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  • Bluejam3

  • IRNlun61

    With some political connections and a few million, even YOU can be an ambassador.

    • link to story?sarahfailin
    • Wikileaks. No way to say this without sounding like conspiracy but this info shows crimes committed by the DNC. Media won't be writing about this.IRNlun6
    • This is a list of pay-to-play contributions to the DNC and the government positions they received.IRNlun6
    • lol @ email actually calling it "pay to play"monospaced
  • Ramanisky23

  • BonSeff4

    Colin Powell

    • I'm 10 seconds away from registering "dickingbimbos.com"mg33
    • any statement ending in "according to the New York Post" is pretty much void to me. he might as well say the World Weekly News.sarahfailin
    • but I wouldn't doubt that both clintons are dicking other ppl. why shouldn't they?sarahfailin
    • this is nothing compared to the shit he wrote about Trumpmonospaced
    • they are starting to look equally defuncted in this battle. however if one lowers my taxes, cuts bloating of gov. +yurimon
    • lol @ yuri distancing himself from Trump now.fadein11
    • distancing like how, this is all up for debate.yurimon
    • yep - from defending to distancing - it's not complicated mate.fadein11
    • surprised i don't see this included in some of the mainstream media that have articles about his emails. which seems to be the most interesting aspectdeathboy
  • fooler2

  • Dillinger1
  • bliznutty-3

    which one of these quotes best represents your view of a civilized society?



    • none.sted
    • they are not contradictorydrgs
    • drgs please explain your logicbliznutty
    • basically both mean that to live in a civilized society we all need to chip indrgs
    • the statements are same minus 3 words. how can "opportunity to live" = "failing to build"?bliznutty
    • Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian statebliznutty
    • represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success.
      - Mark Skousen
    • In Sweden and Japan, income tax rates are incredibly high. There is no income tax in Saudi Arabia.monospaced
    • this same concepts go for coops, the higher the maintenance the worse the management company.yurimon
    • #yurinelogicfadein11
  • lowimpakt-2

    i can't argue against this

    "Imagine an obese woman who is constantly making fun of men for not having perfect bodies enjoying the political support of 40%+ of voters"

    "Imagine an obese woman who has five children with three different men having that support"

    "Ok, now imagine that obese woman is clearly pretending to be religious, and has a documented history of swindling people"

    "Ok, stay with me. The obese woman with 5 kids with 3 dudes never misses a chance to publicly hit on her hot son"

    "The obese son-lover enjoys the support of white supremacists (which she won't disavow) and claims to know more about ISIS than the generals"

    sexism is real"

    - Erin Gloria Ryan

  • IRNlun63

  • reanimate1

    • Infowars. For all your basketcase, swivel-eyed needs.face_melter
    • infowars: free slice of bullshit with every survival kit sold.fadein11
    • your load bull shiet is better than my load of bullshit. is what you are saying.yurimon
    • eh? are you affiliated with infowars? or just a fan? why would you think my comment was directed at you? Jesus - dillusions of grandeur mate.fadein11
    • whats the difference between one type bull crap over another? one feels good the other feels bad? just basically what you are sayingyurimon
    • if you love bullshit you should love all bullshit, not just the one you prefer. why discriminate?yurimon
    • weak cop outmoldero
    • so if you can share your method of bypassing the manufactured reality. that would be great moldy. I thank you in advance.yurimon
    • n help me with my character question.yurimon
    • Your shit is weak as hell, mate. You're phoning it in now - find a new angle.face_melter
    • not an angle. majority of whats put out there on both sides is mostly bull. not uncommon if you root for a team to eat the propaganda with it.yurimon
    • i know in sweden the propaganda poop tastes like candy. and you will defend those lies like its candy. but its poop.yurimon
    • Can you rephrase that in the form of a Socratic argument?qoob
    • infowars is a fear ecommerce platform to sell shit survivial kits to those they scare. Alex Jones has no value (apart from his excellent infiltration offadein11
    • Bohemian Grove, I did enjoy that a lot).fadein11
    • remind me how your choices are free from fear. lol.yurimon
    • infowars talks about apocalyptic situations, then sells survival kits in every ad break... hmmm seems legit.fadein11
    • i get that. you mean similar strategy that sells papers. sectionalism and fallacies. but you have to give him cred. he been on point this countries directionyurimon
    • better get a survival kit then mate and book yaself a bed in the FEMA camp - shit goin down bro.fadein11
    • you dont need a survival kit fadein i could tell your lips are fully developed for sucking. you are a true survivor. :)yurimon
    • BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!monospaced
  • fadein110
  • Ramanisky24

    • lol, you can sense his creep aura freaking her out.fadein11
    • you can see auras bro? please tell us more willyownka. gifyurimon
    • I see purple streaks!mugwart
    • amber is the color of his energy, whoaaahhmonospaced
    • AMBER ALERT!utopian
    • call the amberlamps!monospaced
  • Ramanisky23

    SouthPark nails it every time.

    • getting boring and stupid. complains of the simplicity of opposing side. watches an overly simplified cartoon with an iq level of 50. praises it on the internetyurimon
    • with a post.yurimon
    • not boring or stupid, totally entertaining and smart funnymonospaced
    • just like John Oliver, who's totally on it, fresh and hilarious, every single timemonospaced
    • what a nice comment ..
      thanks asshole.
    • not you mono ... obviRamanisky2
    • lol, intellectual level of fart jokes ya'll on ityurimon
    • it was entertaining maybe 5 years ago oliver is a bit more current witty but starting to become stale.yurimon
    • It was entertaining 5 years ago, and is still entertaining today. Still witty, and nowhere near stale. Perfect blend of smart, intellectual and hilarious.monospaced
    • John Oliver isn't getting stale at all. Every clip, every segment of every show is fresh weekly, guaranteed.monospaced
    • But you know who's still funnier and smarter than both of those? John Stewart. He's always relevant, he's very informed. He'd make an excellent president.monospaced
    • he has a few good ones here n there but to me his bad ones are stale. he only has a few common sense ones. his first trump one was funny.yurimon
    • cant wait for the dicking bimbos and sick hillary episodesDillinger
    • just my 2 cents. i wish i could be entertained. i used to like many years ago, but befoolery me now.yurimon
    • hes not informed. he is an actor in which his is supposed to make you like him so you can watch his show hes playing on your logical fallacies.yurimon
    • he might be an actor, but he's still hilarious, and people like him because they are smart and enjoy intellectual, informed comedy that plays off realitymonospaced
    • just like they enjoy southpark, because it's the cutting edge of comedy and satire, which is as current and fresh as anything out theremonospaced
    • South Park nails it every time. So does John Oliver and Jon Stewart. Every. Single. Time. Always on, always funny, always fresh and smart.monospaced
    • you know who's not funny or cutting edge?
      Every. Single. Time. that's who
    • be nicemonospaced
    • I owed him one. ;)Ramanisky2
    • nails what exactly? you take assumptions and play on assumptions, make an abstraction of an already existing abstraction.yurimon
    • yuri - you talk shit all the time. do you have friends? do you act like this around them? are you ever relaxed and just enjoying life? or always so negative andfadein11
    • defensive? you need to chill out and realise its all a big game and you aint gonna make jack shit difference. enjoy it while it lasts mate.fadein11
    • nails the situation that is upon us, packaging it in an abstraction that appeals to people who enjoy smart, informed and educated humormonospaced
    • it nails the overall assumption. that i would agree and yes it appeals to people because it plays in to an already existing illusion.yurimon
    • fadein, im calm and chill. loosen those panties bruh.yurimon
    • you sound frustratedmonospaced
    • I am not wearing any underwear today.fadein11
    • It's not an illusion that Trump is the worst presidential candidate in the history of this nation. That's just a fact.monospaced
    • you dont know that. everything we know is an abstract that was watched on the net or tv, papers.yurimon
    • look at enough TV and newspapers and other media and you will get a reasonably accurate picture yuri, just make the picture as diverse as possible.fadein11
    • It's true. And that is why this is so hilarious and relevant. Also why Oliver and Stewart are funny and smart and relevant too.monospaced
    • if you look into a tube you can see objects closer but miss the big picture. its tunnel vision to a point. n you knows it. you dont even know jon.yurimon
    • he is paid to be charismatic and say stuff you want to here but not really true,yurimon
    • Actually what he's saying is true and Stewart says it even though he's not being paid for it anymore. Sorry you couldn't be more wrong.monospaced
    • Likewise you only like trump because he pays himself to make up shit that appeals to you but has been proven to be mostly bullshit every day.monospaced
    • And at the end of the day, he is hilarious, just like this skit, which appeals to high IQs. Not stale or tired or passé or anything like that.monospaced
    • you are doing exactly what he said is sad if people take him for reality. lol.
      jon: hey guys im not real im just entertainer.
      Mono: no man you are real man.
    • mono if i tell you exactly what you think reality is will you think im smart. because im saying things you perceive as real regardless if its true or not.yurimon
    • I'm not doing that at all. You are. He's not stale, he's hilarious, and he'd be a better president than Trump. Plus, this South Park is spot on hilarious.monospaced
    • Not sure why you're arguing this, everyone knows it because it's true. Anyway, nobody will ever confuse you with smart, no matter what you write. Sorry: fact.monospaced
    • lol, fact, everyone once knew the world was flat. fact. govern by popular belief and not actual fact is jon., he admitted to the to him being entertainmentyurimon
    • and thought it would sad and ignorant if people thought otherwise. congrats dude.yurimon
    • That metaphor is absolute rubbish, and so is your declaration about how Stewart would govern. He is actually a far better candidate than Trump in every way.monospaced
    • You are clearly not at a level to understand this, which is why, whenever this comes up, you get triggered and say he's not funny. But it's true, sorry bro.monospaced
    • Did you even watch the South Park episode? You really should. Once you do you'll realize how much it nails it, hilariously, as it does every time.monospaced
    • raise you standards. you want to be a the lowest common denominator. its all good. feel free.yurimon
    • My standards are very high ... in fact, higher than yours. Fact. Even your highest is barely halfway up on my scale. Lowest common denominator is Trump. Fact.monospaced
    • But attacking me is really only your pathetic, last resort, and a sad attempt at avoiding the FACT that this is comedy that is spot on, nailing it, every time.monospaced
    • Weren't you leaving anyway?monospaced
    • no dude you are free to do what you like. believe what you wish, go against critical thinking. all good.yurimon
  • dbloc4

    If you think Gary Johnson should be in the debate, add your signature. I think a 3rd perspective other than the 2 major parties would be a good thing.


  • mg331

    Donald Trump’s Son: Dad Not Releasing Tax Returns Because of Politics

    "Donald Trump doesn’t want you to see his tax returns, precisely for the reason you think: because they would be a political liability. This is according to three sources close to Trump: two of his sons and the candidate himself."


    That's some n'th degree audacity right there.

    "When asked why his father has not released his tax returns as presidential candidates have traditionally done, Trump Jr. said, “Because he's got a 12,000-page tax return that would create ... financial auditors out of every person in the country asking questions that would detract from (his father's) main message.”"

    No dumbass, I think most people are perfectly content to let a nonpartisan financial expert review them, and write a concise evaluation of the 10, 20, 1000 things that show Trump is a liar and unfit to be president.

  • utopian0

    Cigarette maker Reynolds American adds former House Speaker Boehner to board

    Typical Republican Family Values and Christian Right Corporate Hypocrites!

  • utopian2

    Donny Trump Jr. jokes about 'gas chamber' on WPHT


    Like father like son...

  • dbloc4

    Jeb trying to contain a BLM protester that was throwing rocks at people. The protester bit him, so Jeb throws a few puches at him.

    • High Energy Jeb!Ramanisky2
    • Not Jeb.BonSeff
    • LOLmoldero
    • you're s'posed to lick Bush... not bite itPonyBoy
    • One of the YouTube comments: "Jeb returns in 2020 tatted up and swole as fuck to take DC." LOLKrassy
    • Haha Krassy, I saw that one too and spit coffee on my monitorRamanisky2
  • Ramanisky21

  • monospaced2

    • got my voteRamanisky2
    • yupdbloc
    • for easily fooled yes.yurimon
    • not fooled yuri, funny... funny. no fooling, just funny.fadein11
    • trump is the candidate for the easily fooled, stewart is for the educated, smart and reasonable votersmonospaced
    • ^the simple fact that yuri can't process that common sense logic says no one in their right mind should even try and debate with him.kona
    • jon is not running. trump is not perfect. only truth i see in his campaign is he patriotic to the country. that would be a change from the bush era.yurimon
    • jon stewart is an actor. he said it in the beginning if people come to him as info anything other then entertainment its a sad thing.yurimon
    • And yet, he'd make a better president than Trump any day. Turns out actors can be well informed and intelligent people too.monospaced
    • hes intelligent like lenin was intelligent. basically. he is part of the illusion paradigm you subscribe to. so good luck with your celeb worshipyurimon
    • Jon Stewart is not an illusion and neither is the paradigm you are assuming I prescribe to. I don't worship him either, just know that he would be a great pres.monospaced
    • Far better than Trump, who is the worst type of celebrity whose entire campaign is about painting a false illusion of bullshit and hate that you prescribe to.monospaced
    • Why are you arguing with a person who literally dreams about editing his own posts?BonSeff
    • thats cause im on here to much. its all an illusion in every way mono. jon, trump. its abstract assumption based on abstract assumptions.yurimon
    • Reagan was an actor dipshit. Reagan... the Republican messiah President... was an ACTOR. So what does it matter Stewart being an actor?kona
    • And STILL Stewart would be a better president than trump. Far more real, smart and informed than trump. It's that simple.monospaced
    • Trump is a reality show actor....even worse.dbloc
    • they both the same abstraction, you just like one over the other. the basis of your decision is the same. abstract assumptions made into a conclusion.yurimon
    • And still he'd be a better president than trump. You have made no case to refute that. Sorry.monospaced
    • I like him more than trump because he's a better human being in every way possible. Smarter, more informed, more relevant and better spoken.monospaced
    • You only like trump because he's a botched abstraction of a human, and you relate to that. He speaks at an iq level of potato. Not surprising you worship him.monospaced
    • At least Jon Stewart lives in reality and actually can actually discuss he issues in a real, global level. Trump we know can't.monospaced
    • yupmoldero
    • JS is a pretty bright guy, Trump is a good entertainer but that's all, his "ideas" are beyond laughable, he can't talk about a single thing in realityformed
    • remind me how tv and abstract reality narration and comedy is reality again. jesus. do you think?yurimon
    • i dont think you know jon well enough and mistake charisma for intelligence. a phrase there is a sucker born every minute comes to mind.yurimon
    • Not only do I think, I'm 100% correct. Stewart would be a great president, and much better than Trump in every way. He's not just charismatic, he's smarter too.monospaced
    • You can't really argue that.monospaced
    • i dont think so. his joke are made for a more liberal mind, like most extreme view points not based on facts but assumption. i dont see how playing on peoplesyurimon
    • fallacies though maybe intelligent would product an effective policy.yurimon
    • His jokes are not for liberal minds, they are for smart, educated minds of people with real senses of humor about reality. Nothing extreme whatsoever.monospaced
    • Not only are his views based on facts, they would be a backbone of policies that would be more effective than Trump's in every way. Can't really argue that.monospaced
    • It's okay that you don't understand that. Thing is, most people do with IQs over potato. Jon Stewart for president, because he's smarter and better than Trump.monospaced
    • his jokes are not based on looking at statistics for sure. his jokes are based on common beliefs, fallacies, assumptions and cultural stereo types.yurimon
    • Not really, they're based on more reality than you seem to understand. That's why he'd be a FAR better president than Trump could ever dream of. Fact.monospaced
    • if he did jokes based on facts, he would be hated. but when he takes common beliefs it becomes a flattery and people feel a common ground. its basic rapport.yurimon
    • Not sure why you're arguing against this. It's just common knowledge among anyone with an IQ over potato, yuri.monospaced
    • Also, aren't you leaving?monospaced
    • I'd hate for you to spend a second day being triggered over this again.monospaced
    • its a hard to sell for people to hear the truth and take on responsibility for the current world. requires introspection. which is opposite of entertainmentyurimon
    • AND YET, he'd still be a better president than Trump. Sorry, it's true.monospaced
    • He has proven time and again he can step aside from entertainment to be introspective and take responsibility for the current world, unlike Trump.monospaced
    • he hasnt proven shit. he hasnt taken any responsibility other then let people wank of their anger, complacency with spending time watching a show.yurimon
    • he got rich working for viacom. people like his show. he captured an audience with making jokes about popular fallacies. its good propaganda. people got stressyurimon
    • release by laughing on things they thought was true, sat on their asses, did nothing felt they were part of something. you know like a brand experience..yurimon
    • but somehow consuming entertainment is going to change the world.hey i like you cause of confirmation bias. it is brilliant.yurimon
    • and STILL, he'd be a better presidential candidate and leader than Trump in every way, because Trump is worsemonospaced
    • Trump got rich by shitting on people, capture an audience through lies and bad jokes, spreads fallacies and propaganda daily, and is a narcissistic fuck.monospaced
    • Stewart doesn't even come close to anything you described, by the way. He's more of a real person than Trump, more connected to realilty. Better candidate.monospaced
    • And honestly, do you hear yourself? You're actually arguing FOR Trump, do you realize that?monospaced
    • You're getting triggered, AGAIN (this is the 3rd time) over a suggestion that Jon Stewart is funny. It's so pathetic, it's embarrassing. Thanks for the lulz.monospaced
    • sure what ever you say. good luck.yurimon
    • bye feliciamonospaced
    • bye monikayurimon
    • that doesn't make sense, and Jon Stewart would be a great president, because he's smarter than you and trump and is a better human being.monospaced
    • if you mean he is good at manipulating the public then you are correct. if you think he will be good at policy. nope if he continues to appeal to liberal sensesyurimon
    • Guess what? You're wrong. Stewart would be better not because he can manipulate, but because he's smarter and more capable of a person.monospaced
    • More knowledgable, more experienced, funnier (obviously), more in tune with reality, and infinitely more intelligent, introspective, adult and equipped.monospaced
    • Your attempt at defending trump is really nonexistent. I'm not sure you make any case attacking Stewart in a triggered rage. Give up.monospaced
    • im not defending trump. your basing your choice to pic jon because you think he is smart based on his charisma, ability to tap into an audiences perception toyurimon
    • get laughs. its just absurd. instead owning the responsibility of intellectua failure in assuming something you have no proof. of. no proof trump will be goodyurimon
    • or bad.yurimon
    • Nope. Stewart would be a great president and you certainly ARE defending trump every single time you argue against it.monospaced
    • The only reason I post it is to watch you get triggered. It's worked too and really exposed your stubborn, bitter hypocrisy at the same time.monospaced
    • And in the end, when you say Jon Stewart isn't a good candidate, it just makes you look like a trump apologist. It's so disgusting.monospaced
    • And the reason is hat it's painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain that Stewart is twice the man trump is. He would be a great candidate.monospaced
    • im not triggered. im chilling in the shade drinking lemonade, just want to see if at some point you could make a valid argument. non so far and counting.yurimon
    • you are even going against his own assertion that he is not to be taken serious or used as a measure for reality. that prob the strongest argument yet.yurimon
    • in essence you are not arguing against me but going against jon's own words and beliefs. that is how far off your arguments are.yurimon
    • yet, you can't show how he isn't more qualified, more intelligent and a better human being than Trump in every way, or why he won't be a better president.monospaced
    • and yes, based on the fact that you lost your shit over this image is PROOF BEYOND DOUBT that you are, IN FACT, triggered. Textbook definition.monospaced
    • you have no proof of that. he does his job well which is entertain and charisma isnt intelligence, identity politics isnt either.yurimon