Employer Interview

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  • 6 Responses
  • adamm

    I am on a 2nd interview for a Sr. Designer position within my company. I work in another dept. and want to be in the "real" design dept.
    What are some good questions I can ask them? I really want to grill them! (ie, Where do you see this dept going over the next year? and Why is your design have a dated look? maybe not that extreme)
    They said they want someone to really lead this dept. and i feel that I can...

    Thanks mates!

  • adamm0


  • edd-e0

    as a senior designer, you shouldnt focus on the negative aspects of where your new opportunity will take you.

    your first questions should be what will be your new role as a senior level..what will become your new responsibilities with your new title...whom will you now asnwer to and who will now answer to you.

    more money means more responsibilites and more respect.

    what is that more with this new level? figure that out for yourself, ask them where you can grow more as a new senior level designer.

    what new innovations will your exxpertise bring to this new division for you.

    dont ask dummb qquestions like where does this department see itself in 5 years if you are already part of the company, that kind of questioning shows that you really arent senior level material because it shows you really are not focusing on the company and its real time growth since its you who are already part of that team [the company itself] you should make an effort to know where the company will be in 5 years.

    think about it...

    good luck.

  • spendogg0

    what edd-e said.

    I would also ask what their expectations are of the Sr. position and then tell them why you will exceed those expectations - go in there with a good idea of what goals you want to accomplish and see if it meshes

  • material-10

    I always diss the employer first thing, makes them realize who is in charge.


  • edd-e0

    yes, even though you are part of the company and you have a rapport with your superiors already dont be cocky with an attitude as now you want to show them your are worthy not just to become a senior level designer, but that you have the ability to surpass that level and continue to grow.

    i would ask upfront about having assistants, you may not be able to get that into the job after you have already starrted the position.

    ask them what are your new perks with this new position.

    get everything in writing.

  • adamm0

    awesome thanks guys, that helped!

    It's odd, I have worked with those designers, been told I do better work than them but yet there boss is not recognizing that. pretty frustrating....

    Anywho, thanks again for your suggestions.