A typeface close to Auto?

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  • Typographica0

    I'm confused because Meta is not an Adobe font and hence not part of FontFolio.

    sk is right that there are few fonts like Underware's — especially in the Adobe library, which is very Americentric. Underware is Dutch, which has a very different pedigree than American design.

    Cronos is about as close as you'll get to that casual sans style in an Adobe font.

  • skwiotsmith0

    If this is for a client project, here's a suggestion: if you don't own it now, and this is a paying client project, mock up the project in Auto and then get the client to pay for it. Say 'you can have this, but it will cost you XYZ.' If they agree, then you can legally purchase the face. If not, move on and delete Auto from your system.

    I am not advocating the use of pirated fonts, but if you can turn a pirate into a purchase, I think you can make up for this...

    (Also, very few people do work that looks like Underware's material)

  • decisionman

    Hey All,

    Was mocking something up in Auto ... and well, I can't use it, as I don't "own" it. I do have Font Folio, however -- was going to take a look but I thought someone here might know.

    I'm thinking Meta would be the closest bet ... thoughts / comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    PS -- If you don't know Auto, it's by Underware (www.underware.nl) -- it's amazing.