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  • 162 Responses
  • TheBlueOne0

    *puts popcorn in microwave. Pulls up comfy chair.

  • lemmys_wart0

    wild homo...

  • k0na_an0k

    I don't care if I get banned for this, but now you're the one who is lying Rick.

    Your timetable of events is a flat out lie.

    You said...

    You said you sent me your resume (which was a lie, you never sent me your resume, I worked at a company where we received it) and the reason you didn't get hired was because of our disagreement on the war in Iraq.

    You sent your resume Summer of 2005 as an intern was running the project you applied for.

    The Iraq war started March of 2003.

    Then you stated "To think that when you were unemployed I was sending you job leads and shit and was generally worried about you."

    I was unemployed from August 2003 - January 2004. (Funny thing about saving all of your tax information since 2000, it's good for records)

    So in your timetable we started fighting/hating each other March 2003. You somehow felt sorry for me again by August 2003, then a full 2 years later you still think we're mad at each other over a war. Or occupation as you call it.

    You're lying.

    You're timetable is fucked.

    Don't think sending me job leads and feeling sorry for me = posting on Newstoday. You're stretching your lie to work for you and only telling half the story.

    Your hatred for me has blinded you and you're living the lie about it with your posts.

    You say I said some mean and hurtful things to you, but what do you think you've been throwing my way since 03? You can dish it out but can't take it. Instead when I dish it back you try your hardest to call me out for being the bad guy. Again, skewing the facts and only telling half the story to make it work for you.

    There is a reason why you're only one in a handful of guys who's always on my case about the 'lies' you say I'm guilty of. You're the only one who believes them. The rest of the handful are your partners in crime Jesse, pavlov and lemmy who are actually the same person, who btw have gone MIA since the IP Address recognition hubub has been thrown around NT for the new site.

    You tell me I'm playing the victim in the same thread you're playing the victim pulling lies from your ass to try and make yourself look good. It's not working.

    And Jesse, no one remembers what I said to you about the Wizard Robe and Hat and quite frankly it's so fucking rediculous even mentioning it it's beyond me why the hell it bugs you 3-4 years later. If it bothers you so much like I said, email me and at least tell me what I did, because I've asked NT twice now and no one knows.

    So Rick, I feel ashamed having to post this but if I emailed it to you you'd probably respond with 'gfy' like you did when I asked you to come to NT and apologize for getting the whole metadata thing wrong, or at the very least tell NT you were wrong. Now you're on my ass about 'manning up' as you put it in one of the 5 hatemails you sent, yet months ago you couldn't 'man up' to being wrong about the metadata.

    That's being a Hypocrite with a nasty double standard.

    Hope at least a few people read this before it gets pulled, and if I get banned so be it, at least I cleared up your lies.

    Oh, and you calling me a liar while lying in the same breath... irony.

    Your hate has skewed your history and you have no idea why you hate me anymore, you just know you do.

    If I get banned so long NT. Some of you made this place great.
