Pricing Myself

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  • 5 Responses
  • artgod33

    I apologize in advance for the length of this post.

    So I am in a bit of a wonderful dilemma.

    An acquaintance that has turned into a friend has started a company that is becoming rather successful. It is a commercial real estate company (buying properties fixing them up and selling them and managing commercial properties)

    He has asked me to do all his design work for the properties. The hard part is I am having a hard time coming up with pricing for him.

    And I'll be honest it IS because he is a friend (good friend at that he has really been kind to my wife and I). Normally I would charge a stranger/ company about $60-75 an hour for work or if it was a grouped project (new biz packet) I'd charge a flat rate (making sure I get paid well).

    I tend to use the Graphic Artist Guild Pricing and Ethical Guideline book as a jumping off point and then take a little off the top as I think most people gasp at the sticker shock of a good designer (its amazing how easy they think it is)

    I was wondering what others charge, or if you don’t want to divulge if you think the $60-75 range is fair for the market (I am in Boston by the way)

    When he started the company I did his logo biz cards and letterhead for 2g's and he loves them (thus getting me more work) but charging hourly seems better as some projects will be very little work while others will be a lot.

    I have a day design job and have only really dabbled in outside work usually pricing myself out of most jobs or pricing too little for the amount of work that goes into a project.

    I would love (like all of us) to eventually open my own studio and htink this is the client that will be my bread and butter to eventually do so.

    Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Again, sorry for the long post.

  • rusty_shackle0

    50 for a bj
    100 for an hour
    700 for all night

  • 5timuli0

    Some info further down in the PVN in "US Freelance Rates".…

    Is that GAG Pricing book worth buying?

  • mg330

    50 for a bj
    100 for an hour
    700 for all night

    (Jun 20 07, 10:36)

    You should hear my grandfather talk about the old days... inflation has just killed the market for Seniors.

  • artgod330


    You're a lot cheaper than your mom.

    But that bitch used to let me slap her!


    You just can't find good help like that these days!

  • artgod330

    The GAG book is worth buying.

    It gives prices on EVERYTHING so you can price stuff out that isn't in your normal realm of expertise (easier to subcontract)

    Plus it is nice to have a tangible source for pricing, especially when you have a hesitant client.

    "I get my pricing from an industry source book yada yada yada..."