flash q

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  • 3 Responses
  • nadnerb

    I looked for this for a while - in the help files, tutorial sites etc. but I don't really know what to search for.
    How do I get an object in a .swf to respond to browser adjustments? I mean when everything stays the same size except the bg stretches to fit the browser, or everything stays in one place except one thing keeps a position in relation to the size of the .swf. i.e. - - -


    anyone? thanks.

  • visualplane0

    Add the following code to your main stage.

    this.myListener = new Object();

    this.myListener.onResize = function() {


    Stage.align = "TL";

    Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";

    function repos() {
    //bg is the instance name of a movieclip inside that will resize

    bg._height = Stage.height;
    bg._width = Stage.width;
    bg._x = 0;
    bg._y = 0;

    //topbar is a loaded from a external swf with a movieclip inside with a instance name topbar

    _level5.topbar._x = 0;
    _level5.topbar._y = 0;
    _level5.topbar._width = Stage.width;

    _level5.lowbar._x = 0;
    _level5.lowbar._y = 587;
    _level5.lowbar._width = Stage.width;
    _level5.lowbar._height = Stage.height - 587

    _level4.gradient._x = 0;
    _level4.gradient._y = 108;
    _level4.gradient._width = Stage.width;

    _level4.text._x = 485;
    _level4.text._y = 121.5;


    function loadEverything() {
    //these are external movies that will resize at different widths


  • blaw0

    that'll be really handy.

    thanks, vp.

  • nadnerb0

    Nice, thanks a lot.
    looks pretty simple. I'd finally found that "Stage" stuff a few minutes ago but I wasn't quite sure how to implement it.