SuperGlue Art Reception//SoHo

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  • RaggedAnn2120

    This might be shameless, but my art collective needs all the support it can get at its inaugural debut this friday night, 12/21 from 6-8pm

    So if you are in New York and in need of an exciting start to your friday eve, you should definitely think about joining us....

    Thank you kindly....

    SuperGlue is a not for profit group of young painters, writers, photographers and graphic designers from the New York metropolitan area who believe in the use of art as a vehicle for social activism. Their regard for art as a powerful medium for connecting, supporting, and inspiring communities has shaped the aspirations of this youthful collective.

    Old & New, title and theme of the exhibit, emerged from the development of a series of workshops focused on arts in the local senior community. As they work towards the implementation of these workshops, they reflect on temporality and their own sense of time. They seek to engage their viewers into considering the impact of the past alongside the uncertainty, and perhaps, vulnerability of the future.

    The show features paintings, photography and lenticular prints, along with an exceptional performance piece connecting the space between old and new.

    Old & New will be on view at Broadway Gallery from December 18th, 2007 to December 31st, 2007.
    The Opening Reception is Friday, December 21st, from 6-8p.

    Where: Broadway Gallery is located on the 7th Floor at 473 Broadway, btw Broome & Grand Sts.

    Gallery viewing hours are Monday – Saturday, 10a – 6p.

    For more information contact Broadway Gallery at (212) 274-8993.



  • bulletfactory0

    super glue does not come in a re-touched Elmer's Glue bottle

  • blaw0

    And those are not valid break tags.

  • RaggedAnn21200

    So harsh' so it what you have to do'