Design salaries in Canada

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    Hey everyone.

    I've been freelancing for a while and figure it's time to get a more steady job with either a design firm or some in-house work, and am out of the loop in terms of what kind of salaries a graphic designer/web designer could be making these days.

    I've been checking out some of the previous posts on salaries here (mostly NYC and cali based) but was wondering what some canadian people are making $$ so that I can figure out where to position myself when it comes time for an interview ...

    I've been freelancing for maybe 5 years, have a degree in multimedia & graphci design and a second one in new media design.

    any ideas?



  • jmteow0

    According the National Survey of Graphic Design Salaries and Billing Practices:

    2004 Salary (National)

    Web Developer
    Average Salary: 49,732
    Number of Respondents: 19

    Junior Graphic Designer
    Average Salary: 30,149
    Number of Respondents: 74

    Intermediate Graphic Designer
    Average Salary: 37,293
    Number of Respondents: 142

    Senior Graphic Designer
    Average Salary: 45,581
    Number of Respondents: 218

    The salaries are of course in Canadian dollars.

    These numbers are of course, limited in scope due to the number of respondents. Moreover, they vary according to city.