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  • raiden

    which would you prefer to live in?

    i'm considering the move.


  • jamble0

    having been to neither, I would say I'd like to visit NY and live in SF.

  • edd-e0

    what kind of job do you have?

    what atmosphere of environment do you prefer?

    what weather do you like?

    what salary expectations do you have?

    offcourse ill say nyc and then say san fran is not even on my radar at all.

    cali holds too many natural disasters that nyc will never have.

    life is expensive in both cities, yet each also yeilds strong competitive lifestyles.

    cali to me as i have lived there...well since i am a new yorker born and raised, cali never ever offered anything remotely comparible to anything in nyc had to offer, and that being said... since you arent from either visit both and make see which you like better.

    i dont hear much of people going to cali and saying they love it as i hear them always leaving, but anyone who comes to nyc always says they love it and they wish they could all move here, if not already have done just that.

    move to nyc and vacation in cali.

  • ninjasavant0

    Familiar with both I'd choose SF.

  • edd-e0


  • Ruffian0

    By spending 3 months in LA I now know that Cali is not for me. Except for vacationing etc. NYC all the way.

  • acescence0

    i have lived in both cities, and i prefer SF. if you want fast-paced city life, NYC, if you are more into the outdoors, clean air, sunshine, then SF is for you.

  • acescence0

    By spending 3 months in LA I now know that Cali is not for me. Except for vacationing etc. NYC all the way.
    (Oct 28 07, 03:38)

    California is a big state. SF and LA are about as similar as SF and NYC.

  • Llyod0

    SF is a good town.

  • monkeyshine0

    NYC is very cerebral, heady while SF is more eerrr....quality of life, etc.

    Where do you live now? East Coast and West Coast are two entirely different experiences.

  • ninjasavant0

    NYC just always seemed oppressive to me in that its so huge you just stay in the city and bounce around to other places in the city.

    SF has a less intense feeling to it and there's a ton of stuff around the bay area to get involved with.

    My 2 cents.

  • johndiggity0

    if you have a trust fund, ny by all means.

  • izaway0

    I lived in LA for 3 years, visited all over California. I've lived in NYC for 12 years now. Let me break it down for you in somewhat harsh terms. NY is continental. SF is full of nice lifestyles for wealthy white trash minds. NY sets the style for modern fashion, food, design and style itself. Everyone in NY travels all over, even the the janitors and kids working at McDonalds. In California in general you can feel the uncultured americana ignorance of the masses. People who think that living in New York means you aren't close to natural beauty are just stupid. Fire Island for example is just one of hundreds east cost beaches that pees on any beach in Los Angeles. With no roads and deer running around and shit. It's considered one of the best in the world. You take a very comfortable mass-transit train to get there. Those trains take you to cities all up and down the east coast. And there are mountains, Poconos, Upstate NY all easily accesible. It's cheap to fly in and out of NY to South America, the Carribean and Europe. Then there's the food thing. All the top chefs in the world have pretty much poo-pooed the Cali restaurant scene. Though of course with Napa valley just there, there is a lot of good food but its just not on the same par with the variety and deepness as NY. SF has some of the most incredible natural beauty in the world but if you really want to live and experience a TRULY progressive city that holds onto values of liberty and justice for all there IS NO city that will open your eyes like NY. If you want to hold on to a status quo way of thinking then move to SF. Not only cali but the rest of this country can't even hold a stick to NY for the fairness and no bs
    freedom it dolls out on a daily basis. That's what makes NY really the best city in the world and that's what people who don't live here need to know. This place is about being the home of the opportunity for freedom for all. SF society looks provincial in comparison. But maybe that's what you want.

  • onewhoslaps0

    no bs
    freedom it dolls out on a daily basis.

    (Oct 28 07, 10:35)

    like the freedom of paying 2K a month for 500 square feet of shitty apartment space and inhaling other people's BO on mass transit systems within the city.

  • Jaline0

    Interesting posts. I haven't been to either places, but I was thinking of visiting these areas in the future. I like comparing stereotypes and what the residents actually believe / feel. Sometimes it's the same, sometimes it's not.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say that "NY...[is] the best city in the world and that's what people who don't live here need to know", since it can be subjective depending on what kind of place you prefer living in. NYC does not include everything a city could ever have. There is no city like that, since one aspect of it will always overpower the other side.

  • onewhoslaps0

    not trying to be mean you're just glossing over a ton of the fucking annoying aspects of NYC.

    San Fran is more like living in a vacation, and NYC is more like living at work.

  • Llyod0

    I lived in LA for 3 years, visited all over California. I've lived in NYC for 12 years now. Let me break it down for you in somewhat harsh terms. NY is continental. SF is full of nice lifestyles for wealthy white trash minds. NY sets the style for modern fashion, food, design and style itself. Everyone in NY travels all over, even the the janitors and kids working at McDonalds. In California in general you can feel the uncultured americana ignorance of the masses. People who think that living in New York means you aren't close to natural beauty are just stupid. Fire Island for example is just one of hundreds east cost beaches that pees on any beach in Los Angeles. With no roads and deer running around and shit. It's considered one of the best in the world. You take a very comfortable mass-transit train to get there. Those trains take you to cities all up and down the east coast. And there are mountains, Poconos, Upstate NY all easily accesible. It's cheap to fly in and out of NY to South America, the Carribean and Europe. Then there's the food thing. All the top chefs in the world have pretty much poo-pooed the Cali restaurant scene. Though of course with Napa valley just there, there is a lot of good food but its just not on the same par with the variety and deepness as NY. SF has some of the most incredible natural beauty in the world but if you really want to live and experience a TRULY progressive city that holds onto values of liberty and justice for all there IS NO city that will open your eyes like NY. If you want to hold on to a status quo way of thinking then move to SF. Not only cali but the rest of this country can't even hold a stick to NY for the fairness and no bs
    freedom it dolls out on a daily basis. That's what makes NY really the best city in the world and that's what people who don't live here need to know. This place is about being the home of the opportunity for freedom for all. SF society looks provincial in comparison. But maybe that's what you want.
    (Oct 28 07, 10:35)

    you're an idiot

  • izaway0

    The small appartment cliche is so fucking boring. I live in a floor through brownstone with brand new renovations owned by two irish guys. with a back yard. It's called Savior Faire. The whole world knows that coming nyc and looking for an apartment is hard work. 3 years ago, when I was looking, I found two places I applied for after having shared a large one bedroom with my ex in Chelsea for 5 years, One place was in the East Village a brand new Duplex with two patios. washer dryer, and two full baths. It was 2500. (1400/2). AWESOME. I choose my current place in Harlem over that though, which at time was cheaper and with more style and character with the street, the brownstone ect... It's called get with a real estate agent and do your homework. And open your mind beyond the east fucking village and ask for what you want. You don't have to settle for a box at all.

  • morilla0

    In California in general you can feel the uncultured americana ignorance of the masses.

    (Oct 28 07, 10:58)

    One of the dumbest things I have heard all week.

  • Llyod0

    SF has great culture.

  • aliceblue0

    In California in general you can feel the uncultured americana ignorance of the masses.

    (Oct 28 07, 10:58)

    One of the dumbest things I have heard all week.
    (Oct 28 07, 11:10)

    me, too - just by reading his post it makes you Not want to
    live there -haha