FireFox/Safari Flash bugs

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  • fate

    Ok, I started another thread similar to this. Here's the summary...

    I was having weird flash problems. The movie would play smoothly in IE and the Flash testing environment, but not in Safari or FireFox. I was running a modest if maybe outdated machine that should not have affected performance, nor was the swf very processor intensive.

    It was a weird bug, because it would slow down even the mouse movement in some cases.

    The bug-- because that's what I believe it is--is some pretty massive slowdown when the Safari and FireFox flash plugins try to do color multiplication, such as for transitions. You can modify color multiplications in the Advanced section of the properties panel for an MC.

    This issue pertains to bitmaps undergoing color multiplication right now.

    All in all, this is a pain in the ass because it's fucked up some decent looking transitions I had planned. Be advised about this issue.