How to convince your boss if hes cheap?

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  • surfito

    my pc sucks, it sucks big time, i think productionwise, im down 50% my capacity, or more, they want at least 60% i think im at around 30 or 40, 50 on good days.

    but, really 25% of that is because my computer is wayyy tooo sloooow, if i have illustrator photoshop and flash open, flash crashes everytime i open the editor, and if i need to launch dreamweaver, it wont ven show up on screen, and if i have to launch illustrator with the rest of the programs on, then the computer freezes.

    i need to have illustrator, photoshop flash and dreamweaver on all the time, plus i also work with aftereffects, audio software and i tunes must be on the whole time, at least now i plug the speakers to the ipod and listen to music, but still.

    theyre complaining im not fast enough, and they dont understand is the computer and i allways ask for a new one and they say yes but never do anything.

    any research studies out there explaining how production goes down when the computers suck?

    thast the only way theill invest, if i convince them that theyre loosing half their money cause i have a crappy computer. my coworker even brought his own one.

    shit this is long.

  • Bio0

    mace on rectal tissue.

  • toastie0

    just tell him what you told us

  • Gilt0010

    Just unplug it and take it into his office. Then set it down on the floor. After which, proceed down on all fours and begin dry humping it madly. And of course, if he tries to ask you what you're doing, ignore him competely and just continue banging away. All the while just keep repeating "I'll show you how to work right! Yeah, yeah I'll show you how to work right!"