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  • 10 Responses
  • mog

    anyone go there?

  • formcounterform0

    Enter response:they suck. you do not even need a portfolio to get in, so guess who your classmates will be? rich kids who can afford to pay full price with little to no talent. they are not accredited by nasad(national association of schools of art and design) so guess what happens if you want to transfer? they are not memebers of aicad, meaning you can not do any exchanges at other design schools like , RISD, SAIC, KCAI, MICA, or the Cooper Union. There are much much better design schools to try before you look at SCAD.

  • rubifuse0

    I went to SCAD for my BFA. What did you want to know about it?

  • mog0

    I am liiking into MFA degrees and I hear so much about Savannah. How was the quality of your personal education? Was it worth it for you/did you get a scholarship? What emphasis?

  • rubifuse0

    I didn't have a scholarship. I worked 3 jobs and had a loan. I could sit here for an hour and tlak to you about it. What was it you wanted to study?

  • mog0

    :) email?

  • rubifuse0

    just sent one

  • mog0

    Thanks for the responses and other suggestions as well. I need to do some extensive research on this but wanted to get some NTers opinions too. so if anyone else has ideas good or bad please keep them coming

  • znort0

    had my MA degree on illustration. Illustration department really sucks. I heard graphic design department is kinda anal about everything, really uptight. I saw their building and the works of students on the walls, they were regular stuff, I didn't see any fresh cool design work...The education overall is not satisfying but they sure make you work a lot. And also very important: SCAD is known as a school that only cares about money, not quality. They put extra hours last quarter, to be able to accept more students=more money. I agree on the untalented students issue(most of them). In the new program, classes start at 8.00 am. In the old program it was 9.00 am. However, Savannah is a beautiful place ...

  • Seanbot0

    A friend/co-worker of mine just dropped out of the MFA program at SCAD due to the uncontrollable amount of untalented pre-grads tearing the school a new one.

    Check out RISD, Parsons, MCAD.

  • tGP0

    i went there for a few years, for a BFA in "computer arts" was for interactive design. i also have family in savannah, so i visit the city alot and know it well (my wife is from there)

    ive had this same conversation more times than you can imagine...

    in my opinion, the school is what you make of it. i totally agree with everything ive read so far. they have an EXTREMLY open admission policy, you WILL have people in your class that have NO experience in what they are majoring in (and unfortunately, wont care in change that when they are there)

    scholarships are there, there are very few scholarships woth much in my opinion that are awarded based on pure merit, if you play a sport, you can get hooked up, which for a private art school sound very weird, and dumb.

    there are TONS of resources there. the comp labs are super nice, you can have basically anything you can imagine to check out if you are in a major that can make use of that (video , film, 3d)

    there are lots of sub par teachers, many many are recycled grad students. there are a few good teachers there. i emphasis few.

    try this when you are talking to recruitment, ask them what percentage of graduating (with degree) SCAD alumni get a job out of school, eventually, etc etc.

    my experience, they will not tell you. and there is a reason for that, very very very few friends of mine that graduated ended up doing what they went to school for, mostly due to skill. now, i know any school you go to has that, but, id hate to spend 80k+ on tuition and be in that situation

    the city is very nice for a smaller city. crime is very very bad for a city of that size, a good percentage of people i know have have been broken into and had stuff stolen. the city has lots of great restraunts, tons of old places to rent that are really cool in the downtown area.

    i went there for a few yrs, while i was there, 99% of what i learned i did on my own, out of class. i droped out after a few yrs, self taught, and got a job. for me that worked. i couldnt justify spending 20k+ a year to basically have access to a mac with the limited software i need (which i could buy and OWN for under 5k)

    soo factor i would weigh...
    - greath facilities (if you are in a major that can benefit from them)
    - high tuition
    - intersting city (but also somewhat unsafe)
    - mediocre instruction for the most part
    - large large large studen body, great for networking, buuuut, if a high percentage of them are never even going to enter the industry they are going for, does that matter... for me it didnt...

    feel free to ask many any questions you may have, hope i can be of help
