Symbol Crit/Input?

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  • 43 Responses
  • wunderbra0

    keep this in mind..

    have you tried perhaps only a hand and a face profile.. reaching for it, not on the shelf but on the table or on nothing at all.. just reaching for it?

    try that..

  • detritus0

    Ok, I've a few variables to mix'n'mull here, thanks guys.

    Think the blown-up idea might make sense - I see now what you've referring to, wunderbra - the cross directly over the point of contention? Makes sense.. if I can fit it in!

    ukit - oh, I don't know - kids in this country seem to be taking drugs at ever-earlier ages, so if we can channel their hunger towards a legal means of consumption, that can't be a bad thing, can it?

  • detritus0

    It still amazes me how many variations there can be on one single theme*.

    For instance.. the flow for this one small (10mm) graphic, each instance progressively modified and adapted - some elements 'survive' and propagate, others die off - only to appear later on again as the population develops.

    For all the talk of evolutionary processes creeping in to industrial design - computers creating thousands of iterations, culling unsuccessful genotypes and breeding successful ones - humans, or graphic schleppers at least, would appear to have been doing it for years.

    Sorry, I think the wine's talking. blahblahblahblah.

    * and yes, there's the irony that none of them have yet hit the mark..