Thinking of a Conversation Last Night I Had

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  • kingjulien

    That isn't Vicodin in this bottle is it?
    So if I came in when you were out and stole these I wouldn't be taking Vicodin.
    I would prefer that you didn't steal my medication.
    But it's not Vicodin, right?
    You've got to be kidding me.
    Just say it's not.
    I already did.
    Confirm for me a second time then.
    It's not Vicodin. It's the medication for the headaches I had, you know the ones that had me holed up for 9 months?
    What is it then?
    None of your fuckin business.
    It must be then, for you to be so defensive.
    Look, you've been home literally two minutes from rehab, you wanted to come in here to see my photos on the wall (and how I've set up the room), and now you're freaking out about legitimate medication, the ones I got from a neurologist. Remember, I don't hustle emergency rooms.
    I'm sorry, you're right, Rob. Forgive me, please.
    You're forgiven. Just no going through my stuff, okay. I need that to stay well, at least until I'm headache free for two months.
    Okay. I'm sorry.
    Everything is cool. Relax. Take a deep breath. One day at a time, right?

    She really said that? I can't believe she was talking about stealing your stuff. Are you worried now?
    She's just, you know, neurotic, but she's not a bad person. In fact, she adores me, and I love her like family, and in her right mind she would never do anything to harm me.
    So what was really in that bottle?
    So you lied?
    Well, um yes, uh, well, no. It was part of the same family, but not technically the same. So in a way I was telling the truth.
    And you didn't feel compelled to explain that?
    Splitting hairs are we?
    It's for the greater good though.
    You don't have to always be in journalist mode.
    What did you do with the bottle after she went into her room?
    I closed the door, ate everything that was left, watched Ratcatcher for like the 10th time, dozed off half way through, and then ripped the label off the bottle so she couldn't research it on the internet when I was gone.
    Good move.
    Yes, I think it was.

  • grunttt0

    if i lived with a recovering addict i'd pad lock my door... but with a pink padlock in order to show that i'm not trying to be a dick.

  • kingjulien0

    What are you doing there?
    Oh, just some freelance work.
    You're not writing about me again are you?
    No, never.