Glossy v. Regular?

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  • mrdobolina0

    I used to work with a guy that had his resolution set to max on his Mac, like 2480 or whatever. I had my res set to 1024x768. he would look at his (web) work on his machine and loved it, then hated it on mine. I just see this as the same kinda thing if the colors are more vivid on these glossy monitors. Most users don't have these glossy displays yet, so working on the web, it seems to make sense to me to stay away from those displays.

  • pango0

    i go for glossy.
    1. If the work your doing is pretty serious, you probably wouldn't take it out door to work.
    2. For what i know, Colours on screen is never accurate, so doesn't really matter which one u get.
    3. As for in door reflection, never had that problem because putting a light source in front of the computer or behind you doesn't make any sense.
    4. Colours on glossy looks way better than regular.
    5. as for making web. lol i have a pc with regular screen to check how it turns out. ya... i guess thats not the solution for everybody...

  • Meeklo0

    Hey buddy...
    I work doing live visuals at rock concerts, nightclubs, museums and artshows all over the place. A lot of times I'm working outside your typical office.. and yes, I'm as serious as anyone here about my work.

    • How serious can you really be at a halloween party?monNom
    • lol damn! u got me on that one.
      ya you go for regular!
    • as serious as they pay me to be!
      you think all that gear is cheap? the laptop not the most expensive gear on that photo! ;)
    • lol monNom! meeklo, that is a SICK setup!k0na_an0k
    • Any Britney spears music in any of those snazzy gizmos?jox
  • zedvox0

    mr dobs is worked up? well that NEW.
    never seen him getting worked up.

    anywya back to topic...glossy or matte? :)

  • dsb0

    I ended up going with matte and there are no complaints here.

    • If you don't work on a glossy screen then fuck you - Ricky Bobby.k0na_an0k
  • its_only_me0

    go for matte just to be safe if your unsure.

    the lighting in the apple stores (or any other store) shouldnt be too much different to what people work in. so go in and try it.

    ...I went for matte because I didnt have the balls to go for glossy.
    works for me.

  • k0na_an0k0

    How many of you guys with a negative opinion on glossy have actually worked on or sat down in front of a glossy screen? I hear a few of you who have macbooks, but the rest.... are you getting your opinion from what you've heard online? That's complete b.s. Like I said before, I was a skeptic too until I sat down in front of one and tried it out. The first was at an Electronics store with massive overhead lights... they were not an issue when sitting down in front of the screen. The other two glossy screens were at my last job. No more glare than normal. Sure, when trying to look over the persons shoulder who is sitting at the computer there was some glare absolutely, but when you're right in front of it it's minimal at best. This reminds me of the guys who b*tched about the iPhone not having a universal headphone plug and thought Apple only did it to sell their headphones exclusively. I'd bet 90% of those people never even looked at the iPhone before passing judgement from what they heard online. Look at the phone, it has rounded edges, how can you flush mount a headphone jack on a rounded edge?... it would fuck up the nice curve, so you sink the jack into the curve and uh oh... people think you did it to fuck everyone out of their headphones. It boggles my mind. Sorry for the rant. 2 cups of coffee before 8 am. I'm flyin.

    • +1madirish
    • -1
      thoose glossy monitors suck. yes, i have worked on them, yes i chose against one for my own cause they are not representative of 99% of users online. :)
    • FFS!
      do not rep. 99% of users online and thus make my job not accurate.
    • haha... it's like each of your split personalities just gave me a + and -. jk about the s.p. thing. just crossed me as funny.k0na_an0k
    • so your colors aren't accurate. are they ever across all monitors and all user settings? no. color is a non-issue cause they'll never be the same.k0na_an0k
    • ...they'll never be the same colors across all monitors. brightness, contrast, quality... you can't control that.k0na_an0k
    • hell, take the same monitors and plug one into a mac and the other a pc. the pc will be darker.k0na_an0k
    • absolutely. but to that end, why would i want to *knowingly* take on ANOTHER variable in this game?madirish
    • when there is more of a critical mass of glossy, hyper-saturated monitor displays, i will take on another monitor.madirish
    • same reason i do not know a *single* photog using or WILL use a glossy monitor; the output of corrected imagery to all mediums in not consistent.madirish
    • FFS!!
      ... and medium is not consistent.
    • SHUT THE HELL UP!jox
    • LOLmadirish
    • i'm tried matt monitor and glossy. never had any problem with both but i still prefer glossy.pango
  • mrdobolina0

    I have tried them out and I prefer matte.