Reasons To Join the AIGA?

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  • 2 Responses
  • seventys

    Hi all.

    I know this topic has been brought up before, but I wanted to know what value there is to joining the AIGA. The yearly membership is somewhat expensive, and I was hoping that a current AIGA member might enlighten me to its value and importance to a designer.

    I am working freelance at the moment, so if the organization can help me network and find more work opportunities, then that would be great. But since I don't know any members, I wanted to get some insider's feedback here. What are the pros and cons? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

  • F_180

    being an AIGA is a goo dthing. you network more, make stronger connections, and members are always looking out for each other. i've only been a member for about 6 months, and i've def. goten a lot more than my moneys worth out of joining...especially as a freelancer.

  • seventys0

    Thanks for the feedback F_18.

    I wished that I got more replies, but I suppose that next time, I should keep the headline shorter.

    Anyways, I'm leaning a little closer to joining because of your response. Thanks.