spam poetry thread

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  • kld

    Not bad


    His beautiful ipaq looks around and a expensive house fidgeting.
    Our soft stupid soft caw looks around.
    Her daughters green silver white table sleeps.
    Any given stupid shining caw got an idea.
    Their hairy well-crafted boots stands-still.
    His brothers expensive tv smells and any bluish pensil smells and perhaps a given beautiful baby is on fire as soon as any green book stares.
    Our smart dog prepare for fight or his brothers white bottle calms-down.
    Their green smart picture makes sound.
    Any white forg snores or maybe our shining tv calms-down.
    His round hairy beautiful sport shoes got an idea at the place that our white tall small eraser walks.
    Their small laptop is angry.
    Their fancy wine lies while his brothers little caw fidgeting and perhaps her daughters white golden eraser stares.
    Whose white expensive computer calculates.
    His brothers round-shaped fancy camera is on fire.
    Our children odd shaped printer got an idea.
    Any expe!
    nsive spoon calculates.
    Her shining bottle smells.