for Trump here—I'm merely interested in pointing out that the 'left' is just as much full-of-shit as the 'right')PonyBoy
    • Well to be fair, Mexico has an opinion largely because of Trump's statements shitting on Mexico :)yuekit
    • Rasa is in deep shit because of the us and nato that's why they need a leader in the us who doesn't gives a shit of what's happening in europe or anywhere else.sted
    • With Russia, I think people are wondering what the motive is. Another weird aspect was the financial ties between Trump's ex campaign manager (now resigned)yuekit
    • and corrupt Ukrainian politician he worked for who was basically seen as a puppet of Putin.yuekit
    • and how isn't a woman and/or black, dumb enough to laugh weak in diplomacy and easy to discredit.sted
    • I agree there is plenty to question in regards to Russia's interest. But the fact is every answer given is delivered w/speculation... proving nothing...PonyBoy
    • motive is to remove the Nato from eastern europe, so that they can take back some ex ussr coutries. and remove the us from the middle east.sted
    • ... yet the 'left' speaks clear as day that Russia hacked the dems etc. What sense does it make to blame a superpower for shit like this w/out proof?PonyBoy
    • United States covers more than 70 percent of the budget of the NATO. deploys defense systems around eastern europe, has many m. bases around eu.sted
    • Especially when Russia just revealed 'Satan 2'? Seems like we'd look to have a good relationship w/the USSR rather than accusing them of shit w/no real proof.PonyBoy
    • And the most important thing is that the US Germand and France has the biggest voice in the economic sanctions against rassa in g8. what is extended for 6monthssted
    • sht Germand = Germany :Dsted
    • PonyBoy that's a joke right? the reason for that is to show some power. for example Lithuania: they currently prepare for the same type of war what was ukraine.sted
    • this email hacking is the same type of shit what happened in my country some years ago. people went nuts, nationalist right party won the election.sted
    • and guess what in the middle of the war in ukraine our "trump" was shaking hands with putin like they are some old time friends.sted
    • and today the exact same leadership tactics are in place in hungary like in russa. (media, energy, etc. owned by gov oligarchys)sted
    • wasn't joking, sted—was just...speculating. :) Nothing but speculation (which was my point in sharing the article—it's all speculation / accusation w/out proof)PonyBoy
  • yurimon-12

    I think I have an idea,

    Can you list 5 crucial values you think a president must have. discuss.

    gotta get back to work.

    • lol @ workmoldero
    • twerkcapn_ron
    • Not be a belligerent asshole would be at the top of the list.yuekit
    • Understanding of POP and IMAP is essentialDillinger
    • Pays fair share of taxes without exploiting the loopholes.monospaced
    • builds bridges not walls.fadein11
    • Can complete a full sentence.monospaced
    • bit late for thatFax_Benson
    • Political experience, emotional intelligence, coherent but flexible views, not rapey, abundance mindsetlowimpakt
    • Self control, manners, tact, ability to compromise, intelligence.mg33
    • workimonRamanisky2
    • Plain spoken and direct. Leadership. Holds himself and others accountable. High integrity.kona
    • "gotta get back to work" = "log out of yurimon and log in with my other screen names"kona
    • Get a Job Moran!utopian
    • yurimon leaves and the delusional chatter from dillinger, kaitlinmcarthy, omg, yuri, (am I missing anyone?) is also gone. it's very strange... hmmmkona
    • I think you're onto something konaRamanisky2
    • Environment, Taxes Reform, Education, Jobs, Uncorruptomg
    • kona: nope :(sted
    • Know frame data for Chun in SFV, owns infra J VI's, not orange, normal-sized hands, not a fucking uppity cunt with the emotional range of a child.face_melter
    • ^ lolfadein11
    • get a fucking job dude!DiIlinger
  • allthethings2

    The GOP’s Age of Authoritarianism Has Only Just Begun


  • Dillinger-6

    If only Hunter S Thompson was still around

    I would like to hear his views

    • For sure.

      I was just thinking the other day, if only George Washington were around, what would he think?!?
    • Nothing of added value. He was a delusional windbag in his old age.severian
    • he'd probably shoot himself againFax_Benson
    • How is his opinion of any value regarding politics?pango
    • He can be objective.omg
    • @pango - he wrote some excellent books and articles on politics - the highlight being Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72. His voice would be veryfadein11
    • relevant today as it was after 9/11 regarding Bush. https://en.wikipedia…fadein11
    • Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail is a great insight into the crippling absurdity of US politics, which still holds up today.face_melter
    • He was a political animal since he left the air force, but i guess now everyone knows him as Johnny Depp or 'that dude who drove to Vegas and did drugs lololol'face_melter
    • The good old day when he was a live right?pango
    • he was pretty out there in the endsince1979
    • @face_melter - yep such a shame he is mainly only remembered for that - so much more - a great commentator - even if I didn't always agree with him.fadein11
  • moldero13

    Lately the Dollar/Peso has been pinned to whether Trump is ahead or not, when trump is doing good in the polls, the Peso goes down, and since I make dollars, its in my interest for trump to be ahead,

    But I'm not in this for myself, I'm looking at the bigger picture. Climate change is my #1 issue, Hillz sucks at it but at least she acknowledges it's an issue, unlike Trump

    When Hillz wins, I'm planning on troll-fucking that corrupt Hillz Cunt till the end, but until then, Trump needs to go down.

    • exactlyfadein11
    • wordmonospaced
    • "Climate change is my #1 issue"
      that must be nice
    • Drain the Swamp and see if he goes down too.omg
    • it's a HOAX folks! don't be fooled by the corrupt solar panel corporate lobbyists!RealDonaldTrump
    • if Trump finds out that solar, wind and air makes more money and jobs for this country, a smart business man would change his tune.omg
    • noDAPLomg
    • yeah, lets "hope" or "pray" he gets it one day huh.moldero
    • who cares about global warming, by the time it kicks in we will all be deadDiIlinger
    • you don't care about terrorists ISIS!?PaulAIIen
    • i want trump to win just to see the republic burn to the groundDiIlinger
    • ▲9/10 rassans would agree
      (1 is living in the us for 20 years)
  • Ramanisky27

  • Dillinger-6
  • see_thru2

  • omg-13

  • omg-11

    Susan Sarandon Goes Full ‘Bernie Or Bust,’ Endorses Jill Stein


    • "Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption," the former Bernie Sanders supporter said.omg
    • So they're just not gonna vote?pango
    • Who is they're?omg
    • [insert knock knock joke here]omg
    • voting for Stein = not voting at allmoIdero
    • Not True: Stein needs 5% to get campaign endorsements for 2020omg
    • She's the reject the lesser evil for the Greater Good; The reinvestment vote.omg
    • This year she had $1.5M, for 2020 its hopeful she can get $10M and it's looking good.omg
    • 5% to get campaign endorsements to be at 1% again in 2020moIdero
    • I'm more optimistic that more folks will think environmentally and forego the war all together.omg
    • war puts money into our economyDiIlinger
  • omg-9

    • He's a much better speaker than Elon Muskomg
    • Deluded cunt. Does he think Trump will be less of a war monger than any other Dem?BusterBoy
    • Past 30 years Trump hasn't put the US in war vs The Clintons have been collecting foreign donations since 1997.omg
    • "Trump hasn't put the US in war". Amazing argument. That's like saying Santa hasn't played for The Knicks, such is the relevancy.face_melter
    • Yeah, but Santa isn't trying out for any basketball teams.omg
    • Trump hasn't been in office yet. Based on his statements and the views of the GOP, he will be just as bad if not much worse.yuekit
    • Santa was the first round draft pick for Charlotte, but he was traded to Toronto for a packet of biscuits and a balloon with a smiley face.face_melter
    • The talk is that the balloon has a wicked 3-point game.face_melter
  • utopian6

    • Stern wanted to run with Ventura, imagine that shit, Stern vs TrumpmoIdero
  • omg-12

    "For all he gets wrong on race, Donald J. Trump got one thing right: The Democratic Party does take black Americans for granted, and that’s a problem," Nikole Hannah-Jones writes.

    Trump's Incovenient Racial Truth
    For all he gets wrong on race, the Republican nominee got one thing right. The Democratic Party does take black Americans for granted, and that's a problem.

    • http://www.nytimes.c…omg
    • "The problem is — and this is where Trump’s rhetoric is just that, rhetoric — black people ...monospaced
    • ... aren’t loyal Democrats because they don’t know any better. They are making an informed decision."monospaced
    • Just like Republitards take uneducated rednecks for granted.BusterBoy
  • whatthefunk5

    The Incredibly Sexist Book Once Mysteriously Billed As Trump’s ‘Debut Novel’

    If it seems odd that Trump would have such an affinity for Trump Tower, it makes more sense once you know that the publisher originally marketed the book as “the debut novel from ‘New York Times’-bestselling author, international business mogul, television superstar, and New York City icon, Donald J. Trump.”


  • omg-11

    John Podesta was fully aware of the secret email accounts Clinton was using and as soon as the New York Times broke the story "Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules," he sent an email to Clinton aide

    * * * BUSTED * * *

    • Once again, on my way to Dalat, 73 yo Vietnam man ask me if where I'm from, then ask if I'm for Trump or Larry in broken English. I say Trump and he nods hisrobotron3k
    • Head in agreement, says Larry no good and starts chanting, Trump, Trump. This proves to me, the world really dislikes Larry. She's a dangerous person.robotron3k
    • Actually Trump is disliked across most of the world.yuekit
    • http://www.independe…yuekit
    • ^ Sorry http://ind.pn/2dLbZN…yuekit
    • ^^Let me see if Im grasping your story here... you spoke to a 73 year old vietnamese man and his political views resonate as proof that the world hates HC?sofakingback
    • Yuekit, this is the poll for the article, https://worldwide.vo… Trump wins!robotron3k
    • Well there you have it gentlemen. America and its biggest joke. :Dsofakingback
    • Like I said before, many travelers I've met in the last month absolutely are in favor of Trump.robotron3k
    • I was shocked myself sofakingback, I don't bring up politics, but Italians, Germans, Argentinans would openly tell me their preference of Trumprobotron3k
    • And Yuekit showed us proof this is so.robotron3k
    • It's not that America is a big joke, it's that we are tired of corrupt career politicians.robotron3k
    • robotron3k, the poll you posted is a random internet poll where anyone can vote as many times as they want.yuekit
    • You really think Canada, UK and Germany would vote for Trump? lolyuekit
    • As far as anecdotes go, that's exactly why they have polling in the first place...because stories like "I met a guy who said X" are ultimately meaningless.yuekit
    • oh robo, what does it matter? She has a vagina so you already wrote her off ... anecdotal stories are meaningless.monospaced
    • "corrupt career politicians" You don't even know what that is, what exactly are you referring to? You have it so good, you don't have any idea what bad is. lol!sofakingback
    • Right Yuekit, that poll was as accurate as that article in the Independent. I don't consider it proper news and you shouldn't eitherrobotron3k
    • Momo, there are many many articles on how women are way better leaders than men. But the question still remains, why aren't there many more women leaders??robotron3k
    • Most likely the answer is, women especially in the West, make different career choices (I'm on, to have an easier life, like travel, take it easy, etc.)robotron3k
    • robo they aren't even close to the same. Shady internet poll you can vote multiple times in vs. a real poll that interviewed 50,000 people in person or on theyuekit
    • phone. Please tell me with a straight face that you think a majority of people in Muslim countries support Trump lolyuekit
    • ignorance is bliss man, if you think its so, its so. *shrugsofakingback
    • I just voted twice using a VPN on your poll in different countries.yuekit
    • r3k - I've not met one person in Britain, British, Italian Spanish or Polish that has had anything other than revilement for Trump. As too ALL our press.detritus
    • ...admittedly, Hillary's viewed fairly negatively, but in line with increasing distrust of our own political classes. Nowhere near the same level as Trump.detritus
    • The only people outside of the US backing Trump are the ones who want the US and by extension, The West, to fail. So yes, a few Russians probably do like him.detritus
  • Dillinger-5

  • omg1

    • maybe it was one of his previous tenants, ex workers or someone who had their pussy grabbed?lowimpakt
    • This woman did it, she's gone plum loco https://youtu.be/nm8…robotron3k
    • How could this happen??? people across the globe adore trump!!! in particular elderly vietnamese travelers... simply mind blowing. :Dsofakingback
    • the Russians, too, apparently 72% would vote for him if they could....supriseformed
  • BusterBoy1

    If Trump gets elected, and these new emails turn out to be nothing more than some Weiner dick pics and a few hotel reservations, Comey would want to up his security.

  • BuddhaHat3

    This ex-KGB agent's interview relates to PonyBoy's post at the top of the page, and how it would suggest that the Russians would absolutely love Donald Trump and the chaos his candidacy has caused. The Syrian conflict has given rise to a new proxy Cold War, so this sort of political disarray in the US is entirely in their best interests, and seeing a morally bankrupt, neurotic, narcissistic, fluoro-orange imbecile of a candidate get elected would be an outcome they'd celebrate openly. Members of Putin's circle in Moscow are sitting back with their popcorn and vodka and enjoying watching the US eat itself alive during this colossal 2-year shitshow that has been the US election process.

    One quote from the first minute:
    - 'the goal is to change the perception of reality of every America, to such an extent that despite an abundance of information, no-one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their communities and their country'

    • The KGB always called leftists useful idiots. Seeing the state the left is in I think their work is going to planDillinger
    • I think during this election process Dillinger, that the GOP takes the cake in the 'idiots' category.
    • from L to R it's corrupt idiot, token latino idiot, deranged idiot, scumbag idiot, orange idiot, other Bush idiot, 2 x religious idiot, libertarian idiot,BuddhaHat
    • and finally 'jeez, oh man' idiotBuddhaHat
    • I saw this maybe 12 or 13 years ago... it was fascinating and relevant then, and 10x more so now.set
    • buddah, you either didn't watch this video at all or you do not understand that the people he's talking about are the leftist SJWs, do you even listen to whatGeorgesII
    • he said? I may have posted this video like 5 times in the past 10 years and you could not be more wrong about your point. Yuri is talking about the culturalGeorgesII
    • marxist, which is the school of thought hillary and obama are proudly promoting, I don't want to insult you, but give it another listenGeorgesII
    • Now I will exit this cesspool they call a political thread where ignoring hardcore pedofilia and corruption is ok, because he trump is bad, we got it, he's badGeorgesII
    • Georges you should watch some russan tv lol. how they speak about the decline of the West, especially us :)sted
    • sted, what you said has nothing to do with the video, I just pointed out that what yuri said has nothing to do with Trump and more a warning about the currentGeorgesII
    • state of the democratic party. Mr Bezmenov is quite open about the leftist infiltration of the US gov. btw: it doesn't take a PHD to see the decline of the wesGeorgesII
    • My comments weren't directed at Yuri, Georges... "This ex-KGB agent's interview relates to PonyBoy's post"BuddhaHat
    • Georges ok now watch some us RT how they alter the "reality" :Dsted
    • and I think it's perfectly applicable to the right in the current context. Maybe the left were the liability, politically speaking, at the time of this video...BuddhaHat
    • but I would argue that the right represents a far greater political liability at present.BuddhaHat
    • and I abhor pedofilia and corrupt politicians as well, please don't think for a second I'm sitting here with a Hilldawg hat on and ignoring her transgressions.BuddhaHat
    • She represents a whole lot about what is wrong with institutional poltics in the US, but the 2-party system has dealt these 2 candidates.BuddhaHat
    • And she doesn't ask terrifying questions about why more countries can't have nukes, and why they aren't being used.BuddhaHat
    • Isn't it obv that Russia is far more aligned with the nationalist right these days than the left?yuekit
    • And for all her negatives, Trump is a world-class buffoon that should never have gotten the candidacy.BuddhaHat
    • So I'm sorry Georges, I think you might have gotten the wrong end of the stick there.BuddhaHat
    • well, at this point of the election, even if it came out that the democratic party funded the bernie protestors, laid the message that trump was a racist bigot,GeorgesII
    • was involved in cheating and corruption, got money from states that are diametrically inverse to the western's moral, has used her influence to provide weaponsGeorgesII
    • to isis, used her foundation to steal money from third wolrd country. funded the invasion of Syriah, got involved in weapon and human trafficking, people on theGeorgesII
    • so called left would still point to the so called right and accused them of all crimes, I do not have to bring my opinion (buffoon is an opinion), there's nowGeorgesII
    • plenty of well documented leaks that points out that the democrats are the most corrupt party ever, but they project a lot, if Trump was accused of a 10Th ofGeorgesII
    • crimes attributed to the clintons, he would be in guantanamo by now, it's appaling that you can say she's corrupt and a kid fucker but she's still better thanGeorgesII
    • Trump, this makes my head hurts, it's like your opinion matters more than facts. This is why people get angry for a month about a pussy comments but don't careGeorgesII
    • about the same politicians that have been shitting down their troats for decades https://www.corbettr…GeorgesII
    • But how can you characterise it as 'laying the message' that Trump is a racist bigot, when he has shown time and again that he is indeed a racist bigot?BuddhaHat
    • And Trump has been accused of plenty of things, but thankfully thus far he has limited his destruction to private industry and Rosie O'Donnell.BuddhaHat
    • As prior to this election process, he had no political career. I'm not sure his temperament would permit him to sustain a 30+ year political career.BuddhaHat
    • And if he had, the mind conjures up some awful possibilities, if you use his business and personal failures as any sort of measure.BuddhaHat
    • HAHA I'm sorry Georges, this thread is a dark, time-sucking, insidious place isn't it?BuddhaHat
    • Exactly, the idea of Trump as not corrupt rests on the notion that anything done in private sector (where he has long record of breaking laws and fucking overyuekit
    • even his own supporters) somehow doesn't count. Also look at the people surrounding him...Christie, Giuliani, Gingrich, Pence...same old corrupt bullshit.yuekit
    • That's the thing though, I've had some fairly boisterous discussions with people laying out the facts about Hillary. Her involvement in the coup in Honduras...BuddhaHat
    • doesn't even rate a mention, despite how heinously wrong the US involvement in that political process was...BuddhaHat
    • For anyone in the U.S. who lived through the Bush years, the idea that Dems are worse is laughable.yuekit
    • but STILL, with ALL of that, of the 2 candidates remaining, I can't conscionably put any kind of support behind a man with a history like Trump's.BuddhaHat
    • It's a history that illustrates total mismanagement, a total lack of temperament for the job, total lack of empathy or accountability.BuddhaHat
  • Dillinger-6

    "Craig Murray, the former British ambassador thinks that the source of the leaks are not Russian hackers but a Washington insider."

    • everyone with a shred of intelligence, knows every states, israel included got into her email. Saying it's the russian is the dumbest thing since santa is realGeorgesII
    • ^ yepfadein11
    • Wait Santa's not real?mugwart
    • @mugwart, sadly no, Santa was created by the Chinese to make American manufacturing less competitive.BuddhaHat