Brockmann -

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  • NegativeSpace

    I am sure many of you have seen the JMB posters exhibiton online at , but my question is as anyone ever ordered something from them?

    Last week (March 30th) I ordered the JMB catalogue, said it would be 44 pounds.

    They charged 30 pounds to my credit card (which happens automatically through paypal) and I am wondering why they did not add the shipping costs which would have made it 44. I only got the auto paypal receipt from them.

    I emailed them on the 1st, and no reply, sent another email and still no reply. Seems a little unusual I would think.

    Just wondering if anyone has ordered from them before and if there was just an unusually long wait or any troubles through them?

  • Solid0

    wow - i didn't even realize you could buy stuff from there ... too bad you can't by prints of the JMB posters :D

    .. or can you?

  • NegativeSpace0

    No you cant, I would be all over that. I think there are sites that do sell them but quite expensive.

    They have a cool poster that they did in a similar format as his for the gallery that is still pretty cool though.