another shooting

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  • mrdobolina0

    haha. what a fucking tool. I havent seen him do anything but start fights and insult people since he started here.

  • Bluejam0

    i hope you don't own a gun

  • Crouwel0

    pffft yo'self homeboy.

    that sentiment has a lot a thought behind it.

    In the US, more than anywhere else in the entire world, the gun is the grotesque symbol of male empowerment. It is like crack for the socially disempowered.
    (Apr 19 07, 04:30)

    this is true. but to come to a good conclusion you cannot simply point to guns as the problem itself alone. True, making guns as easily accessible as in Virginia is a very very large part of this problem. But the US society, like any other country, MUST take lessons from this in a way that serious psychological problems and isolation can lead to a mind that sees no other solution then killing random innocent people. If we keep ignoring the importance of dealing with this phenomenon it will happen again, it can be a rape, a stabbing or otherwise violent behaviour.

  • FrdmOfSpch0

    i think, in the US, it's deeper than that Crouwel. The culture and the mythology behind the gun is so pervasive.

    Look at his postures in his pictures, his dress, and tell me that isn't taken straight out of hollywood, Taxi Drive, the Matrix etc..

    It is true psychologically maladjusted people will always commit violent acts.

    But i'm addressing the specific phenomena of the school shootup. Why send pictures and footage to a television news channel? This boy was creating his own hollywood epic, his final shootout scene where he's the hero that goes out in a blaze of glory.

    He only needs to tap into an all pervasive gun culture to feel significant in his actions.

  • Haydesign0

    I have nothing intellectual to add to this thread but....

    Is it me or does he sound exactly like Napolean Dynamite?

  • Bullitt0

    I dunno, I don't think gun laws are the answer. Could it not just be down to that fact america's one big densely populated country. They say Canada has more Gun's but almost no shootings, but isn't there more tree's than people in Canada?

  • Crouwel0

    i think, in the US, it's deeper than that Crouwel. The culture and the mythology behind the gun is so pervasive.

    Look at his postures in his pictures, his dress, and tell me that isn't taken straight out of hollywood, Taxi Drive, the Matrix etc..

    It is true psychologically maladjusted people will always commit violent acts.

    But i'm addressing the specific phenomena of the school shootup. Why send pictures and footage to a television news channel? This boy was creating his own hollywood epic, his final shootout scene where he's the hero that goes out in a blaze of glory.

    He only needs to tap into an all pervasive gun culture to feel significant in his actions.

    (Apr 19 07, 05:06)

    very good point!

    here in NL it is no different.

    you know we have had several "waves" of family massacres here. dads killing his children and/or wife and it is always during a certain period that these events occur in a short timespan.

    that has lead to questions from psychologists and other people towards the government and the media that the huge attention to and sometimes graphic displays of these tragedies are an incentive to other highly instable fathers to see no other way out than killing his family.

  • mg330

    Hey guys, back from Miami and of course we saw plenty of this on the news this week.

    The one thing I'm tired of is all the second guessing, all the "what if you had..." by the media. I realize it's what the media do - try and install blame somewhere as quickly as possible, but I can see how it's very reasonable that when the first shooting happened they didn't think there would be anything else happening.

    So the media blames the school for not e-mailing 14,000+ students to tell them (when they're all on the way to school for the most part) what happened and that classes are closed.

    It is a horrible, horrible tragedy. I am not trying to dumb it down by any means at all, but why can't people ever just say "sometimes very bad things happen and we don't have answers for it." Second guessing for the purpose of blame doesn't solve much, but second guessing as a means to prevent these types of things in the future does.

    The media just want to hang someone for every terrible thing that happens no matter how small the event they can stick their claws into. Watching Nancy Grace list night was like being hit in the face with a lead pipe.

  • Crouwel0

    What DID shock me is that i read in todays paper that the gunstore could register and sell guns but not the ammo.

    it turned out that in virginia it is possible to buy all sorts of bullets at Wallmart!!!

    It is a grocerie store, WHAT THE HELL?

    i really think that is a completely and utterly insane situation, sorry american friends, but that is jsut completely backward in terms of creating and maintaining any society that should be held far away from any violent tools.

    A GROCERIE STORE! essentially that is what it is, buy your meat, veggies and beer and oh yes, let's get some bullets at the counter as well. (i may HOPE that they are only available from behind the counter, even the razorblades are only available from behind the counter here, just like cigs..).

    This really has to change imho.

    I am glad though that in Europe we have no situations like these. pheew..

  • Crouwel0

    What DID shock me is that i read in todays paper that the gunstore could register and sell guns but not the ammo.

    it turned out that in virginia it is possible to buy all sorts of bullets at Wallmart!!!

    It is a grocerie store, WHAT THE HELL?

    i really think that is a completely and utterly insane situation, sorry american friends, but that is jsut completely backward in terms of creating and maintaining any society that should be held far away from any violent tools.

    A GROCERIE STORE! essentially that is what it is, buy your meat, veggies and beer and oh yes, let's get some bullets at the counter as well. (i may HOPE that they are only available from behind the counter, even the razorblades are only available from behind the counter here, just like cigs..).

    This really has to change imho.

    I am glad though that in Europe we have no situations like these. pheew..

  • FrdmOfSpch0

    yes crouwel, it's called a meme. They travel like wildfire.

    It's the same thing that turns outcast muslim boys into suicide bombers.

    Ideas that people self-identify with.

    The effect is called The Sorrows of Young Wertherā€¦

    This book was banned in Germany during the 18th century because it inspired a spate of copycat suicides by jilted lovers.

    This is why you always find these school shootings occurring in pairs quickly following on from each other. (as in September and October 2006 in the US)

  • Crouwel0

    sorry, NT didn't respond there for a minute..

  • kelpie0

    I dunno, I don't think gun laws are the answer. Could it not just be down to that fact america's one big densely populated country. They say Canada has more Gun's but almost no shootings, but isn't there more tree's than people in Canada?
    (Apr 19 07, 05:10)

    would it hurt though? really?

    I'm with Moth here, I fail to see what's going on in someone's head when they defend the gun thing. makes zero sense to me.

  • mrdobolina0

    noone is really defending the gun thing here, it is just that the cat is out of the bag, there are like a billion guns in the hands of citizens right now, what is the solution?

  • Witt0

    why is everyone neglecting the reasons he pointed out? so the guy leaves a clear message of hatred - pointing his reasons - and people start debating weather guns are best sold over the counter or under it?

  • FrdmOfSpch0

    because if the hate filled man didn't live in a society that glorified the gun-toting hero and made its weapons available in grocery stores for virtually any idiot to come pick one up, these things wouldn't happen with this sort of frequency.

  • mrdobolina0

    blaming movies now, has he trotted out GTA yet, if he does I win the daily double.

  • Gucci0

    Witt, no one gives a shit about his reasons because his ramblings are non-sensical and his gripes don't justify the end result (ie: people are lead to believe he had some psycological issues that pushed him over the edge)
    Like some other nters have said:
    "you don't know what it's like to have your throat slit from ear to ear" - neither does he.
    are "bratty rich kids and their debaucheries" going to change? No.

    He just wanted people to be nicer to him. He just sounds like one big suck who's parents should have smacked him, put a basketball in his hands, and bought him an ice cream.

    I read he has a sister who graduated from Princeton and is now hoping to get a job working for the government. There goes that idea. He might have been living in big sister's shadow for a long time.

  • moth0

    Even I look past the gun ownership thing - WHY are you guys allowed to buy fucking automatics? This surely goes above and beyond the requirement to protect yourself. I mean what are you expecting - a Sunni insurgency?

  • FrdmOfSpch0

    Even I look past the gun ownership thing - WHY are you guys allowed to buy fucking automatics? This surely goes above and beyond the requirement to protect yourself. I mean what are you expecting - a Sunni insurgency?
    (Apr 19 07, 06:25)

    everyone has the right to armed revolution in this country. it's enshrined in us constitution.

    you're only looking at the negative sides man!