Phone System/Small office

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  • ok_jason

    Anybody have any ideas about chosing a good phone system for a small office? We need 2 lines, voice mail and cordless phones. I have checked around but am getting nothing but ads.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • sparker0

    picking a telco can be pretty hard.

    price and service quality is a key feature.

    a warning, though, even the smallest telco installation can run you thousands of dollars.

    i did an office space with 3 rooms, 10 phones and a fax machine and it was well over 10K for hardware and installation.

    if you've got big balls and an interest in becoming a could set up a Linux/Asterisk VOIP network.

    i built a protype for around $1500.

    the best thing you can do is call your local isp and ask them what a decent telco provider would be for your situation...