Photobook - Music Shots

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  • 3 Responses
  • BaskerviIle0

    [cost of printing/production + (hourly rate for photography x number of hours spent)] x 2.5 markup = price for book
    2.5 can be infinitely more if you're famous.

  • Doorman0

    Yes the book will have 52 pages including Contents - Copyright...etc but 46 pages of music shots.....I just thought someone could advise me on a price regarding this is sometimes hard to put the correct price - not too high not too low.....but i agree it all depends as well on its cost to make it.....many thanks.

  • Mojo0

    Are you saying, it's a 46 page A4 book printed on 160gsm paper (gloss?), with an aluminium cover, containing music-related photography?

    You want someone to give you a price for the one-off original, or for prints?

    I don't think there is a set rate - it's all about the artist and what people will pay for it. If you're not well-known, then there's only a certain amount someone will pay..

    From working in an art school, that's what I think anyway. Someone with more experience can tell you what the actual deal is.

  • Doorman

    Hello, am in the process of making a PhotoBook regarding Music shots - A4 size - Landscape Format - 46 shots/pages. The book cover will be in aluminium...Only one copy will be made. Prints are on 160g paper....Could you advise me a selling price for it as it will be a real piece of art...nice to look at closed or open. Many Thanks.