I Visit Illegal Websites
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- 38 Responses
- ********0
I work for univac
- mr_snuggles0
- e-pill0
that was one of the best battles ever!!!
i miss the old battles with 1 pic
- mr_snuggles0
agreed, where is the gallery for that one?
- e-pill0
version3 has it on his site
but they are all '05 and i think that battle was '04 or earlier.
im sure he still has it somewhere.
- ********0
you should start using mozilla's thunderbird email app - it has some sort of 'heuristic' spam filter that you train; after about a week it's trained enough to block 99% of the spam. awesome. plus you can mark emails with colors, which you can't do with outlook express.
plus you can set up different accounts all in the same folder structure. again i say awesome.
- e_b_c0
I too am visiting illegal websites, getting great stock quotes, have access to paris and nicole pictures, can have all the pharmaceez pilllz i want, have been logged (because the CIA emails people who are doing illegal things), have suffered SMTP failures, and Get QUARK particles.
- skelly0
I've been using gmail for almost 2 years and only about 3 spam emails have ever slipped by into my inbox.
- tkmeister0
i got an spam email from fbi.gov. wtf. i am not opening any stupid attachment!@!!
- e-pill0
tk are you bored in tokyo??
- tkmeister0
eddie, it's 5.40am here.
i woke up and can't go back to sleep...
we had an earthquake an hour ago and i woke up to it.
- ********0
it always cracks me up, when some idiot at an office opens up a virus. why in the sam h*ll would you ever open red_shiny_button.exe?
- e-pill0
e-quake in tokyo or somewhere else?
- mattyd0
all my emails are from either cia.gov or fbi.gov.
granted, the copious amounts of porn i look at daily had me a little freaked when i saw the first email, but the 600 afterwards have calmed my fears.
- arinya0
I got two insane emails that make absolutley no sense at all! They both started with a link to a site that did not turn up in google, a serices of initials and prices followed by what looks like lines from a book. wtf?!?!?
- Scottizzle0
I too have been with gmail for albout 2 years with only 1 or 2 spam's getting thru.
- akrok0
I mean another one... I work for Apple.
(Dec 16 05, 10:36)At the Groove?