Autistic: AdCritic type of sites?

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  • 2 Responses
  • del_razor

    Hey everyone..

    working here at the tv station.. i keep getting this phone call from an autistic guy..

    now i'm not making fun of him.. but it's really annoying because he keeps going in circles in the conversation and won't hang up..

    he wants copies of some budweiser commercials that aired about 6 months ago.. they were the retro commercials.. that they re-aired when they were introducing the retro bottle? or something like that..

    we don't handle those commercials.. the network does (ABC)..

    anyway.. i want to direct him to somewhere he can get what he needs and leave me alone..

    anyone know of a site.. other than that would have a nice archive of lots of commercials?

    i have a feeling when he sees the subscription price for AdCritic.. he'll start calling me asking again.. since he can't afford the price..

    thanks everyone.. help an autistic guy out here :)

    btw.. he's AUTISTIC, not ARTISTIC.. (har dee har har)

  • skt0

    Give him a hug. They hate that.


  • tny0

    good on you