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  • royer

    Sunscreen people....come on!

  • canuck0

    damn some of those are quite disgusting.

  • DaveO0

  • locustsloth0

    When i was in tenth grade i got one of these kinds of sunburns. My dad had taken me to a waterpark and i proceeded to spent a couple hours in the "Lazy River" floating around in a circle...without any sunscreen. Ended up feeling sick as shit with blisters on my shoulders the size of quarters.

  • royer0

    It seems that I can put sunscreen on all day, but my nose will still turn bright red. Prob growing skin cancer on it right now

  • bulletfactory0

    maybe your nose is bright red due to alcoholism.

  • Jaline0

    Whenever someone has a smiley face like this:

    I imagine they are cute like a teddy bear, and/or their nose is red. Like VectorMasked :)

  • flavorful0

    A few years ago I went down to the beach to hang out with some friends. It was going to be great, I'd be down in Ocean City for like 4 days, then NYC for 4 to go see the Pirates play the Yankees. I was fucking ecstatic.

    So I show up at nite, we have a big party - good times. Wake up the next morning and we're supposed to meet people at the beach ... to do what people do I guess which is nothing. Personally I like to drink but decided to just go to sleep.

    My friend wakes me up literally 45 minutes later and goes, "Uh, I think I need to take Jer back because he's already turning pink." We had put sunblock on, so I was feeling okay - but I was actually already turning pink.

    So we get to her place and I'm joking the entire time but then go ... "Dude, my fucking feet are killing me." Yup. Had shoes on when I put on sunblock, haha.

    We go to help set up for the next party, and my ankles/feet are swelling up to the size of grapefruit and I can't really walk anymore. It just fucking hurts so bad, haha. Second best part is that my shorts went down a little bit too, so it looks like I had a c-section.

    There wasn't enough booze in the world, I was drinking Mad Dog by the bottle, and downing as many beers as I could and nothing was helping whatsoever. It was awful, haha. Especially since some people who never get sunburn don't realize that smacking it is punishable by punching people in the throat.

    I told my one friend I was going to hit her like a man if she ever got within arm distance, and I really, really meant it, haha. So yea ... for the next 4 days I stayed on the couch watching Seinfeld and drinking as I couldn't walk, or walk for long periods of time (I'd even had to sit down to go to the bathroom, haha).

    My other friends in NYC didn't understand why I couldn't go, and then I just said fuck it, I'm going back to Pittsburgh. If I'm going to be a piece of filth I'd rather not do it at my home. I still have no idea how I drove him, sheer willpower probably. My feet were still swollen to bejeesus. And when I got to Baltimore, traffic came out of nowhere and I had to slam on my breaks ... to make matters worse my phone slid from my lap, onto my other foot.

    So I'm there in rush hour, music blaring, shirt off with various red dots and tears shooting involuntarily out of my eyes like a super soaker. And I still had like 4 more hours to go or something, haha.

    It was the most consistently painful thing of my entire life. It was 3rd degree burns on my legs and stomach, and took weeks to heal. I had to take off another week of work because of it.

    I've gotten 3rd degree burns before from the sun, but never on my ankles/feet and I can't even fucking begin to explain how I don't wish this on any other human being ever, haha.

    Your back is one thing, you can wear wash clothes on it, and not sit on things, or sleep on your stomach ... but Jesus F Dot Christ.

    Then the disgusting thing started to happen when my skin would peel off finally. It'd be like a mountain of dead skin, it was ridiculous.

    I've only been burnt twice (once with blisters on my face, haha) since - but from now my daily routine consists of putting on sunblock after I get out of the shower and putting it on just constantly if I'm in the sun.

    It's a year round thing so I never ever forget, haha.

    • What a white boy ;)Jaline
    • Haha yea, my body wasn't made for anything below 50 degrees North Latitude.flavorful
    • Unfortunately I live in 40 degrees North Latitude, and once even got blisters on my shoulders in February, haha.flavorful
    • i'm heading to ocean city next week actually... i'm assuming you mean the MD one since you mentioned baltimore7point34
    • Yea, MD. I went down the next two years too with spray can sun block and had no problems.flavorful
    • I got pretty wicked sun burn the one senior week we had down there to, haha. I went to two of them but they blend together.flavorful
    • I had more fun being underage, but being of age was great because I knew all the waitresses and never paid for shit.flavorful
    • that's a hike from pittsburgh... 6 7 hour drive?7point34
  • 7point340

    i can't top flav's story so i won't try....

    but a few summers ago, i was chilling outside on a particularly nice day. hot as hell so my pasty ass took off my shirt and was just sunning in the backyard. had my guitar, plunking around, and wasn't outside for more than 45 mins - an hour because it was just too damn hot. well i go in and i noticed i had turned a little pink on my shoulders, but i don't think much of it.

    my friend and i went to the gym to do some laps in the indoor pool. when we're done we go rinse off in the showers... still wearing our bathing suits you dirty monkeys, no man on man love... and looks at me and goes "holy shit"

    i had gotten so badly burned and i guess it took a while to really show, but i was bright fucking red. i didn't have any sunblock on and i wasn't really paying attention to how long i had been out earlier.

    it peeled for a week or so. and i mean sheets of skin. it bubbled up and when i was in the shower the skin would tear and the bubbled skin would fill up with water like large pockets. gross.

    • haha man that sucks. That would happen to me about 4 times a year at the least every year growing up, hahah.flavorful
    • awww...man...nastyJaline
  • jonatne0

    I had to go to the hospital for a sunburn when I was a kid.
    Spent 2 days there getting it treated. Pretty bad.

  • flavorful0

    Hahah oh yea, the one time I was at my place and was like, "Dude, fuck it I'm going to piss standing up. I'm a man damn it, and it's been over a week!"

    The pain got so ridiculous that I actually had to try and sit on my tub which I miscalculated egregiously and ended up smacking my head falling in the tub ... while I'm pissing all over myself.

    I sat there laughing for a bit, because if I would have saw something like that take place I would think it was funny, and also if I would have died ... this is how I would be found. Mostly naked in my tub, having just pissed all over myself.

    Then I just decided to turn on the cold water and try and get my own urine off of me.

    • i would have probably run in to help when i heard you fall and then started laughing as i pissed on you7point34
    • what could you do? nothing that's what...7point34
    • hahaah yea. Except cry.

      Or open my mouth.
    • i'm a vintage year. you, sir, have good taste7point34