Chicago Tuesday Night

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  • Kiddo

    Two Chicago Degrees of Separation Events: June 19

    RELEASE PARTY: June 19, 8pm-12am
    The Apartment (Upstairs from Lion Head Pub)
    2251 N Lincoln

    Featuring music from:
    ABRANCHADAISIAN (Jaimie Branch - Trumpet, Tim Daisy - Drums, and Jason Ajemian - Bass) & PEDWAY (New Orleans transplants Quinlan Kirchner and Matthew Golombisky will be joined by Caroline Davis on alto bass. Both Kirchner and Golombisky are part of the Lucky 7s, a group formed from New Orleans transplants and Chicagoans and a featured performance in last year's jazz festival.)

    Talk with the designers involved with Degrees of Separation.


    GALLERY OPENING: June 19th, 6pm-8pm
    Suzanne Cummings Flowers Gallery
    630 W Webster Av.

    Gumbo and cornbread generously provided by Heaven on Seven
    "The Best Louisiana Cooking outside of New Orleans"

    View the book, and all the individual postcards and posters framed at our New Orleans themed Art Opening.

    Also Free!