calling all british..

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  • virtu going to england for 10 days around christmas time. im an england virgin, so i have no idea what the hell to do or where to go. I need some serious suggestions on where to go when im there. I think i am staying in birmingham and in london. So, what are the dope places to go? and, what is the weather like that time of year? i imagine it is cold as sin. does it normally snow around that time? im so damn excited to get out of the country and breathe some foreign air.

  • vespa0

    mmm yea the air in london will be lovely that time of year.

    what sort of thing are you looking for? clubs? galleries? bars? shops?

  • normal0

    Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times and thank you for riding.

    I'm an LA transplant living in London so yeah I can say that it's cold in comparison. It's all about the layering. But it probably won't snow with global warming and all that it will just drizzle annoyingly for probably your entire stay.

    Birmingham, well the only thing to see in Bham is the fucking bull ring, there is also the custard factory which has a few bars and it's alright. But other than that it seems to me that Birmingham is just one giant shopping centre with not a single good looking girl in sight for miles. It was actually kind've disturbing and much like being in the midwest.

    London on the other hand is veritable playground for the mind and eyes. Must sees and do's.

    Tate Modern
    Design Museum
    Saatchi Gallery
    The London Eye
    Primrose Hill
    Covent Garden (Magma Books)

    My usual Sunday tour is
    Brick Lane and Spitalfields Market then hit the Owl and Pussycat Pub for a proper british carve-up roast.

    Portobello Market (Saturday)
    Dover Street Market (It's a store)
    Sketch (it's like a really pretentious hotel lobby without the hotel, a must see.)

    The best food is in West london in and around portobello road, notting hill, that's where you're going to find the fare most resembling LA cuisine. Don't go for sushi because it's a joke here. The best nightlife in my opinion is in East London. Tons of bars, pubs, clubs, wander until you find something that fits. I personally like my drinking establishments a bit on the tatty side.


  • virtu0

    normal. thanks for the info man. oh, and normal, is stuff over there about the same price as things here?

    i am a pretty chill guy, so i probably wont be doing much of the club scene. I want to hit up some sweet pubs though. I just want to do the chill, walk around and see cool shit thing. I am gonna go to the national gallery for sure. But, i dont know exactly my plan. drinking and nice things to see. cheap shopping would be cool too. what place can i go to shop for cheap but that is still cool?

  • ewo0

    Old Navy

  • normal0

    shopping wise.

    Topman and H&M if you don't want to blow a load of cash and get some disposable "london" fashions. I personally am a believer in man uniforms and wear pretty much the same thing everyday.

    Selfridges is good if you want to spend a bit more.

    some small boutiquey mens wear places are found off of Carnaby St like Cinch.

    Berwick St. for music. Fopp in covent garden as well.

  • virtu0

    do things cost more there? everyday stuff like cigarettes and food and beer?

  • gerbert0

    Mind the Gap