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  • orkman

    Here's one for you. Is it unfair to make the generalization clients will often pick the worst design presented to them?

    When I first started in the design industry, more seasoned designers would tell me "don't post anything you personally don't like or the client will undoubtedly pick it."

    So, my bad for posting something I wasn't totally happy with next to something I felt was strong, but they picked the weaker one and I kicked myself for trying to pass it by them.

    It seems that going back to basics, that good color choice...typography...photograph... integrating basic principles of design should win out, but it seems more than half the time the untrained eye will pick the weaker design. It seems like I could present something pretty solid next to something mediocre and flip a coin on what they'll pick.

    Lesson learned, don't post crap for client review. It's a disservice to both them as a client and me as a designer.

    Is great design objective or subjective? And how many comps do you usually present a client for review?

    Props to you designers out there that nail the design every time. I'm still learning...

    Thanks for any thoughts on this.

  • republik80

    Is it unfair to make the generalization clients will often pick the worst design presented to them?

    (Nov 2 06, 21:25)

    Yes. I wouldn't like clients to make generalisations about me or my work.