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  • agentfour

    Ok so this may deserve a timeline but i just saw this on the weekend. Apparently a popular kids show with just a couple of innuendos.

    feel free to drop a timeline if this has been posted a million times before....if so i apologise.

    but if not, how the fuck did they get away with this?

  • lofielectronic0


    Back in the early days, before the days of VHS and now recordable DVDs etc the VT depts of both the BBC and ITV would make elaborate out-take, p*ss-take shows for sending out to their staff. The practice was stopped by the various TV managements once copies got out on Betamax and VHS around the early eighties for legal / taste reasons etc.

    THE 'Twangers' clip was actually written by Roy Skelton, who not only voiced Zippy AND George, but was also a Dalek in many old Doctor Who stories.

    It's a real tape with the real performers, but it was filmed as a joke and never intended for public consumption. There was a great tradition at the BBC and ITV companies of the videotape editing departments compiling tapes for their christmas parties - including clips with shows shot especially for the internal tape.

    It was recorded in 1979, when the show had been running for several years.
    It was never intended to be shown on TV. In fact, the sketch was performed simply for the amusement of the cast and crew, and would have been lost to history, were it not for the
    OBA 1 Christmas tape put together by Thames TV engineers.

    OBA 1
    (Thames, 1979, 20m)

    E/H: Countdown clock (Animated photos barking 'VT, are you ready?' etc)
    E/H: Star Trek parody (Search for new civilizations, etc)
    R/M: Hot Gossip (Or people very much like them)
    E/H: 'Tonight on OBA 1'/Kenny Everett jingle
    E/H & O/T: OBA recruitment ad - includes Tommy Cooper out-takes
    A/C & R/M: Kenny Everett jingle (overdubbed - changes 'Thames TV' to 'OBA')
    A/C & E/H: Buzby Telecom parody
    E/H: Ad for new station chip
    E/H: Negro animation
    O/T: The Sweeney - Ad spoof
    R/M: Rainbow sketch **
    E/H: VT groupies/deodorant ad spoof
    Kenny Everett link (Choir)
    O/T: The Kenny Everett Video Show - Sid Snot says he's not a swearing man
    R/M: Spike Milligan - 'Merry Christmas, even if you're Jewish...'

  • Mal0

    another Rainbow related gem.

  • Nairn0

    * giggles like a little girl.

  • flavorful0

    this go ahead and timeline me disclaimer has got to stop.
    (Sep 26 06, 16:24)

  • TheBlueOne0

    If we actually timelined you, this would fall on a point so early on the timeline that astrophysicists have no measurable data for it, nor terminology...it wuold be lik ein the first few microseconds after the Big Bang, perhaps even predating the event itself and thus living in an area of the timeline known as "pre-time"...

  • agentfour0

    its so old its cool again.